Lecture topics

Lecture topics within the framework of the school partnerships

Dr. Heywang beim Experimentieren

For the sake of clarity, the topics of the lectures offered are classified into the following subject areas:

- Management
- Natural Science
- Energy
- Story
- General Chemistry
- Dyes
- Plastics, polymers
- Biochemistry, biotechnology, genetic engineering
- pharmacy and medicine
- food chemistry
- Water
- Photochemistry
- Industrial chemistry, materials
- Environment

organizational. Travel expenses are covered by the inviter. Fees do not apply. Please contact the speakers directly to coordinate appointments.

List of topics (see below). To open the individual topics, please open the green triangle. Alternatively, download the complete list of topics as a PDF. The links by name lead to the relevant page of the lecturer with a more detailed title and information on the target group and duration of the lecture.



  • Quo vadis pharmaceutical research? ( Kleemann )
  • Pharmaceutical industry in transition ( Kleemann )
  • The long way from the idea to the product ( Heywang )
  • When does an investment pay off? Dealing with risk ( Kunz )
  • The working situation of chemists in Europe ( Salzer )

natural Science


  • Scientific careers ( Stevens )
  • Scientific experiments in kindergarten ( Stevens )
  • What makes us vibrate? Acoustics and standing waves (physics) ( Heywang )
  • A little light burns ( Heywang )
  • Can chemistry be kosher? ( Roth )
  • Children's exhibition 'Pipette' ( Schram )
  • Stockholm or Harvard? ( Roth )
  • Curiosity and scientific progress ( Franz )
  • Serendipity or the role of chance in discoveries ( Ehlers )
  • Women and Science ( Ehlers )
  • Stimulated states for stimulating chemistry - Curricular innovation research in chemistry education ( exchange )
  • Photons and molecules - experimental lecture and workshop for schools and universities ( exchange )
  • Plant light laboratory - experimental lecture and workshop for schools and universities ( exchange )
  • Photo & Nano: a strong pair - Thin films with key functions ( Swap )
  • The tongue - a jack of all trades ( Heywang )
  • As if bewitched ( Heywang )
  • Have tones ( Heywang )
  • Rumpelstiltskin ( Heywang )
  • Max and Moritz ( Heywang )
  • Something is dripping – (almost) everything about drops ( Heywang )



  • Chemistry for Energy Storage Technologies ( Franz )
  • Production-integrated environmental protection ( Heywang )
  • Fracking - cheap energy with bad consequences? ( Bader )
  • Energy, our elixir of life – where does it come from, where is it going? ( Schwab )
  • Efficient, electric heating with carbon ( Kunz )
  • Excited states for exciting chemistry - curricular innovation research in chemistry education ( exchange )
  • On the way to artificial photosynthesis - lights on! Even in chemical education! ( exchange )
  • Plant light laboratory - experimental lecture and workshop for schools and universities ( exchange )
  • Chemical use of carbon dioxide - what is possible and what makes sense ( Röper )
  • Lithium: the white gold of the Andes ( Schultheiss-Reimann )



  • Heroes of Science - Bernoulli, Carothers, Hoffmann and Bayer ( Heywang )
  • Dimitri I.Mendeleev - a multi-talent? ( Boeck )
  • Man and chemistry – society, cultural history of a love-hate relationship ( Schram )
  • Book exhibition on chemistry books from 500 years ( Schram )
  • Dyes through the ages ( Hartmann )
  • The Dresden Dye Collection ( Hartmann )
  • 150 years of the Periodic Table of Elements ( Ehlers )
  • Clara Immerwahr and Fritz Haber - Can we learn from history? ( Kammasch )
  • Women and Science ( Ehlers )
  • Luminescence - a paradigm shift for color: "Colors are acts of light" ( Tausch )
  • The Walden Inversion and the Man Behind It ( Boeck )
  • About the first female chemists ( Boeck )
  • Lothar Meyer and the Periodic Table ( Boeck )
  • The fate of Jewish chemists during the National Socialist era ( Boeck )
  • Ferdinand Friedlieb Runge and a forerunner of chromatography – the Runge pictures ( Boeck )
  • The discovery of nitroglycerin and what came of it ( Ehlers )
  • Wilhelm Ostwald and the birth of modern catalysis ( Koppe )
  • Paracelsus — genius instead of chemistry ( Koppe )
  • The development of chemistry into an independent branch of science ( Salzer )

