EuChemS: European Chemical Society
Working Party on History of Chemistry
German Chemical Society (GDCh)
Division of History of Chemistry
Society of Austrian Chemists (GÖCH)
history of chemistry working group
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
Historical Group
Royal Netherlands Chemical Association (KNCV)
Chemistry Historical Group
Royal Vlaamse Chemical Association (KVCV)
Section History and Philosophy of Chemistry / Sectie Historiek en Philosophy
Svenska Kemisamfundet: The Swedish Chemical Society
Kemihistoriska nämnden
Norsk kjemisk selskap (NKS)
Fag group for kjemiens history
Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ)
Grupo Especializado de Historia de la Ciencia (GEHCi)
Grupo Especializado de Didáctica e Historia de la Física y la Química
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Division of the History of Chemistry
The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC)
Facebook & Twitter/X & Instagram: @SHACorg
YouTube: @societyforhistoryofalchemy1398
Société française d'histoire de la chimie (SFHC)
National Group of Fondamenti and History of Chimica (GNFSC)
Dansk Selskab for Historisk Kemi
The Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry - Kagakushi Gakkai
Justus Liebig Society
Wilhelm Ostwald Society
Berzelius-Sällskapet (Berzelius Society)
Commission on the History of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences
International Union of History and Philosophy of Science : Division of History of Science and Technology (IUHPS/DHST)
Science History Institute (Philadelphia)
Facebook & Twitter/X & Instagram: @SciHistoryOrg
Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry (Philadelphia)
Oesper Collections in the History of Chemistry (Cincinnati)
Liebig Museum + Laboratory (Gießen)
Twitter/X & YouTube: @liebigmuseum
Chemical Landmarks (Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences)
Chemical Landmarks (RSC Blue Plaques)
National Historic Chemical Landmarks (ACS)
Citation for Chemical Breakthrough Awards (ACS Division of the History of Chemistry)
Chemical Heritage Program 化学遺産 [Kagaku isan] (The Chemical Society of Japan)
AMBIX: The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry – ISSN 0002-6980
Twitter: @AmbixtheJournal
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry: ACS Division of the History of Chemistry - ISSN 1053-4385
Announcements: German Chemical Society: Division of History of Chemistry – ISSN 0934-8506
Historical Group Newsletter: Royal Society of Chemistry – ISSN 2050-0432
Faraday: Boletín de Física y la Química: Grupo Especializado de Didáctica e Historia de la Física y la Química - ISSN 2990-0271
Chemical Intelligence: Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC)
Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry – ISSN 2532-3997
Kagakushi: The Journal of the Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry - ISSN 0386-9512
Distillations Magazine: Science History Institute – ISSN 2375-9801
Selected Classic Papers from the History of Chemistry
Henry C. Bolton, A Select Bibliography of Chemistry, 1492-1892 (Washington 1893)
John Ferguson, Bibliotheca Chemica (Glasgow 1906) - vol. 1 - vol. 2
Collected Bibliography History & Philosophy of Chemistry
The Robert Boyle Project
The Chemistry of Isaac Newton
Panopticon Lavoisier
Hans Hübner (1837-1884)
Linus Pauling Papers
Instruments for Science, 1800–1914: Chemistry
Reports of the Association of Laboratory Directors at German Universities (people search)
Chemistry Tree: The Academic Genealogy of Chemistry Researchers
Lives in Chemistry / Lives in Chemistry
Twitter/X: @livesinchem
Alchemy Network - Gotha Research Center - University of Erfurt
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last modified: 20.08.2024 08:37 H from N.Bürger