

The AG Chemie und Gesellschaft would like to draw your attention to the following publications:

Muddy water. The Esoteric Water Market
Helge Bergmann, Alibri-Verlag, Aschaffenburg 2015
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N Nitrogen - an element writes world history
Gerhard Ertl, Jens Soentgen, oekom Verlag, Munich 2015
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Interview with D. Nelson: Bridge Science and the Public - Interview with Donna Nelson (ChemViews Magazine 2015; DOI: 10.1002/chemv.201400138
Professor Donna Nelson, University of Oklahoma, talks about Hollywood, how to improve the image of scientists, and her motivation
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Chemists in the "Third Reich"
The German Chemical Society and the Association of German Chemists in the Nazi regime
Commissioned by the German Chemical Society
By Helmut Maier. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2015
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press release
The intestine grows with you
By Annette Eiden, Südwest Verlag, Munich, 2015
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The Science Book
Science simply explained.
By Adam Hart-Davis, Dorling Kindersley Verlag, Munich, 2015
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the earth and me
James Lovelock et al
Taschen-Verlag, Cologne, 2017
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Interview with T. Geelhaar: Make Chemistry More Attractive (ChemViews Magazine 2014; DOI: 10.1002/chemv.201400029)
dr Thomas Geelhaar, the new President of the GDCh, will focus on working towards better acceptance of chemistry in society
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On the relationship between science, the public and the media, 2014 To the homepage
Why science? Nine answers to an old question
By Joachim Schummer. Kadmos Kulturverlag, Berlin, 2014
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... until the shower bubbles. 50 experiments. For kitchen, bathroom children's room
By Daniel Tatarsky. Carlsen Verlag, Hamburg 2014
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The experiment lab for children. 52 family-friendly experiments from the fridge
By Liz Lee Heinecke. Edition Michael Fischer, Igling, 2014
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Knowledge makes you smart. Big themes easily told
By Wilfried H. Lindenzweig. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2014
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From the big bang to gummy bears. A reading and experimenting book.
By Roland Full. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2014
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mnemonic. 400 memory aids and how to build your own
By Helge Weinrebe. Anaconda, Cologne, 2014
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Chemical treats
By Klaus Roth. GDCh, Frankfurt, and Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2014
Hike to sites of chemical history
By Hans-Peter Bärtschi. Rotpunktverlag, Zurich, 2014
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Why fat doesn't make you stupid and why GM corn doesn't kill
By Bauer/Gigerenzer/Kremer, Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt, 2014
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The Chemistry of Breaking Bad (ChemViews Magazine 2013; DOI: 10.1002/chemv.201300114
The multi-award winning TV series is demanding, exciting, amusing, often shocking, and made with great attention to chemistry details
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translation of:
The Chemistry at Breaking Bad, Falk Harnisch, Tunga Salthammer,
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Explaining Chemistry: What is Shale Gas? How Does Fracking Work? ( 2013; DOI: 10.1002/chemv.20130001)
How does hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and horizontal drilling make natural gas trapped in shale rock formations financially feasible and accessible?
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Science and Society: Time for a new deal, 2013 more
Siggener food for thought, 2013
Siggener food for thought, 2013 To the homepage
eco craze
By Alexander Neubacher, Goldmann Verlag, Munich 2013
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tech futures. Think ahead - create - evaluate. acatech IMPULSE, 2012
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Perspectives of biotechnology communication. acatech POSITION, 2012
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Forced labor in the chemical triangle: prisoners and construction soldiers in the GDR industry
By Justus Vesting, Links-Verlag, Berlin, 2012 more
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