
NextGenMedChem group of the GDCh Division of Medicinal Chemistry

We are NextGenMedChem, a group of young and passionate medicinal chemists from industry and academia. The team was founded in early 2020 as a part of the Division of Medicinal Chemistry ("Division of Medicinal Chemistry") of the German Chemical Society (GDCh). Our mission is to inspire, educate and connect the next generation of medicinal chemists. Coming from different sectors of pharmaceutical research, we want to make use of our broad network and expertise to provide a vibrant communication and training platform for Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers, and early-career professionals. We further aim to increase the visibility of medicinal chemistry as a fascinating and highly challenging research field.

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Current & future activities


Training & Support


  • Online seminar series " MedChemCASES "
  • MedChem Stories and Publication Highlights
  • Mentoring
  • Job offers




  • Dr. Philipp Barbie
    Head of Laboratory Medicinal Chemistry @ Bayer

  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Gehringer
    Professor @ Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christina Lamers
    Junior Professor @ University of Leipzig
  • Dr. Maria Mendez Perez
    Section Head Medicinal Chemistry @ Sanofi
  • Dr. Felix Pape
    Head of Laboratory Medicinal Chemistry @ Nuvisan
  • Dr. Marta Pinto
    Senior Research Scientist @ AbbVie
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Schiedel
    Professor @ Technical University Braunschweig
  • Dr. Andrea Unzue Lopez
    Associate Director Medicinal Chemistry @ Merck


Former NextGenMedChem members

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last modified: 08.07.2024 15:29 H from N/A