computers in chemistry (CIC)

Who we are - What we do

The Division of Computers in Chemistry deals with all aspects of computer-based acquisition, processing and documentation of information and knowledge in chemistry. It sees its main task as bringing together all interested scientists for the purpose of maintaining and further developing this field of knowledge. It promotes the exchange of ideas and experiences and the provision of professional suggestions, among other things through the


  • Promoting computer applications in chemical sciences as part of university teaching
  • International specialist group annual conference, usually held annually
  • Support of open access and open source developments in the subject area of ​​the Division
  • Cooperation between industry and academia
  • Participation in relevant national and international working groups
  • Maintaining relationships with related institutions at home and abroad

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Work areas

The Division works in the areas


  • current developments in the field of computer applications in chemistry
  • cheminformatics including e.g. docking methods, QSAR, virtual screening, in-silico ADMETox
  • the molecular modeling of chemical, biological and material systems
  • Databases for chemical information (facts, spectra, structures, reactions, algorithms)
  • Methods for processing chemical information and for acquiring knowledge (statistics, chemometrics, evolutionary algorithms, machine learning)
  • improving the management of chemistry information


The Board, which is elected for four years at a time, consists of the chairman, his deputy and at least one but no more than three assessors. Universities and industry should be equally involved in the composition of the board. The Board is supplemented by associated members who are appointed by the Board . Young members are represented on the Board by a YOUNG-CIC member.


CIC Young Scientist Award for Computational Chemistry

The Division awards the CIC Young Scientist Award for Computational Chemistry every year for excellent dissertations and diploma / master's theses that touch on the scientific fields represented in the CIC and represent a special achievement for the further development of the CIC field. more

Summer School on Cheminformatics

In order to give interested chemistry students an insight into the field of computers in chemistry , a "Summer School on Cheminformatics" is usually held every two years.


The FG CIC regularly holds annual specialist group meetings and other events relating to the subject area.


Summer School on Cheminformatics 2025

25.08.-29.08.2025, Hamburg more

19th GCC 2026

08.-11.11., Bad Soden further information to follow

Advanced training CIC

Current training courses can be found here


Flyer in German
Flyer in English

Both flyers are only available as an Online version.


GDCh Office
Dipl.-Biol. Nicole Bürger
+49 69 7917-231

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