
General Terms and Conditions

§ 1 Scope

All business relations are based upon these general terms and conditions. The terms and conditions are part of all contracts entered into with the German Chemical Society (GDCh) they are valid for all future contracts, even when they may not be stipulated once more.

Terms and Conditions of contractual partners or third parties are not applicable, even if the GDCh does not explicitly object these terms. Should the contractual partner refer to a letter that contains terms and conditions and not receive an objection from the GDCh, then this does not form an agreement of the validation of the terms and conditions.

§ 2 Conclusion of a Contract

An order poses an offer to the GDCh to be willing to enter into a purchasing contract. Should the goods be out of stock, the contractual partner (purchaser) is bound to his order for the duration of three weeks. The contract comes into effect at the end of the three weeks, unless the GDCh has objected prior in writing. (Emails included).

The contract comes into effect prior to the maturity date by the time the GDCh either delivers to goods, confirms the offer in writing or accepts payment within those three weeks.

§ 3 Right of Withdrawal

The contract can be withdrawn within a period of two weeks without having to name reasons, however the withdrawal needs to be put in writing (e.g. letter or email) or by returning the goods. The GDCh reserves the right to deliver after the period for the right of withdrawal has expired. The withdrawal period commences with the receipt of the right of withdrawal instructions. Making use of the right to withdraw it is sufficient to post the withdrawal notice of the goods within the given time. Event bookings are excluded from this. These are subject to a separate right of withdrawal, see §13.

The withdrawal by either returning the goods, or by notification by letter are to be addressed to:

Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.
Postfach 90 04 40
60444 Frankfurt am Main

The withdrawal may alternatively be emailed to: gdch@gdch.de

In case of an effectual withdrawal the mutual received benefits are to be returned. Should some of the received benefits not be returned in full, or be returned in bad condition, then compensation is to be paid.

Postage for returned goods is to be paid for by the GDCh if the value of the goods is above Euro 40,00. Below this amount the postage is to be covered by the contractual partner.

§ 4 Modifications of ordered goods

The GDCh is obliged to deliver according to catalogue should goods be out of stock. The goods need to comply with legal requirements. Customary or reasonable small variations in colour of measurements do not pose any defects.

§ 5 Price

The stipulated price is inclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT). Exceptions may apply by participation in a conference. Further services are not included in the price.

§ 6 Extension of the period of delivery

Should the GDCh not be able to meet the agreed delivery date, the purchaser needs to be made aware within ample time. Delays not caused by the GDCh, especially those from suppliers and in cases of force majeure, extend the delivery time for the duration of the disruption. The purchaser can only withdraw from the contact when admonishing the delivery after expiry of the period of delivery and having set an adequate extension of delivery time, the delivery of goods not having taken place within this given timeframe. Has a date of delivery been agreed, the extension of delivery time starts with the passing of the agreed date. The lawful right for compensation instead of the services rendered remains intact.

§ 7 Delivery, passing of risks

Unless otherwise agreed the delivery is made from stock to the purchasers advised delivery address. The risks are transferred to the purchaser as soon as the goods have left the GDCh, this also applies to partial deliveries. Statements about the delivery date are non-binding unless confirmed in writing.

§ 8 Payment

The payment can be done as per invoice via money transfer to our bank account.
The invoice will be sent per post with your order to the address provided. Invoices for conference participation will be send by e-mail.

§ 9 Defects and Liability

Should a defect of the goods occur, the GDCh may choose to either rectify the defect or to supply alternative goods. Unless for reasons specified further on, no further claims can be made by the purchaser. The GDCh is not liable for incurred losses that did not occur on the goods themselves especially not for loss of assets or other financial losses of the purchaser. As far as the GDCh is not or partial liable this is also valid for personal liability of employees, representatives as well as auxiliary persons. Provided that the GDCh has negligently not complied to the contract, the liability to pay damages for goods or bodily damage is restricted to the actual incurred damage.

§ 10 Applicable Legislation, Place of Jurisdiction

The German Law applies Place of Jurisdiction for all claims in conjunction with the business connection is Frankfurt/Main, Germany. The GDCh reserves the right to sue at the place of jurisdiction of the purchaser.

§ 11 Registration

The registration to a congress, conference, continuing education course or any other event has to be put in writing. Should the registration not be placed via the Internet, a letter, fax or email is to be sent.
The registration is binding and will be accepted in the order of receipt. Valid is the date of the arrival of the postal mail. Should the event be fully booked the participant will be informed promptly.

Only one registration for each participant is allowed.

§ 12 Registration Fees

The registration fee is to be paid after receipt of the invoice and should be paid stating the number invoice to:

Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.

IBAN DE36 5007 0010 0096 6416 01
Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main
Bank address: Roßmarkt 18, 60311 Frankfurt am Main

Delegates should present their proof of payment at the congress office when collecting their congress material. Participants who sign up at registration desk on site pay the bill by debit card or credit card.

§ 13 Cancellation of registrations

The right to participate can be transferred in writing at any time free of charge to a substitute participant. Any difference between the participation fee for members and non-members will be invoiced or credited.

Cancellation policy of conferences:
In the case of written cancellation received no later than 6 weeks before the start of the conference, EUR 25.00 will be charged for national conferences and EUR 40.00 for international conferences. In the case of withdrawals after the above mentioned date the full invoice amount will be charged.

Cancellation policy for GDCh.academy courses:
(A) Events in person

-    Free of charge up to 71 days before the start of the course
-    70 to 28 days before the start of the course cancellation fee of EUR 50.00 (young chemists: EUR 20.00)
-    Withdrawal after the above dates: full invoice amount

(B) Online course
-    Free of charge up to 50 days before the start of the course
-    49 to 7 days before the start of the course cancellation fee of EUR 50.00 (young chemists: EUR 20.00)
-    Withdrawal after the above Dates: full invoice amount.

§ 14 Cancellations of Events

(1)    The event can be cancelled without having to name reasons. Paid fees will be refunded in full, further recourse is excluded. A change of speakers or location is not an acceptable reason for cancellation.

(2)    Exhibition and advertising measures
Should GDCh need to cancel the event, paid Exhibitor monies need to be refunded partially or in full. GDCh may retain some of the monies if the logo of the sponsor has been displayed on promotional material. The refund however comprises a minimum of 50% of the total amount of sponsorship money received.

§15 Room Reservations

We expressly point out that the obligation of payment lies with the participant for rooms booked and not used.

§16 Photo Rights

Photos and videos which are taken on behalf of the GDCh during the events, will solely be used by the GDCh for documentation, reporting and promotional purposes only.

17 Alternative Dispute Resolution

The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (ODR) platform at ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. We are not obliged to settle disputes and are not prepared to participate in a dispute settlement procedure via ODR or with help of dispute resolution bodies.
If you have any problems, please contact gdch@gdch.de directly.

Frankfurt am Main, 06 April 2018

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