General Chemistry


  • Fascination with Chemistry: “Vivaldi goes Chemistry” ( Full and Ruf )
  • The chemical magic of a Stradivari ( Roth )
  • H 2 O – tapped and originally screwed up ( Roth )
  • Can chemistry be kosher? ( Roth )
  • Highlights from everyday chemistry – experiments with supermarket products ( Schwedt )
  • Molecules that move the world - Part 1: Small molecules, big impact ( Ehlers )
  • Molecules that move the world - Part 2: Molecules as building blocks of life ( Ehlers )
  • Molecules that move the world - Part 3: Drug molecules that made history ( Ehlers )
  • Sugar-sweet chemistry – experiments from glucose to starch ( Schwedt )
  • Chemistry for energy storage technologies ( Franz )
  • Function, invention, innovation - key technology chemistry ( Franz )
  • Crystals and their cultivation ( Altenburg )
  • World of Crystals ( Altenburg )
  • Salt – Crystals of Life ( Bitsch )
  • From table salt to ruby ​​( Altenburg )
  • Right and left – also a chemical problem ( Boeck )
  • Chemistry in computers ( Hecht )
  • Solar catalysis – gentle chemistry with air and sun ( Kisch )
  • Chemistry from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. ( Heywang )
  • Science and art: companions and sisters in spirit ( Schrockenbach )
  • Trade fairs in chemistry ( Zschunke )
  • Conceptual analysis in chemistry ( Zschunke )
  • 150 years of the Persian system of the elements ( Ehlers )
  • Change in the use of raw materials for the chemical industry ( Schwab )
  • Industrial catalysis - a crucial success factor for the chemical industry ( Schwab )
  • Photons and molecules - experimental lecture and workshop for schools and universities ( exchange )
  • Photosynthesis, a case for two - interaction of chlorophyll and β-carotene in photosynthesis ( exchange )
  • Photo & Nano: a strong pair - thin layers with key functions ( exchange )
  • Luminescence - a paradigm shift for color: “The colors are acts of light” ( Exchange )
  • Rumpelstiltskin ( Heywang )
  • Max and Moritz ( Heywang )
  • The tongue, a jack of all trades ( Heywang )
  • Value chains in industrial organic chemistry ( Röper )
  • Homogeneous catalysis in the chemical industry ( Röper )
  • Chemical use of carbon dioxide – what is possible and what makes sense ( Röper )
  • Measuring the water ( Koppe )
  • Lithium: the white gold of the Andes ( Schultiß-Reimann )



  • Dyes through the ages ( Hartmann )
  • The Dresden dye collection ( Hartmann )
  • Dyeing with natural dyes ( Hartmann )
  • Color - music for the eye and the look of effect pigments ( Franz )
  • Tatoo - chemistry that gets under your skin ( Roth )
  • Tatort Berlin: Berlin Blue - its discoverers and traitors ( Roth )
  • Photo & Nano: a strong couple - thin layers with key functions ( exchange )
  • Luminescence - a paradigm shift for color: "The colors are deeds of light" ( exchange )

Plastics, polymers


  • Plastics are simply great ( Heywang )
  • Functional plastics – secret helpers in everyday life ( Rehan )
  • Electrically conductive polymers – history and current applications ( Heywang )
  • Fiber composite materials – efficient materials modeled on nature ( Kunz )
  • Plastic waste: knowledge and speculation ( Kunz )
  • The world of large molecules! – Plastics: curse or blessing? ( Ehlers )

Biochemistry, biotechnology, genetic engineering


  • Chemical and physiological properties of plant polyphenols ( Bitsch )
  • Contributions of biotechnology to the treatment of the widespread disease diabetes mellitus ( Ehlers )
  • Nature as a model – isolation of new drugs from natural Literature ( Ehlers )
  • Isolation and purification of active pharmaceutical ingredients from culture broths ( Ehlers )
  • Vitamin D - a well-known and newly evaluated vitamin ( Bitsch )
  • Chromatography – a key technology for the purification of biopharmaceuticals ( Ehlers )
  • The importance of biotechnology for the industrial production of new substances ( Ehlers )
  • Genetic engineering – what is it? How does it work? ( Jany )
  • Genetic engineering in everyday life ( Jany )
  • Genetically modified foods – opportunities and risks ( Jany )
  • Green genetic engineering – forming opinions in the discourse ( Jany )
  • Ecotoxicology – conventional and genetically modified plants ( Jany )
  • From Mendel to modern plant breeding ( Jany )
  • Chemistry of the cell – live or die ( Saaler-Reinhardt )
  • Chemistry of the cell – cross-border molecule transport ( Saaler-Reinhardt )
  • About sailors, guinea pigs and citrus fruits ( Roth )
  • Use of biotechnology to produce active pharmaceutical ingredients ( Kleemann )
  • On the way to artificial photosynthesis - lights on! Even in chemical education! ( exchange )
  • Light laboratory plant - experimental lecture and workshop for schools and universities ( exchange )
  • Photo & Nano: a strong pair - thin layers with key functions ( exchange )

