Since 2010, the Working Group Separation Science of the GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry has awarded the Eberhard-Gerstel Award every two years for an outstanding publication in the field of analytical separation techniques in an internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journal. The prize is aimed at young scientists and the decisive selection criteria for the award are originality, scientific, methodological or instrumental significance and the independence of the work. The awards are presented as part of the analytica conference, which takes place in Munich in even-numbered years. The decision on the award is made by an international jury.
The prize money is donated by GERSTEL GmbH & Co. KG (Mülheim an der Ruhr), which was founded in 1967 by Eberhard Gerstel and has developed into a world-leading provider of systems and solutions for automated sample preparation and sample introduction in GC/MS and LC/MS.
The price is currently not advertised.
The Eberhard-Gerstel Award 2024, sponsored by Gerstel GmbH & Co. KG, Mülheim an der Ruhr, was awarded to M.Eng. Anish Das (University of Leipzig) on April 9, 2024, during the analytica conference 2024 in Munich.
For outstanding achievements in the field of analytical separation techniques and in recognition of his contribution as first author to the publication “On-the-Fly Mass Spectrometry in Digital Microfluidics Enabled by a Microspray Hole: Toward Multidimensional Reaction Monitoring in Automated Synthesis Platforms” (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 10353-10360).
The Eberhard-Gerstel Award was awarded to Dr. Christoph Gstöttner (Leiden University Medical Center, Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics) on June 21, 2022, as part of the analytica conference 2022. The award was given for his publication “Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis−Mass Spectrometry as a Tool to Unravel Proteoform-Specific Antibody−Receptor Interactions” in the journal Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93, 15133−15141.
The Eberhard-Gerstel Award 2020 was awarded to Sebastian K. Piendl (University of Leipzig) as part of the virtual analytica conference 2020. His publication "2D in Seconds: Coupling of Chip-HPLC with Ion Mobility Spectrometry" in Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91, 7613?7620 was awarded.
Year | Award to | University | publication |
2024 | M.Eng. Anish Das | University of Leipzig |
On-the-Fly Mass Spectrometry in Digital Microfluidics Enabled by a Anish Das, Chris Weise, Matthias Polack, Raphael D. Urban, Benjamin Krafft, Sadat Hasan, Hannes Westphal, Rico Warias, Simon Schmidt, Tanja Gulder, Detlev Belder |
2022 | Dr. Christoph Gstöttner | Leiden University Medical Center | Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis−Mass Spectrometry as a Tool to Unravel Proteoform-Specific Antibody−Receptor Interactions |
2020 | M.Sc. Sebastian K. Piendl | University of Leipzig | 2D in Seconds: Coupling of Chip-HPLC with Ion Mobility Spectrometry |
2018 | M.Sc. Josef Heiland | University of Leipzig | Temperature Gradient Elution and Superheated Eluents in Chip-HPLC |
2016 | M.Sc. Andrea Beutner | University of Regensburg | Two-Dimensional Separation of Ionic Species by Hyphenation of Capillary Ion Chromatography × Capillary Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry |
2014 | M.Sc. Jakob Haun | university Duisburg-Essen | Online and Splitless NanoLC x CapillaryLC with Quadrupole/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometric Detection for Comprehensive Screening Analysis of Complex Samples |
2012 | Dr. Stefan Ohla | University of Leipzig | Monitoring on-chip Pictet-Spengler reactions by integrated analytical separation and label-free time-resolved fluorescence |
2012 | Dr. Steffen Wiese | university Duisburg-Essen | General Strategy for Performing Temperature Programming in High Performance Liquid Chromatography – Prediction of Linear Temperature Gradients |
2010 | Dr. Jens Künnemeyer | University of Münster | Analysis of the Contrast Agent Magnevist and its Transmetalation Products in Blood Plasma by Capillary Electrophoresis / Electrospray Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry |
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last modified: 25.06.2024 16:29 H from N/A