Awards & Honors

PhD Award of the GDCh Division of Chemistry & Energy

Since 2023, the GDCh Division of Chemistry & Energy has been awarding the Chemistry & Energy PhD Award in odd-numbered years for an outstanding dissertation that makes an important contribution to linking the fields of chemistry and energy. The award is accompanied by a certificate and prize money of 1,000 euros donated by BASF. The award is presented at the biennial Division conference. The awardee is invited to present the award-winning work in a short lecture. The award is decided by a prize committee appointed by the Division Board . In exceptional cases, the prize can be shared.

Current call for proposals: PhD Award Chemistry & Energy 2025

Submission deadline: 31 October 2024

In odd-numbered years, the Division of Chemistry & Energy of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) awards a prize for an outstanding dissertation that makes an important contribution to linking the fields of chemistry and energy.

The price
The award comes with a certificate and prize money of 1,000 euros donated by BASF SE. The prize will be awarded at the Chemistry & Energy 2025 Division conference, which will take place on April 9/10, 2025 at the Fraunhofer inHaus Center in Duisburg. The award-winning work must be presented in a short lecture at this conference. The costs for attending the conference are borne by the Division. The award is decided by a prize committee appointed by the Division Board . The prize can be shared in exceptional cases.

Nominations by the academic supervisor or independent applications are possible. The dissertation must have been completed between November 1, 2022 and October 31, 2024 at a German university or college. All proposals contain the following documents (German or English):


  • Motivational letter from the doctoral candidate (max. 2 pages; font: Calibri; font size: 11 pt.): “What makes the topic of your dissertation particularly interesting? Explain the significance of the results in the interaction between chemistry and energy.”
  • Short CV in tabular form including contact details and list of publications, patents and conference contributions - created e.g. via
  • dissertation
  • 1 reference letter from the academic supervisor
  • 1 letter of recommendation (e.g. cooperation partner, supervision of master's or bachelor's thesis)

Please send the complete documents in electronic form and summarized in a PDF file to the GDCh Office for the attention of Maike Fries.

PhD Award Chemistry & Energy 2023 Dr. Nils Bottke
(Vorsitzender der Fachgruppe)
und Dr. Konstantin Schutjajew

The PhD Award was awarded to Dr. Konstantin Schutjajew on the occasion of the 2023 Division conference , GREEN Materials – Processes – Industry, in recognition of his outstanding dissertation entitled “Electrochemical Sodium Storage in Non-Graphitizing Carbons – Insights into Mechanisms and Synthetic Approaches towards High-Energy Density Materials” completed at the University of Potsdam.

"As part of his dissertation, Mr. Schutjajew investigated new mechanisms for the storage of sodium in quasi-metallic form in carbon materials. In doing so, he boldly and creatively pursued new and unconventional working hypotheses and at the same time developed new analytical methods. Mr. Schutjajew was able to demonstrate the possibility of reversible underpotential deposition of sodium and the relationships between the electrochemical signature and the structure of the carbon materials. He also developed concepts for the targeted production of carbon materials with so-called closed pores and thus high plateau capacity. The effects of Mr. Schutjajew's work will not be limited to the field of sodium batteries, but will also drive forward material development for other electrochemical energy storage concepts.

The award of this prize should encourage Mr. Shutyaev as a young researcher to consistently pursue the path he has chosen and the search for creative and unconventional chemical solutions to the energy issues of the coming years."

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last modified: 11.07.2024 14:29 H from N/A