Scholarship program

Scholarship program of the GDCh Working Group Vocational Education

The Working Group Vocational Education (AGBB) of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) awards a limited number of travel scholarships to younger AGBB members to attend selected conferences or trade fairs.


  • Target group: Trainees (chemical laboratory technicians, chemical technicians), CTA students and young professionals in these areas (up to two years after entering professional life)
  • Requirement: Membership in the AGBB and the writing of a report following the trade fair or conference visit, which is published on the AGBB website.

Become a member of the AGBB

There are currently no scholarships advertised.

Visit to the analytica trade fair

analytica 2022: mit T. Letzel (re;
AGBB-Vorsitz; Foto: T. Letzel)

In even-numbered years, the AGBB awards a limited number of scholarships to younger members to visit the analytica trade fair in Munich together. The group of scholarship holders can benefit from an interesting program including discussions with companies, tours of parts of the analytica and a free visit to the trade fair at the end.

Visit to the GDCh Science Forum Chemistry

In 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2023, the AGBB awarded travel scholarships to younger AGBB members to attend the GDCh Science Forum on Chemistry.

+++ WiFo Report 2023 +++ WiFo Reports 2019 +++ WiFo Reports 2017 +++ WiFo Reports 2015 +++

WiFo 2023 in Leipzig
(Foto: C.S. Kniep)
WiFo 2019 in Aachen
(Foto: GDCh)
WiFo 2017 in Berlin

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last modified: 08.07.2024 10:29 H from N/A