Horst Pracejus Prize

Horst Pracejus Prize


  • Subject: chirality
  • Consists of: 7,500 euros, certificate
  • First awarded: 1999
  • Awarded in: Odd years

The price is currently advertised.

Required nomination documents: Short justification, CV and publication list with the top 10 publications
Deadline: 15 September 2024
Nomination form

Give chemistry a face. – Nominate.

The Horst Pracejus Prize is awarded to scientists for outstanding work in the field of enantioselectivity or chirality. The GDCh created the award in 1997. The namesake Pracejus was known for his research in the field of chiral catalysis and Head of the Catalysis Research Institute in Rostock. This was a branch of the Central Institute for Organic Chemistry of the GDR Academy of Sciences.

Current awardee - Oliver Trapp, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich

The GDCh is honoring Professor Oliver Trapp with the Horst Pracejus Prize for his fundamental achievements in autocatalysis, self-amplification and the determination of absolute configuration. Like no other, he has answered key questions about chirality through in-depth, creatively designed experiments.

More information about Professor Trapp

Distinguished people since 1999


Oliver Trapp, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

2019 Albrecht Berkessel, Cologne
2017 Thorsten Bach, Munich
2015 Dean Toste, Berkeley/USA
2013 Benjamin List, Mühlheim ad Ruhr
2011 Uwe Meierhenrich, Nice/France
2009 Hans-Ulrich Blaser, Basel/Switzerland
2007 Henri B. Kagan, Paris/France
2005 John M. Brown, Oxford/UK
2003 Andreas Pfaltz, Basel/Switzerland
2001 Günter Helmchen, Heidelberg
1999 Henri Bruner, Regensburg

selection committee

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bach, Technical University of Munich (lead management)
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Berkessel, University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Olga Garcia Mancheno, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Prof. Dr. René Peters, University of Stuttgart
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schneider, University of Leipzig

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last modified: 08.07.2024 15:29 H from N/A