Anniversary 2017

150 years of GDCh - the anniversary in 2017


In 1867, the German Chemical Society of Berlin was founded in Berlin, one of the predecessor companies of the GDCh. That's why we celebrated our 150th anniversary in 2017. A look back at the anniversary year with lots of pictures is published in our 2017 annual report on pages 19-29. You can find out more about the history of the GDCh here.

The highlight of our anniversary year was the Chemistry Science Forum, which took place in Berlin from September 10th to 14th. In addition to a top-class scientific Conference , we have organized other activities, for example for children and young people. Here you will find some of the many highlights of the Science Forum.


But not only in September in Berlin, but throughout the year we celebrated our anniversary - and a little bit ourselves - with various activities and events. On these pages you will find our events and special promotions for the anniversary year.

By the way: The JCF (JungesChemieForum) also celebrated its anniversary in 2017. It was founded 20 years earlier.

This remains from the GDCh anniversary year

Here you will find a compilation of events that will have an impact beyond the anniversary year.

Innovation Marathon Chemical Transition

How do we achieve a new entrepreneurial era in chemistry? This question was the focus of the “Chemistry Transition Innovation Marathon,” which took place as part of the GDCh Chemistry Science Forum from September 12th to 13th, 2017 at the Free University of Berlin. In keynotes, a panel discussion and a 24-hour teamwork phase, experienced founders and those interested in starting a business developed concrete solution proposals with the support of experts. Seven teams each created a concept overnight, which was presented the following morning. Federal Minister of Economics Brigitte Zypries personally handed over a €5,000 prize to the winning “Startups” team. The innovation marathon will also take place at the upcoming science forum in Aachen. Further information

Experiment Future - Value Thinking in Chemistry

The Future experiment took place on September 14, 2017 as part of the GDCh Chemistry Science Forum in the Spreespeicher Berlin. How can the results of chemical research, development and the know-how of chemical experts be brought into society in such a way that they can help overcome global challenges? That was the question that those present asked themselves. Moderated by the television journalist and presenter Ines Arland, the participants heard eight keynote speeches on four topic pairs in the morning, delivered by high-ranking keynote speakers. Further information can be found here and in the Wifo review.

Satellite Symposium - Thinking the Unthinkable

What will the research landscape look like in the future? Will Dreadnoughts think up research topics for us? What are the ideal framework conditions for creative thinking? Representatives from science and industry discussed this on September 15, 2017, following the GDCh Chemistry Science Forum. Here you will find a report about the satellite symposium and the complete program with all speaker.

Primo Levi Prize

For the first time, the Primo Levi Prize was awarded at the opening ceremony in Berlin. The prize was established in 2016 by the GDCh together with the Società Chimica Italiana (SCI). This honors chemists who make a special commitment to humanitarian goals beyond their field. Here you can find the web version of the booklet for the Primo Levi price. You can find a report from the award ceremony in the Wifo review.

Cooperation agreements with chemical companies in other countries

In 2017, cooperation agreements were concluded with the Korean Chemical Society (KCS, Korea), the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS, China) and the Israel Chemical Society (ICS, Israel). In addition, the agreement with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC, Great Britain) was renewed. Further information about these and the existing bilateral agreements can be found here.

Printed media for the anniversary year

1st anniversary brochure "A journey through 150 years of chemical societies in Germany"

150 years of chemistry in fast motion - our anniversary brochure " A foray through 150 years of chemical societies in Germany ", published in the anniversary year 2017.

2. ?Infinite expanses. Criss-cross through the chemistry universe ?

Numerous renowned authors take the reader on an understandable and varied journey through the world of chemistry. The editors of the book are the two former GDCh presidents Thisbe K. Lindhorst and Hans-Jürgen Quadbeck-Seeger as well as the GDCh itself. The book has been published by Wiley-VCH and is also available in the GDCh-Shop.

3. "Between fascination and demonization: chemistry in society"

The relationship between chemistry and society is divided. Everything chemical causes discomfort in many people and is often considered unnatural, poisonous and dangerous. The book attempts to shed more light on the tension between chemistry and society and to point out possible solutions. The editors of the book are Marc-Denis Weitze (German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)), Dr. Joachim Schummer (editor of HYLE: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry and freelance author) and Thomas Geelhaar, former GDCh President. The book has been published by Springer and is available in the GDCh shop.

Promotions in the anniversary year

Here you will find promotions that have run for several months or the whole year. You can find our anniversary events below

September to November
GDCh photo competition
Almost 100 pictures were submitted to the GDCh photo competition. Further information Here you can find all submitted photos and the winning photos.

