Liebig commemorative medal

Liebig commemorative medal


  • Subject: All chemistry
  • Consists of: 7,500 euros, silver medal, certificate
  • First awarded: 1903
  • Awarded in: Even years

Extract from the deed of foundation

In the foundation charter of the Liebig Memorial Medal of the Association of German Chemists it says:

"Donated by the association on May 12, 1903, Liebig's centenary.
In honor of the old German master of chemistry, who pointed new paths in the lecture hall and workshop;
the creator of the modern laboratory,
to the memory of the classical writer and thinker in a wide area of the knowledge of nature;
as an incentive and reward for creative and researching German chemists in fulfillment of the association's purpose: the promotion of chemistry. "

The GDCh awards the Liebig Memorial Medal for outstanding achievements in the entire field of chemistry.

Current award winner: Claudia Felser, MPI for Chemical physics of Solids, Dresden

Foto: Sven Döring /

Professor Claudia Felser will be awarded the 2022 Liebig commemorative coin as a world-leading scientist in the field of solid-state chemistry. She has unique expertise in discovering physical phenomena and then investigating them in chemical systems. This enables her to develop applications that have already led to fundamental breakthroughs in the chemistry and physics of solids on several occasions.

More information about Professor Felser

Award winner interview 2020

Distinguished persons since 1903


Claudia Felser, MPI for Chemical physics of Solids in Dresden

2020 Herbert Waldmann, Dortmund
2018 Wolfgang Schnick, Munich
2016 Markus Antonietti, Potsdam
2014 Hans-Ulrich Reissig, Berlin
2012 Walter Thiel, Mühlheim am Ruhr
2010 Joachim Sauer, Berlin
2008 Wolfgang Krätschmer, Heidelberg
2006 Herbert Mayr, Munich
2004 Arndt Simon, Stuttgart
2002 Hans Wolfgang Spiess, Mainz
2000 Reinhart Ahlrichs, Karlsruhe
1998 Helmut Schwarz, Berlin
1996 Werner Kutzelnigg, Bochum
1994 Wolfgang Beck, Munich
1993 Reinhard W. Hoffmann, Marburg
1991 Kurt Issleib, Halle (Saale)
1989 Meinhart Zenk, Munich
1987 Gerhard Ertl, Berlin
1986 Rolf Appel, Bonn
1984 Ulrich Schöllkopf, Göttingen
1983 Dieter Oesterheit, Munich
1981 Armin Weiss, Munich
1980 Ernst Ruch, Berlin
1976 Horst Pommer, Ludwigshafen
1973 Leopold Horner, Mainz
1972 Hans-Werner Kuhn, Göttingen
1969 Oskar Glemser, Göttingen
1967 Erich Thilo, Berlin
1965 Wilhelm Husmann, Aachen
1964 Günter Scheibe, Munich
1961 Rolf Huisgen, Munich
1960 Georg-Maria Schwab, Munich
1958 Gerhard Schramm, Tübingen
1957 Friedrich A. Paneth, Mainz
1956 Heinrich Hock, Clausthal
1955 Feodor Lynen, Munich
1953 Wilhelm Moschel, Leverkusen
1951 Wilhelm Klemm, Münster
1950 Erich Konrad, Leverkusen

Prize winners of the Association of German Chemists

1940 Otto Hönigschmid, Munich
1938 Eduard Zintl, Darmstadt
1937 Ernst Späth, Vienna/Austria
1936 Gustav F. Hüttig, Prague/Czech Republic

Walther A. Roth, Brunswick

Karl Ziegler, Heidelberg

1934 Ferdinand Flury, Würzburg
1933 Adolf Spilker, Duisburg

Friedrich Emich, Graz/Austria

Ida Noddack, Berlin

Walter Noddack, Berlin

1930 Otto Ruff, Breslau
1929 Hans Fischer, Munich
1928 Friedrich Bergius, Heidelberg
1927 Fritz Raschig, Ludwigshafen
1926 Robert-Emanuel Schmidt, Wuppertal-Elberfeld
1925 Gustav Tammann, Göttingen
1924 Max Schroeder, Berlin
1922 Wilhelm Normann, Chemnitz
1921 Max Planck, Berlin
1919 Carl Bosch, Ludwigshafen
1914 Fritz Haber, Berlin
1913 Emil Ehrensberger, Traunstein
1912 Carl Harries, Berlin
1911 Paul Ehrlich, Frankfurt a. M.
1909 Otto Schott, Jena
1908 Otto Schoenherr, Dresden
1907 Adolf Frank, Berlin
1905 Eduard Buchner, Würzburg
1904 Rudolf Knietsch, Ludwigshafen
1903 Adolf von Baeyer, Munich

Selection committee

Prof. Dr. Beate Koksch, Free University of Berlin
Prof. Dr. Evamarie Hey-Hawkins, University of Leipzig
Prof. Dr. Markus Reiher, ETH Hönggerberg
Prof. Dr. Franc Meyer, Georg August University of Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Marie Weinhart, Free University of Berlin

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last modified: 08.07.2024 15:29 H from N/A