
Hildegard Hamm-Brücher Prize for equal opportunities in chemistry

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"Freedom is more than a word."

Hildegard Hamm-Bruecher

    • Subject: Equal Opportunities in Chemistry
    • Consists of: €7,500, certificate
    • First awarded: 2021
    • Awarded in: Odd years

    With the Hildegard Hamm-Brücher Prize for Equal Opportunities in Chemistry, the GDCh honors exemplary behavior in promoting more equal opportunities in chemistry. Individuals, teams, groups or organizations who are committed to or have committed themselves to equal opportunities with innovative projects are to be recognized.
    Equal opportunities should be an internalized pattern and a matter of course for every individual and every organization. It should show itself in the diversity of people who bring different backgrounds, experiences, skills, values, perspectives and beliefs to a group or organization as a value contribution in which they interact.

    Current award-winning team: Women In Supramolecular Chemistry

    The project 'Women In Supramolecular Chemistry (WISC) – an international network supporting equality, diversity and inclusion within supramolecular chemistry' will be awarded the Hildegard Hamm Brücher Award for equal opportunities in chemistry 2023.
    The international team, first led by Prof. Jennifer Hiscock, University of Kent/UK, and now by Prof. Anna McConnell, University of Siegen, initiated the project because women in chemical sciences have poorer opportunities for employment and career development, which is evident in precarious contracts, lower publication and citation numbers, low presence in committees and nominations, and fewer patent applications.
    The WISC project aims to create an international community for supramolecular chemists, especially women, to remove barriers and support retention and progression at all career stages. The project offers various initiatives such as mentoring, community clusters and workshops on inclusion and diversity to actively drive change.

    Information about WISC

    Das Preisträgerinnen-Team (v.o.l.n.u.r.): Jennifer Hiscock, Anna
    McConnell, Claudia Caltagirone, Cally Haynes, Emily Draper,
    Marion Kieffer, Jennifer Leigh, Anna Slater, Charlotte Hind, Larissa
    von Krbek, Sarah Pike, Paola Posocco
    (Fotos: privat/ BarbaraFrommann-UniBonn)

    Original literature by Hildegard Hamm-Brücher

    Hildegard Hamm-Brücher has published two articles about her doctoral supervisor Heinrich Wieland in Chemistry in Our Time, which you can find under the following links:

    A conversation with chemists: memories of Heinrich Wieland

    Science and civil courage: Heinrich Wieland - an upright dissident

    We thank Wiley-VCH for the exclusive free access to the two ChiuZ articles.

    selection committee

    The Commission for Equal Opportunities in Chemistry of the GDCh forms the selection committee. This selects a proposal from the nominations according to the above criteria and submits it to the GDCh Board for a decision. The selection process follows the general guidelines for GDCh awards.

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