Heinz Schmidkunz Prize

Heinz Schmidkunz Prize


  • Subject: didactics of chemistry
  • Consists of: 7,500 euros, certificate
  • First awarded: 2015
  • Awarded in: Odd years

The price is currently advertised.

Required nomination documents: Short justification, CV and publication list with the top 10 publications
Deadline: 15 September 2024
Nomination form

Give chemistry a face. – Nominate.

The Heinz Schmidkunz Prize is awarded to personalities who have made particular contributions to research in chemistry education, the training of chemistry teachers and Chemical Education in schools. The award's namesake, Heinz Schmidkunz, set standards through his scientific research into the development of practical chemistry lessons, the implementation of school experiments according to the laws of perceptual psychology and the design of research-based teaching methods.

awardee 2023 - Alfred Flint, University of Rostock

Foto: Tom Wagner

Professor Alfred Flint is considered one of the most active chemistry educators in Germany. His project "Chemistry for Life" is based on structured and systematic chemical education in which everyday substances play a central role. Substances such as citric acid, pipe cleaners and oxygen bleach are used in the lessons, allowing students to make a direct connection to their everyday lives. This practical approach motivates students and leads to sustainable learning.

More information about Professor Flint

Distinguished people since 2015


Alfred Flint, University of Rostock

2019 Walter Jansen, Flensburg
2017 Marco Oetken, Freiburg
2015 Michael Tausch, Wuppertal

selection committee

Prof. Dr. Insa Melle, Technical University of Dortmund (lead management)
Hours. Silvia Beckhaus, Oldenburg High School
Marco Kapitzke, JCF Berlin
Prof. Dr. Marco Oetken, PH Freiburg
dr Marco Rossow, Reppenstedt
Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Schmalz, University of Cologne

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last modified: 08.07.2024 15:29 H from N/A