
Board of the GDCh Working Group Vocational Education


PD Dr. habil. Thomas Letzel (Chair)
AFIN-TS GmbH, Augsburg

Dr. Britta Pfeffer (Deputy Chair)
Technical College of Natural Sciences Dr. Künkele, Landau

Andrea Moschetta
Technical College of Natural Sciences Dr. Künkele, Landau

Lennart Schumacher
University of Stuttgart

Permanent guests of the Board
René Dittus, Institute Dr. Flad, Stuttgart
Sigrid Pfiz, Institute Dr. Flad, Stuttgart
Dr. Thomas Schäfer, Dr. Künkele Technical College of Natural Sciences, Landau
Daniel Zahn, Kissel + Wolf GmbH, Wiesloch (representative of the young AGBB members)

Board election for the term of office 2025-2027

On 31 December 2024, the term of office of the Board of the GDCh Working Group Vocational Education ends and you, dear members, are called upon to nominate candidates for the Board election who


  • have declared their willingness to stand as a candidate,
  • Members of the Division are and
  • have the support of four members of the Working Group (the current board members are happy to support your candidate proposals after consultation).

According to the Working Group 's bylaws , the Board consists of a maximum of seven members (1x Chair, 1x Deputy Chair, max. 5x deputy members), each of whom is elected for a period of three years. Re-election is possible once, but with the restriction that the person in question may only serve on the Board for a maximum of two uninterrupted terms.

PD Dr. habil. Thomas Letzel and Dr. Britta Pfeffer are no longer available for another term. Andrea Moschetta (only as assessor) and Lennart Schumacher have indicated their willingness to stand for election again. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of them for their successful commitment to the Working Group and the GDCh as a whole.

For the maximum of seven board positions up for election, the current Board submits – in addition to your nominations – the following four proposals:

Surname Affiliation Election status
Sandra Conte Takeda Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Singen New election
Andrea Moschetta Technical College of Natural Sciences Dr. Künkele, Landau Re-election
Sigrid Pfiz Institute Dr. Flad GmbH, Stuttgart New election
Lennart Schumacher University of Stuttgart Re-election

If no written proposals for the nomination of additional candidates are received by the GDCh Office by August 31, 2024 (attention: Maike Fries; ), the election will be held as an Online election with the persons indicated above starting on September 16, 2024.

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last modified: 31.07.2024 08:43 H from M.Fries