PhD Award Nuclear Chemistry

PhD Award from the Division of Nuclear Chemistry

Award statutes

§1 The Board of the Division of the nuclear chemistry Department decides to award a PhD Award from the Division . The number of awardee is limited to three per call for proposals .

§2 The prize is awarded for an outstanding dissertation in the field of nuclear chemistry . As a rule, the submitted work should be completed and evaluated within the period between the Divisions annual conferences (usually two years).

§3 University lecturers and members of the Division are entitled to make nominations. The board and advisory board members of the Division form the jury. They decide with a simple majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the chair of the specialist group decides.

§4 Applications must be submitted in electronic form to the GDCh office . The informal application, which should contain a justification for the candidate proposal, must be enclosed:

• CV with list of publications / lectures / posters / grants and awards
• the corresponding scientific work
• the doctoral certificate or provisional certificate

§5 The award includes a certificate that shows the merits of the recipient. The endowment is set at 500 euros.

§6 The awardee reports on the work at the Division conference. He will be given the opportunity to present the results of his work in seminar lectures at nuclear chemistry universities and research institutions.

§7 Changes to these statutes are only possible with a 2/3 majority of the Divisions board.

Resolution of the board of June 15, 2016, Bern/CH

The awardee is usually recognized at the annual meeting of the Division . The awardee will give a lecture there.

PhD Award from the Division of Nuclear Chemistry - awardee

Dr. Sebastian Fichter, Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf
Dr. Annabelle Mattern, University of Cologne
Dr. Mohamed Fawzy Moustafa Saleh Nawar, University of Bern/CH

Dr. Miriam Bader, Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
Dr. Katharina Domnanich, University of Bern/CH
Dr. Karolin Wagener, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Dr. Björn Drobot, Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
Dr. Bernadette Hammer-Rotzler, University of Bern, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Dr. Patrick Steinegger, University of Bern, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Dr. Jenny Feige, Technical University of Berlin, Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Dr. Sarah Finkeldei, Research Center Jülich, Institute for Energy and Climate Research

Dr. Daniel Fröhlich, University of Mainz, Institute for Nuclear Chemistry
Dr. Christian Förster, Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute for Radiopharmacy

Dr. Moritz Schmidt, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont/USA
Dr. Sascha Trumm, Bruchsal

Dr. Jan Dvorak, TU Munich, Institute for Radiochemistry
Dr. Patrick Riß, University of Mainz, Institute for Nuclear Chemistry
Dr. Kay Großmann, Dresden Rossendorf Research Center

Dr. Tobias Heinrich, Rossendorf Research Center
Dr. Holger Hummrich, University of Mainz, Institute for Nuclear Chemistry
Dr. Konstantin P. Zhernosekov, TU Munich, Institute for Radiochemistry

Dr. Artur Meleshyn, University of Hanover, Center for Radiation Protection and Radioecology
Dr. Silvia Stumpf, University of Heidelberg and FZ Karlsruhe/INE

Dr. Carsten Grüning, Joint Research Center Ispra/I
Dr. André Roßberg, Rossendorf Research Center

Dr. Sönke Szidat, University of Hanover, Center for Radiation Protection and Radioecology
Dr. Robert Eichler, University of Bern/CH, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Institutions/institutes at the time of the award ceremony

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