scholarship program

scholarship program of the GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry

The Division of Analytical Chemistry of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) promotes the participation of young scientists in national and international Conferences, seminars or workshops by awarding various travel grants. General conditions:


  • Target group: Students during their bachelor's and master's thesis, doctoral students, postdocs without permanent positions
  • Prerequisite: active participation in the event, i.e. presentation of a lecture or poster on a topic of analytical chemistry.
  • Promoting participation in one international or two national Conferences per person per year
  • All events and contributions should have a clear connection to analytical chemistry!
  • All scholarship holders are requested to mention the support from the GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry in their lecture or on their poster.

1. Conference grants for selected events

Active participation in selected events (e.g. ANAKON, analytica conference, European Chemistry Congress) is particularly encouraged by the Division of Analytical Chemistry by awarding individually advertised scholarships.


The Division awards a limited number of partial scholarships of max. 350 euros to young international scientists (MSc, PhD, postdoc) for active participation (lecture/poster) in EUROANALYSIS (31 August to 4 September 2025 in Barcelona/Spain ). The scholarships can be applied for by email to Dr. Martin Vogel by 30 April 2025 at the latest, using the keyword "EUROANALYSIS 2025 conference scholarship". The complete documents, which should be summarized in a PDF file, include the following documents:


  • completed application form,
  • Confirmation of acceptance of the presentation/poster (please submit later),
  • Proof of registration for Euroanalysis.

2. Conference scholarships for freely selectable events

In addition to the “special scholarships” (see above), the Division of Analytical Chemistry awards a limited number of travel scholarships for active participation in freely selectable analytical Conferences. These can be obtained at any time from Dr. Carina S. Kniep under the keyword “Analytical Chemistry Conference Grant” must be applied for no later than three weeks before the start of the event. Each application contains the following documents:


  • completed application form,
  • short justification with an estimate of the costs for arrival/departure, accommodation and registration,
  • short CV,
  • Abstract of the conference contribution,
  • Confirmation of acceptance of the conference contribution,
  • Proof of registration.

Maximum funding amounts: 250 euros (national Conference), 300 euros (Europe) or 500 euros (outside Europe)

3. Publication Grant ABC

The Division of Analytical Chemistry and its members benefit both professionally and financially from the success of the journal Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry (ABC).

Young scientists (m/f/d) in analytical chemistry can apply for a scholarship for a guest stay of at least one month at a research institution abroad. Conversely, the scholarship can also be awarded to young scientists who work abroad and are planning a guest stay of at least one month in an analytical working group in Germany.

The aim of the publication grant is to support the completion of a joint publication by the participating research institutions, which must be submitted to the journal ABC for publication no later than six months after the end of the stay. The grant recipient must be the first author.

For the stay in the host institution, 500 euros per month, up to a maximum of 1000 euros, will be granted. If the manuscript is accepted by ABC, a further 1500 euros will be paid after publication.

The application is made under the keyword "Publication Scholarship ABC" by email to Dr. Carina S. Kniep (GDCh Office) and encloses the following documents (summarized in a pdf document):


  • Application form,
  • CV, current position with scope,
  • brief description of the research work planned at the host institution and the preparatory work already carried out, which is to be rounded off, completed or expanded during the guest stay (it must be plausibly explained that submission of the manuscript is realistic no later than six months after the end of the stay),
  • Abstract of the planned publication with provisional title and expected co-authors,
  • for doctoral students: a short supporting statement from the head of the research group,
  • a short supporting statement from the host.

Before approving the scholarship, the Division Board submits the description of the research content and the abstract to an ABC editor for professional comment and assessment of the fit with ABC (see “Aims and Scope”). The ABC editor informs the Division Board of his assessment. The Division Board then decides on the awarding of the scholarship. All submissions are treated confidentially.

Upon approval of the scholarship, the scholarship recipient undertakes to submit the manuscript to ABC journal as first author no later than six months after its completion.

The manuscript is to be submitted via the journal's regular submission system. Please address the cover letter to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Panne and include the following sentence: “This submission was supported by the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the German Chemical Society via a scholarship for finalizing a publication in a cooperation project.”

The GDCh Office ( Dr. Carina S. Kniep ) must be informed about the submission of the manuscript and publication of the publication (link/DOI; ​​publication date).


The Board of the Division supports group excursions as part of the analytical training at universities and technical colleges with a grant of a maximum of 250 euros. The excursions must have a clear reference to analytics.

As the organizer of the excursion, please send your informal applications together with a brief description of the content to the GDCh Office ( M aike Fries ). After approval by the Board of the Division of the analytical chemistry Section , we require the following documents:


  • Brief description of the project
  • Cost overview and proof with original receipts
  • Address of the recipient of the funds
  • Bank details

The amount will be paid after the required documents have been submitted.

The excursion should then be briefly presented in the Mitteilungsblatt of the Division .

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