
Statutes And Code Of Conduct

Version of 18 June 2024


The German Chemical Society , which was founded in 1949 through the merger of regional sub-societies founded in 1946 for the then territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, is the successor organization to the German Chemical Society (founded in 1867 in Berlin) and the Association of German Chemists (founded in 1887 in Frankfurt am Main). After the dissolution of the Chemical Society (formerly the CG of the GDR), its members were able to join the GDCh from the end of 1990. The name German Chemical Society has historical roots and we are aware of its contradictory nature. Of course, the GDCh represents the interests of all those interested in chemistry, regardless of their gender, profession, nationality or other criteria.

The GDCh has set itself the task of promoting science in the entire field of chemistry and its sub- and neighboring disciplines nationally and internationally, based on the principles of voluntariness and excluding any discrimination based on origin or other factors. At the same time, its activities are aimed at ensuring the promotion of the general public. The acquisition of chemical knowledge and the dissemination of an understanding of chemistry are tied to people who act and evaluate. The GDCh has therefore adopted the following code of conduct and statutes.

code of conduct of the German Chemical Society

§ 1 Name, Registered Office And Business Year

§ 2 Purpose, tasks and objectives

§ 3 Realisation of purpose

§ 4 Means

§ 5 Non-profit status

§ 6 Membership

§ 7 Acquisition and commencement of membership

§ 8 Termination of membership

§ 9 Rights and obligations of members

§ 10 Membership Fee

§ 11 Bodies Of The Society

§ 12 General Assembly

§ 13 Board

§ 14 Executive Committee (Board According To § 26 BGB)

§ 15 Management

§ 16 Court Of Honour

§ 17 Divisions

§ 18 local sections and other regional organisations

§ 19 Youth organisation

§ 20 Amendment of the Articles of Association

§ 21 Dissolution

§ 22 Entry Into Force

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The GDCh statutes in PDF format for download

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