Carl-Duisberg Memorial Award

Carl Duisberg Memorial Prize


  • Subject: Young scientists in chemistry
  • Consists of: 7,500 euros (of which 5,000 euros for the award winner and 2,500 euros for the working group), certificate
  • First awarded: 1936
  • Allocated in: Yearly

The Carl Duisberg Memorial Prize serves to promote young academics in chemistry and is endowed with a total of 7,500 euros. It is awarded to individuals who work at a German university or as a German at a foreign university, who do not yet hold a W2 / W3 in a comparable position and who are not over 40 years of age.

In 1935, the IG Farbenindustrie established the Carl Duisberg Memorial Foundation at the Association of German Chemists to promote the next generation of academics. It was intended to express the close ties between industrial chemist Carl Duisberg and chemical research and teaching. After the Second World War, the foundation was initially not renewed. At the suggestion of the GDCh board of directors, Bayer AG agreed in 1969 to revive the award. Financing is now provided from the proceeds of a special fund for awards at the GDCh.

Current award winner: Corina Andronescu, University of Duisburg-Essen

Foto: Universität

The GDCh honors Jun.-Prof. Dr. Corina Andronescu for her pioneering work on electrocatalytic reactions for energy conversion using high-throughput screening of new catalyst materials, nanoelectrochemical methods and characterization in model electrolyzers.

More information about Corina Andronescu

Distinguished people since 1936

2024 Corina Andronescu, University of Duisburg-Essen
2023 Kai Exner, University of Duisburg-Essen
2022 Juliane Simmchen, TU Dresden
2020 Felix Schacher, Jena
2019 Sandra Luber, Zurich/Switzerland
2018 Bill Morandi, Mülheim ad Ruhr
2017 Shigeyoshi Inoue, Munich
2016 Felix R. Fischer, Berkeley/USA
2015 Kallol Ray, Berlin
2014 Tanja Junkers, Diepenbreek/Belgium
2013 Mathias Christmann, Dortmund
2012 Daniel Seidel, Piscataway/USA
2011 Christian Hartinger, Vienna/Austria
2010 Sebastian Schlücker, Osnabrück
2009 David Scheschkewitz, London/UK
2008 Harald Gröger, Erlangen-Nuremberg
2007 Lukas J. Gooßen, Kaiserslautern
2006 Margaret-Jane Crawford, Munich
2005 Cosima Stubenrauch, Dublin/Ireland
2004 Andreas Terfort, Hamburg
2003 Benjamin List, La Jolla/USA
2002 Christian Limberg, Garching and Heidelberg
2001 Hendrik Zipse, Munich
2000 Thisbe K. Lindhorst, Kiel
1999 Ulrich Bernd Wiesner, Ithaca/USA
1998 Rüdiger Beckhaus, Aachen
1997 Carlo Unverzagt, Garching
1996 Jürgen Gauss
1995 Manfred Martin, Darmstadt
1994 Hansjörg Grützmacher, Freiburg
1993 Wilhelm F. Maier, Stuttgart
1992 Herbert Waldmann, Bonn
1991 Joachim Maier, Stuttgart
1989 Michael Buback, Göttingen
1988 Werner P. Müller-Esterl, Munich
1987 Gerd Meyer, Gießen
1986 Hans-Joachim Gais, Darmstadt
1985 Hans-Josef Altenbach, Cologne
1984 Heino Finkelmann, Clausthal-Zellerfeld
1983 Heinrich Betz, Martinsried
1982 Siegfried Schneider, Munich
1981 Wolf Peter Fehlhammer, Erlangen-Nuremberg
1980 Hans-Dieter Martin, Würzburg
1979 Manfred Zeidler, Karlsruhe
1978 Hans-Friedrich Klein, Munich
1977 Bernd Giese, Freiburg
1976 Konrad Sandhoff, Munich
1975 Dieter Sellmann, Munich
1974 Richard R. Schmidt, Stuttgart
1972 Fritz Eckstein, Göttingen
1971 Werner Kutzelnigg, Karlsruhe
1970 Henri Brunner, Munich
1969 Gert Köbrich, Heidelberg

Prize winners from the Association of German Chemists

1943 Hans Lettré, Göttingen
1941 Karl Gleu, Jena
1939 Hans Brockmann, Göttingen
1938 Elisabeth Dane, Munich
1937 Herbert Brintzinger, Jena
1936 Rudolf Tschesche, Göttingen

Selection committee

Prof. Dr. Sonja Herres-Pawlis, RWTH Aachen University (lead)
Dr. Frank Dissinger, University of Ulm
Prof. Dr. Ute Hellmich, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Prof. Dr. Bill Morandi, ETH Zurich
Prof. Dr. Ralf Tonner-Zech, University of Leipzig

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last modified: 08.07.2024 15:59 H from N/A