A pillar of the water research network
The German Society of Water Chemistry GDCh Division is a pillar of the German water research network: Approximately 900 students and professionals from various disciplines are involved in our work, who have made water their profession and enthusiastically contribute their expertise to address challenges in a wide variety of fields. The personal encounters and discussions of current technical developments facilitated by the Society of Water Chemistry serve as a catalyst for this.
The consequences of climate change are felt worldwide and are particularly noticeable in the area of water – often in connection with too much or too little water, or deteriorating water quality. Therefore, the protection, treatment, quality assurance, use, and management of water are becoming increasingly important tasks. We want to contribute to the protection of water as a vital resource and a fundamental human right. To this end, we develop scientific foundations and put them into practice.
The Water Chemistry Society offers interested professionals:
Our experts have completed a wide range of studies and training courses:
In addition to (water) chemists, our members include (micro)biologists, hygienists, hydro(geo)logists, process engineers, engineers, and environmental scientists. These individuals work at and in universities, colleges, research centers, analytical institutes, government agencies, water and energy utilities, the (chemical) industry, and engineering firms. The diversity of disciplines and professional perspectives enables integrated, multidisciplinary, and thus differentiated work.
What topics do we deal with?
May 26-28, 2025
March 24-26, 2026
Int. Congress Center
Munich (ICM)
Current training courses can be found here.
GDCh Office
Dr. Carina S. Kniep
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