

JungeFeste is a group of young researchers within the GDCh Division of Solid-State Chemistry & Materials Research that represents the concerns and interests of young scientists in these fields. This includes all interested members of the Divisions who do not yet have a permanent position: from students to junior professors. JungeFeste sends two people as permanent guests to the Board of the Division to ensure direct connection. Members of JungeFeste have access to the mentoring program as well as various events and workshops. All news can be found in our newsletter and on social media. You can find the complete overview at linktr.ee/jungefeste.

Virtual meetings to get to know each other, network and socialize take place every 4th Friday of the month at 3:00 p.m. If you have general suggestions, questions or ideas, you can contact Heidi Schwartz (University of Innsbruck) or Günther Thiele (FU Berlin).

For everyone who wants to actively help shape the JungeFeste , there is a planning email distribution list where all important things are discussed, from ideas to organizational details. Membership is open to everyone and we welcome any support, idea or contribution.

Shortlink to this page: www.gdch.de/jungefeste

Current working groups

JungeFeste Mentoring
The JungeFeste mentoring is aimed at master's students, doctoral students, postdocs, postdoctoral candidates and junior professors and is intended to support the participants in their career path. We coordinate the "matching" between suitable mentors and mentees and accompany the tandem throughout the mentoring period with a wide range of questions regarding the mentor-mentee relationship. Contact persons are Heidi Schwartz (University of Innsbruck) and Frank Tambornino (Philipps University of Marburg).

JungeFeste events
The working group is involved in organizing events for young scientists in the Division of Solid-State Chemistry & Materials Research. In addition to the Online lecture series JFK - JungeFesteKolloquium, which is already running, we are also planning face-to-face events in the form of conference sessions or workshops. If you have any event ideas or need support, please contact Sebastian Klemenz (Fraunhofer IWKS, Alzenau/Hanau) or Simon Steinberg (RWTH Aachen University University).

JungeFeste Kommunikation
The JungeFeste Communication group organizes everything related to public relations and other networking - both within JungeFeste in terms of newsletters and monthly virtual meetings and externally via the content of this website, maintenance of the social media presence (X: @ JungeFeste) and networking with specialist groups. If you are interested in supporting us, please send an email to Markus Suta (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf) or Günther Thiele (FU Berlin).

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last modified: 07.03.2025 12:29 H from N/A