pharmacy and medicine


  • Quo vadis pharmaceutical research? ( Kleemann )
  • Pharmaceutical industry in transition ( Kleemann )
  • What makes pharmaceutical drug research so attractive? ( Kleemann )
  • Alternative forms of therapy! - Fashion? Bestseller? charlatanry? Placebo effect? What's behind it? ( Ehlers )
  • Iodine contrast agent for computed tomography (CT) ( Schmitt-Willich )
  • Gadolinium contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ( Schmitt-Willich )
  • Contributions of chemistry to diagnostic imaging: contrast media in CT, MR tomography and PET ( Schmitt-Willich )
  • Drugs and addiction - a problem of all societies ( Ehlers )

food chemistry


  • Sparkling wine – also scientifically sparkling! ( Heywang )
  • Oh, oh, oh! ( Heywang ) NEW: also available as an online lecture
  • Healthy ingredients in fruit and vegetables – made visible in experiments ( Schwedt )
  • Principles of nutrition for seniors ( Bitsch )
  • Meat – a dispensable food? ( Bitsch )
  • The chemistry of espresso ( Roth )
  • The chemical secret of the Christmas scent ( Roth )
  • H 2 O – tapped and originally corked ( Roth )
  • Can chemistry be kosher? ( Roth )
  • Sweeteners, the sweet side of chemistry ( Roth )
  • The chemistry of sauces - from Paul Boucuse to the bag ( Roth )
  • From the first beer to the hangover ( Roth )
  • Chocolate - a chemical sensory rush ( Roth )
  • Absinthe – The Kiss of the Green Fairy ( Roth )
  • The chemical secret of the Berlin Currywurst ( Roth )
  • Who's afraid of the big E? (Food additives; R o th)
  • From the Isenheim Altar to the Beatles ( Roth )
  • Chili – ''Some like it spicy! ( Roth )
  • Food of the future – Novel Foods ( Jany )
  • Food intolerances – allergies and pseudoallergies ( Jany )
  • Chemistry and Physiology of Vitamins ( Bitsch )
  • Calcium, iron and iodine as critical minerals/trace elements in
    of the population ( Bitsch )
  • Scents, aromas, olfactory delights ( Büning peacocks )
  • Lust for chemicals in food ( Büning-Pfaue )
  • Honey and sweets from nature ( Heywang )



  • Water – an everyday miracle ( Heywang )
  • Pitsch-Platsch – Experiments with water ( Heywang )
  • physics and Chemistry of Water ( Altenburg )
  • Water as an elixir of life - People's need for water ( Bitsch )
  • Something is dripping – (almost) everything about drops ( Heywang )
  • Water: Cooling - Dissolving - Corrosion ( Koppe )
  • The measurement of water ( Koppe )



  • Solar catalysis - gentle chemistry with air and sun ( Kisch )
  • On the way to artificial photosynthesis - lights on! Even in chemical education! ( Exchange )
  • Photons and molecules - experimental lecture and workshop for schools and universities (exchange)
  • Plant light laboratory - experimental lecture and workshop for schools and universities ( exchange )
  • Excited states for stimulating chemistry - Curricular innovation research in chemistry didactics ( exchange )
  • Photosynthesis - a case for two - interaction of chlorophyll and ?-carotene in photosynthesis ( exchange )
  • Photo & Nano - a strong couple ( swap )

Industrial chemistry, materials


  • Development of chemical processes from the laboratory to production readiness ( Stevens )
  • Lesson topic chemical production ( Stevens )
  • The long path from idea to product ( Heywang )
  • Plastics are simply great! ( Heywang )
  • Functional plastics – secret helpers in everyday life ( Rehan )
  • Electrically conductive polymers – history and current applications ( Heywang )
  • From petroleum to polycarbonates ( Heywang )
  • Lithium ( Rittmeyer )
  • Ceramic superconducting substances ( Altenburg )
  • Perspectives of chemistry on the way to nano-electronics ( Waser )
  • Change in the use of raw materials for the chemical industry ( Schwab )
  • Industrial catalysis - a crucial success factor for the chemical industry ( Schwab )
  • Carbon – true gold? ( Kunz )
  • Efficient, electric heating with carbon ( Kunz )
  • Value chains in industrial organic chemistry ( Röper )
  • Homogeneous catalysis in the chemical industry ( Röper )
  • Change in the raw material basis for the chemical industry ( Röper )
  • Raw material change in the (petro)chemical industry ( Schwab )



  • Production-integrated environmental protection ( Heywang )
  • Fracking – cheap energy with dire consequences? ( Bader )
  • Energy, our elixir of life – where does it come from, where does it go? ( Schwab )
  • Change in the use of raw materials for the chemical industry ( Schwab )
  • How can the IR absorption of CO 2 be calculated using on-board tools? ( Kunz )
  • Plastic waste: knowledge and speculation ( Kunz )
  • Energy efficiency through material selection ( Kunz )
  • Strategy, visions and illusions to save the climate ( Kreysa )
  • Small molecules, big impact - trace gases in the atmosphere ( Müller )

School partnership

Are you interested in passing on your knowledge to students and teachers? We look forward to receiving your suggestions via email.

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last modified: 20.07.2024 16:29 H from Translator