dr Alice Seibert
European Commission
JRC – Joint Research Centre
Nuclear Surveillance and Safety
Vice Chair
dr Catherine Mueller
Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf eV
Institute for Resource Ecology
dr Marcus Altmaier
Karlsruher Institute for Technology
Institute for Nuclear Waste Management (INE)
dr Gert Langrock
Radiochemical Laboratory
Prof. Dr. Bernd Neumaier
Research Center Juelich GmbH
Institute of Neuroscience and medicine,
Prof. Dr. Petra Panak
University of Heidelberg/Karlsruher Institute for Technology
Institute for Nuclear Waste Management (INE)
Prof. Dr. Patrick Riss
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Department of Chemistry - TRIGA site
Dr. Marcus Altmaier studied chemistry at the University of Cologne, where he submitted his doctorate in 1999 in the field of nuclear chemistry . M. Altmaier has been working at the Institute for Nuclear Waste Management at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT-INE) since December 2000. KIT-INE works in the context of safety research on nuclear waste disposal. The main activities focus on researching various (geo) chemical processes that may be required in the context of safety analyzes. Nuclear chemistry work is very relevant in this field of work in order to be able to reliably predict the behavior of long-lived radionuclides such as plutonium in different scenarios.
The scientific work of M. Altmaier primarily covers the chemistry of actinides and long-lasting fission products in aqueous solution. Numerous studies deal with the solubility and complex formation of actinides in repository-relevant aquatic systems. The basic scientific work includes the determination and evaluation of thermodynamic data as well as the derivation of reliable model parameters for the description of ion-ion interaction processes. The work requires complementary spectroscopic analyzes and Mr. Altmaier has gained a good overview of modern analytical and radiochemical methods based on many years of experience in this research area. Dr. Altmaier works in numerous application-related third-party funded projects as part of basic security research. One focus here is the preparation and coordination of joint projects in a European and international context.
dr Gert Langrock works in the radiochemical laboratory of Framatome GmbH in Erlangen. He studied chemistry at the University of Leipzig. He completed his dissertation "On problems of liquid scintillation spectroscopy in transactinide experiments" at the Institute for Nuclear Chemistry at the University of Mainz with Prof. Dr. Jens Volker Kratz.
He has been with Framatome since 2003 and is mainly involved in experiments with the chemistry of fission products in nuclear power plant accidents and the behavior of core meltdowns. At the same time, he has also been active as a project manager for R&D projects for years. He also works in numerous customer and service projects in various functions. From 2006-2011 he also worked as a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg for the subject "Radiochemistry and Nuclear Technology".
dr Katharina Müller has headed the "Interface Processes" department at the Institute for Resource Ecology at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (IRE / HZDR) since 2021.
After studying waste management and contaminated sites at the TU Dresden and a research stay at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil), she received her doctorate in 2010 at the former Institute for Radiochemistry of the Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf. She then received research grants at the École Nationale Supérieur de Chimie de Paris (France) and at Kyoto University (Japan).
In the "Interface Processes" department at the IRE / HZDR, she and her colleagues investigate the reactions of long-lived radionuclides at water-mineral interfaces. To do this, they combine modern methods of spectroscopy and microscopy for in-situ investigation of the molecular environment of actinides and fission products in aqueous solutions, at interfaces and in solid phases. Determined complex formation reactions and complex structures can characterize and quantify these interactions. They thus form a solid basis for a reliable thermodynamic description of the systems under investigation, which can be integrated into thermodynamic databases. The quality-assured databases are in turn the basis for forecast calculations on the mobility of radionuclides as part of a long-term safety analysis of nuclear waste repositories.
Bernd Neumaier studied chemistry at the University of Cologne and received his doctorate in nuclear chemistry in 1996 with Prof. G. Stöcklin. From 1996 to 2006 he was head of the cyclotron / radiopharmaceutical division in the Clinic for Nuclear Medicine at the Ulm University Hospital. In addition to routine production, he was responsible for radiochemical research. In 2006 he moved to the Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research. In 2009 he completed his habilitation in nuclear chemistry at the University of Cologne. After rejecting a W3 professorship at the DKFZ at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, in 2013 he accepted a W3 professorship at the Cologne University Hospital. There he founded the Institute for Radiochemistry and Experimental Molecular Imaging. In 2015 he was offered a W3 professorship at the Institute for Neurosciences and medicine: nuclear chemistry (INM-5) at Forschungszentrum Jülich, of which he has been director since then. Bernd Neumaier was a longstanding committee member of the Working Group for Radiochemistry and Radiopharmacy and a member of the board of the German Society for Nuclear Medicine. He is also a member of the DGN's Radiopharmacy Committee.
His main research areas can be summarized as follows: Development of new radiofluorination methods and their practical application in establishing new radiotracers in PET imaging. The focus here is on neurological tracers to visualize pathophysiological processes and to clarify the function and structure of the brain. Another research focus is the development and manufacture of non-standard radionuclides and their use in therapy.
Prof. Dr. Petra J. Panak is a professor of radiochemistry at the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg (EnBW endowed professorship). After studying chemistry at the Technical University of Munich, she completed her doctorate (department of actinide chemistry) at the Institute for Radiochemistry at the Technical University of Munich under the direction of Prof. Dr. JI Kim on. This was followed by stays at the Institute for Radiochemistry at the Dresden-Rossendorf Research Center and at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California. The focus of research at that time was microbial interactions of the actinides. The habilitation took place in 2008 at the Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg on "aquatic chemistry of actinides in colloidal systems". In November 2008 she followed the call to the EnBW endowed professorship "Radiochemistry" at the University of Heidelberg. At the same time, she is head of the group "Coordination Chemistry of Actinides" at the KIT Institute for Nuclear Waste Management, Campus North. Since February 2014 she has been a member of the Committee on Disposal of Radioactive Waste (EL) of the Waste Management Commission (ESK). In September 2014 she was appointed to the supervisory board of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.
Further information follows.
Dr. Alice Seibert studied chemistry at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and received her doctorate in 1999 at the Institute for Nuclear Chemistry there with Prof. Dr. Jens-Volker Kratz as part of a joint federal project on repository research. After completing her doctorate, she continued this topic at the University of Mainz.
From 2001 to 2005 she worked at the Institute for Nuclear Waste Management at the Karlsruhe Research Center (today Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT-INE) in the field of the aquatic chemistry of actinides. After a scholarship at the Institute for Transuranium Elements (today Joint Research Center Karlsruhe, JRC Karlsruhe) in the field of surface science and fuel corrosion, in 2011 she moved to WAK GmbH reprocessing plant Karlsruhe, (now KTE) to take on scientific advice on ongoing operational and contract work in dismantling and the accreditation of the radiochemical laboratory.
Since the end of 2013 she has been employed as an official of the European Commission at the JRC Karlsruhe and is involved in projects in the field of nuclear safety research and disposal.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Kopka
Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf
Institute for Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research
Dr. Veronika Rosecker (representative ARH from 01.01.2025)
Vienna University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Patrick Steinegger
Paul Scherrer Institute / ETH Zurich
PD Dr. Erik Strub
University of Cologne
Institute of Biochemistry / Department of nuclear chemistry
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Stumpf
Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf
Daniele Zaratti, University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Ulrich W. Scherer (representative of the ARH until December 31, 2024)
Mannheim University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Process and Chemical Engineering
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