

The Senior Expert Chemists are a substructure of the German Chemical Society, which has the status of a Division . On August 30, 2010, the GDCh Board approved a corresponding application. This helps the older GDCh members inside and outside the GDCh to gain more voting weight. In the run-up, the Senior Expert Chemists acted as a Working Group that was set up in December 2007 following a resolution by the GDCh board of directors. This development was triggered by a kick-off event initiated at the end of 2006, which met with great interest among the older GDCh members.

Board and working groups

The Senior Expert Chemists are divided into a Board and two working groups. The Board consists of a chairman, two deputies and two assessors.

The working groups deal with the topics of networks, public relations, and schools, education and work.

Over 50 retirees are actively campaigning for the interests of older GDCh members.



The Board and working groups meet regularly, three to four times a year, usually in the GDCh Office in Frankfurt am Main.

Interested SEC members and those who want to become one are cordially invited to participate.

General meetings

The Senior Expert Chemists takes place at least every two years - usually in connection with an annual meeting. The general assembly is the highest decision-making body of Senior Expert Chemists. more

become a member

Are you retired, early retirees, in partial retirement or do you want to prepare now for the time after your retirement? Become a member of the Senior Expert Chemists! more

become a member

Get involved and become a member of the Senior Expert Chemists! more


Logos, lettering and PowerPoint templates from the SEC More


Your way to the bylaws of Senior Expert Chemists more


How to transcripts of meetings and membership meetings more


GDCh Office
Alexander Lorey
Phone: +49 69 7917-365

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