Karl Ziegler Young Scientist Award

Karl Ziegler Young Scientist Award

Here you can find the current call for proposals for the Karl Ziegler Prize 2025.

The application deadline is March 1, 2025.

One purpose of the Karl Ziegler Foundation is to support chemists by awarding scholarships, preferably to younger people. In order to fulfill this purpose, the foundation awards the Karl Ziegler Young Scientist Award every two years. The prize enables leaders of a junior research group to finance a postdoc position with 2,500 euros per month. The prize is endowed with a total of 30,000.00 euros and is paid monthly.

Research projects in Karl Ziegler's field are eligible for funding, including in particular organometallic and inorganic chemistry, organic and applied chemistry, as well as polymer chemistry and catalysis. The junior research group leader can fill the postdoc position freely. The applicant may not yet hold a W2 professorship or higher. The foundation must be mentioned as a sponsor in all publications resulting from this project (publications, lectures, poster contributions, etc.). Payout will begin in the first quarter of 2024.

Funded since 2023

Year group leader PostDoc
2023 Christopher J. Teskey, TU Braunschweig Martina Lippolis


Dr. Ralph Wieneke
Varrentrappstr. 40 - 42
60486 Frankfurt aM
Tel. +49 69 7917-311
Fax +49 69 7917-1311

E-Mail: r.wieneke@gdch.de

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last modified: 12.11.2024 17:55 H from J.Herr