My Favorite Molecule - From January through early December, our members submitted their favorite molecules. Our list includes a total of more than 60 favorite molecules.

Curious and useless things about the GDCh can be found on our party knowledge anecdotes about the GDCh page

Our presentation "150 years GDCh" is available, ideal for example during the breaks in an event. The pptx version runs for about 8 minutes without your intervention. A short email to is sufficient. Click here for the web version.

Events in the anniversary year

January 26th, Frankfurt aM
Special colloquium “Seas and oceans – valued, used and threatened”

January 25th and 26th, Cologne/Leverkusen/Essen
JCF industrial tour to Lanxess and Bayer
Limited number of participants, please register with a short letter of motivation to Sebastian Beil ( )

April 6th to 7th, Berlin
Berlin Chemistry Symposium (BCS) and Chemistry in Practice (ChiP) The Berlin German Young Chemists Network Chemists' Forum and the Young Business Chemists organize the two days with a demanding program

April 21st to 23rd, Freiberg
Central German Young Chemist Symposium
The JCF Freiberg invites students to the 1st Central German Young Chemist Symposium in Freiberg. Bachelor and master students can gain conference experience among their peers in 10 to 15 minute lectures. In addition, activities outside of science are planned in the evenings.

April 27, Cologne
GDCh Campus Event
The GDCh Campus Event takes place at selected university locations and is aimed at everyone who would like to find out more about the chemical science landscape.

May 2nd, Darmstadt
GDCh Campus Event
And another campus event. It's about research funding, results and publishing.

March 23rd to May 7th
CHEMISTRY REDISCOVERED – a Europe-wide student competition
Submissions for Chemistry Rediscovered are being accepted now through May 7th. The GDCh and EYCN video competition is aimed at students who enjoy creating a video clip.

May 5th to 7th, Garmisch
Alpine Forum 2017
First-hand information about starting your career. The tried and tested event of the JCF Munich


May 13th, Potsdam
Potsdam Science Day
More than 35 universities, schools and research institutions in Brandenburg present their everyday work beyond the institute walls in the Potsdam-Golm Science Park. Active members of the GDCh and the JCF are also there.


May 15th , Bochum, May 16th, Hamburg, May 17th, Frankfurt, May 18th, Leipzig, May 19th, Jena
“Sherlock Holmes and Chemistry
A series of lectures with Dr. Tobias Gruber from the University of Lincoln (UK) offers the German Young Chemists Network . In addition to his university research, Tobias Gruber is a member of the Sherlock Holmes Society in London and gives lectures on topics ranging from blood tests and photochemistry to the Baskerville hunt. During his journey, Gruber will introduce viewers to the chemistry behind Sherlock Holmes at five locations.


June 13, Frankfurt aM
At the JP Morgan Run, the world's largest company run, the GDCh team from the office will complete the running route through Frankfurt city center under the motto "150 years - went really well". (See photos at the bottom of this page)


June 24th, Berlin
Berlin Long Night of Sciences
From 5 p.m. to midnight, 70 scientific institutions in Berlin and on Potsdam's Telegrafenberg will open their doors. Here you can experience science live with numerous experiments, lectures, workshops and hands-on activities for adults and children.


June 29th, Krefeld
GDCh campus event
The third GDCh campus event of the year takes place in Krefeld and is aimed at everyone who wants to find out more about the chemical science landscape.


June to September

The Chemist Photo Quiz ran from the end of June to the beginning of September. The aim was to guess a chemist and win attractive prizes from GDCh and Wiley-VCH. A new round followed every week until Wifo in September. The winners were drawn in Berlin at Wifo. They have now received their prizes.


10th-14th September, Berlin

GDCh science forum and chemistry festival under the motto “Chemistry moves”


The highlight of the anniversary year will be the GDCh Chemistry Science Forum, with its motto “Chemistry moves”. Review of the Wifo.


October 24, Munich
GDCh campus event
The fourth and final campus event of the year is aimed at students and doctoral students. Among others, Reinhard Brückner, University of Freiburg, Matthias Mann, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, and Henry Dube, LMU Munich will speak. There is also a workshop on the topic of publishing.
Further information


October 25, London
Joint symposium with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
With a joint symposium in London, the GDCh and the RSC are not only celebrating the 150th anniversary of the GDCh, but also the long connection between the two chemical societies, which goes back to the GDCh founding president August Wilhlem von Hofmann. Additional Information:

You can download the brochure for this event here (pdf, 11 MB)

Das Team der GDCh-Geschäftsstelle beim JP-Morgan Lauf
"150 Jahre -richtig gut gelaufen" war das Motto

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