Medicinal chemistry

Who we are - What we do

The GDCh Division of Medicinal Chemistry has existed since 1971. Its approximately 900 members work in university institutes, other research institutions and in the pharmaceutical industry. The Division bridges the gap between the subject areas of chemistry, biology, medicine, pharmacy, computer science and engineering. It deals with interdisciplinary issues of modern drug development, in particular finding active ingredients, lead substance optimization including modern technologies such as combinatorial synthesis, high-throughput screening systems based on molecular biological principles, drug design, molecular modelling, quantitative structure/effect analyses, pharmacokinetics and metabolism.

Medicinal chemistry describes a modern multidisciplinary field of research. It uses the latest scientific findings in biology and chemistry for the targeted production of active substances and thus makes a decisive contribution to the development of innovative medicines.

The Division maintains the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and promotes medicinal chemistry, which is not an established subject in Germany


  • Organization of Conferences and training courses, also together with the GDCh Division of Biochemistry, the German Pharmaceutical Society and the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC),
  • Promotion of cooperation between the Divisions of the GDCh and the German Pharmaceutical Society as well as between the university and the pharmaceutical industry.

It promotes and supports young academics and ensures their professional vocational training


  • Further training events, grants for participation in specialist group conferences and symposia,
  • award of doctoral prizes,
  • Awarding of a young talent prize to honor special innovations in medicinal chemistry together with the Division "Pharmaceutical Chemistry" of the German Pharmaceutical Society.

The Division of Medicinal Chemistry is committed to providing German students of chemistry and pharmacy with a good education in order to maintain Germany as a pharmaceutical research location.

Short link to this page:

Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry 2025

Chair: P. Gmeiner


Online seminars
of the Division MedChem


Online seminars of the EFMC-YSN




GDCh Office
Dr. Carina S. Kniep
Phone: +49 69 7917-499

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