Chemical history worldwide

Chemical history worldwide

Chemical history sections of chemical societies

EuChemS: European Chemical Society
Working Party on History of Chemistry

German Chemical Society (GDCh)
Division of History of Chemistry

Society of Austrian Chemists (GÖCH)
history of chemistry working group

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Historical Group

Royal Netherlands Chemical Association (KNCV)
Chemistry Historical Group

Royal Vlaamse Chemical Association (KVCV)
Section History and Philosophy of Chemistry / Sectie Historiek en Philosophy

Svenska Kemisamfundet: The Swedish Chemical Society
Kemihistoriska nämnden

Norsk kjemisk selskap (NKS)
Fag group for kjemiens history

Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ)
Grupo Especializado de Historia de la Ciencia (GEHCi)
Grupo Especializado de Didáctica e Historia de la Física y la Química

American Chemical Society (ACS)
Division of the History of Chemistry

Societies dedicated to the person and work of individual chemists

Justus Liebig Society

Wilhelm Ostwald Society  

Berzelius-Sällskapet (Berzelius Society)

Further institutions relevant to the history of chemistry

Commission on the History of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences
International Union of History and Philosophy of Science : Division of History of Science and Technology (IUHPS/DHST)

Science History Institute (Philadelphia)
Facebook & Twitter/X & Instagram: @SciHistoryOrg

Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry (Philadelphia)

Oesper Collections in the History of Chemistry (Cincinnati)

Liebig Museum + Laboratory (Gießen)
Twitter/X & YouTube: @liebigmuseum

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last modified: 20.08.2024 08:37 H from N.Bürger