AK Chemo- & Biosensors

Working Group Chemo- & Biosensors

The Working Group Chemo- & Biosensors of the GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry sees its main task as bringing together the various directions in the field of biochemical and chemical sensors, bundling activities, promoting the exchange of experience between the various areas of detection principles and between universities, research institutions and industry, as well as the integration of young scientists.

The focus is on the interdisciplinary approach across the various disciplines, detection principles and applications: from materials science to life sciences, from process control and measurement technology to bioanalytics and diagnostics, miniaturization and parallelization, problems of interfacial chemistry, embedding of indicators or markers in sol-gels, but also in biopolymers for stabilization for biomolecular receptors.

Shortlink to this page: www.gdch.de/sensoren

Board 2025-2028

PD Dr. Michael Seidel (Chair), Technical University of Munich
Dr. Mark-Steven Steiner (Deputy Chair), Xylem Analytics Germany GmbH, Weilheim

Board 2021-2024

Prof. Dr. Antje Baeumner (Chair), University of Regensburg
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Fred Lisdat (Chair), TH Wildau
Dr. Mark-Steven Steiner (Chair), Xylem Analytics Germany GmbH, Weilheim

European Biosensor Symposia (EBS)

This interdisciplinary, international conference series with a focus on young academics has taken place every two years since 2017 and has its origins in the successful German Biosensor Symposia.

European Biosensor Symposia


March 24-26, 2026
Int. Congress Center
Munich (ICM)

Annual reports





Working Guidelines


GDCh Office
Dr. Carina S. Kniep
Phone: +49 69 7917-499

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last modified: 21.03.2025 07:45 H from M.Fries