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Teilnehmer des JCF-Frühjahrssymposiums 2017 in Mainz
Teilnehmer des JCF-Frühjahrssymposiums
2017 in Mainz zum 20. Geburtstag des JCF

The young, mostly student members of the GDCh are organized in the JungChemikerForum (JCF). Here young chemists coordinate and organize their interests and activities. All student members and other members in training as well as those full GDCh members who are listed as young members according to the contribution regulations form the JungChemikerForum.

Young chemists are represented at 54 locations

The regional forums of the JCF, which exist in 54 of the 60 GDCh local sections local sections . The regional forums organize a wide range of events, from high-profile lectures to seminars, introductory events, job exchanges, experiments for young and old to conferences lasting several days. The largest multi-day event of the JungChemikerForum is the annual spring symposium organized by a regional forum, which, with more than 300 participants, has achieved international renown as a stage for young talents.

In the regional forums, spokespersons and their deputies are elected by young members registered in the corresponding regional forums. From this circle of speakers, the JCF national board, consisting of a national spokesman and four deputies, is elected for one year. The Federal Board coordinates the activities of the JungChemikerForum and represents it internally and externally.

The JCF is not a legally independent structure of the GDCh. The statutes of the society are binding for them and their members.

Links to JCF activities



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