Magnetic resonance

Support for Israeli Magnetic Resonance Research

The GDCh Division of Magnetic Resonance (FGMR) wishes to express its support for Israeli colleagues. All research groups in Germany are ready to support in any way the continuation of Israeli research in the field of magnetic resonance. Our laboratories are open for preparing samples, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and for scientific exchange. We are ready to organize workshops so that we can realize them whenever the time is right.

We strongly believe that scientific exchange among Israeli and German scientists must be strengthened, and that funding must be provided now and for the next few years. Whatever we can do will be supported, by the individual laboratories, by the FGMR, and beyond.

Prof. Dr Jörg Matysik
Chair of the Division

Who we are - What we do

The network for all subject areas of magnetic resonance

The GDCh Division of Magnetic Resonance (FGMR) has approx. 520 members and has been promoting scientific and technical progress in magnetic resonance since it was founded on September 12, 1978 in Ettal Abbey, represents the interests of the members and communicates the importance of the method for science, Research and Development.

The FGMR brings together everyone interested in magnetic resonance methodology from science, practice and theory, from universities, industry and research institutes. Due to the interdisciplinary character of the method, the extensive network extends over the subject areas of chemistry, physics, biology, life sciences, medicine, food chemistry and technology as well as polymer and materials science. The methodology includes


  • in their classic classification: EPR, MRI and NMR,
  • spectroscopy as well as relaxometry and time-domain magnetic resonance,
  • Experiments on gases, liquids and solids,
  • in the zero and earth magnetic field as well as in the highest and also pulsed fields,
  • measurements with spatial resolution/imaging and
  • experimental development of hyperpolarization.

Well-known fields of application include analytics, dynamic structural biology, pharmacy, medical diagnostics, metabolomics, materials research, battery development, catalysis, and process and quality control. The FGMR combines all these facets under one roof and is excellently networked with German and international scientific specialist organizations.

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Benefits for student Divisions members

Free membership for students!


45th FGMR Annual Discussion Meeting

September 9-12, 2024
Chair: B. Corzilius

General Assembly 2024


46th FGMR Annual Discussion Meeting

Chair: O. Schiemann


GDCh Office
Dr. Carina S. Kniep
Phone: +49 69 7917-499

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