
Who we are - What we do

From chemical structure to biological function


  • A network of around 800 scientists from academia and industry founded in 1981, including around 45% students and young members
  • Scientific exchange on the top topics in biochemistry
  • Feedback-based optimization of academic training
  • Contribution to maintaining and promoting the competitiveness of Germany as a location for science and business.

Research into the molecular basis of living systems is the leitmotif of biochemistry. Methodological diversity is developing with remarkable dynamics to elucidate and influence complex chemical structures as well as their biological functions and interactions. Modern methods of structural analysis enable the elucidation of the biological functions of macromolecules and their complexes. Detailed insights into the mechanisms of enzymatic catalysis, mass and electron transport, signal transduction and cell-cell communication are also gained. As a result of basic biochemical research, for example, recombinant proteins with therapeutic potential could be made available. Likewise, genetically modified enzymes with new substrate specificities are increasingly being used in white biotechnology.

The resulting fascination is the basis for a lively interdisciplinary network.

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Zielgruppe: Studierende (cf. Downloads)
Zielgruppe: Alle (cf. Downloads)

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last modified: 24.06.2024 11:59 H from N/A