The Adolf von Baeyer Commemorative Medal is awarded to scientists for outstanding work in the field of organic chemistry. The prize was donated by Carl Duisberg in 1910 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the lecturer and the 75th birthday of his teacher Adolf von Baeyer. The GDCh has been awarding this award since 1949. It was initially financed by Bayer AG and later by a special fund of the GDCh. The namesake Adolf von Baeyer is one of the most important chemists of his time and was honored with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1905 for the synthesis of indigo and triphenylmethane dyes.
Professor Rainer Herges is the awardee of the 2023 Adolf von Baeyer Memorial Medal. He is being honored for his outstanding and groundbreaking contributions to organic chemistry. His work has had a significant impact on the discipline and is characterized by originality, fundamental research and international recognition. He covers a wide range of topics, from theory to synthesis to practical application. Thirty years ago, he successfully developed methods using machine learning to predict new chemical transformations. Herges' ACID method for visualizing the density of delocalized electrons is also recognized worldwide. He also succeeded in producing the first molecule that can be magnetically switched at room temperature, which enables precise and spatially high-resolution temperature measurements, for example in magnetic resonance imaging.
2023 | Rainer Herges, Christian Albrechts University in Kiel |
2019 | Frank Wuerthner, Wuerzburg |
2017 | Peter R. Schreiner, Gießen |
2015 | Carsten Bolm, Aachen |
2013 | Klaus Müllen, Mainz |
2011 | François Diederich, Zurich/Switzerland |
2009 | Gerhard Erker, Munster |
2007 | Wolfram Sander, Bochum |
2005 | Armin de Meijere, Gottingen |
2003 | Fritz Voegtle, Bonn |
2001 | Dieter Hoppe, Munster |
1999 | Manfred Regitz, Kaiserslautern |
1996 | Henning Hopf, Brunswick |
1994 | Rolf Gleiter, Heidelberg |
1991 | Gunther Maier, Gießen |
1989 | Horst Prinzbach, Freiburg |
1987 | Wolfgang Kirmse, Bochum |
1986 | Paul by Ragué Schleyer, Erlangen |
1985 | Wolfgang Richard Roth, Bochum |
1983 | Christoph Rüchardt, Freiburg |
1980 | Klaus Hafner, Darmstadt |
1979 | Heinz A. Staab, Heidelberg |
1978 | Rudolph Wiechert, Berlin |
1975 | Hans Albert Offe, Wuppertal-Elberfeld |
1971 | Eugen Müller, Tubingen |
1968 | Otto Scherer, Frankfurt a. M |
1967 | Siegfried Hünig, Wuerzburg |
1965 | Franz Sondheimer, Cambridge/UK |
1963 | Otto Roelen, Oberhausen-Holten |
1961 | John Eggert, Zurich/Switzerland |
1960 | Erich Haack, Mannheim |
1958 | Paul Schlack, Frankfurt a. M |
1957 | Alfred Rieche, Berlin-Adlershof |
1956 | Gerhard Schrader, Wuppertal-Elberfeld |
1955 | Hermann OL Fischer, Berkeley/USA |
1954 | Arthur Zitscher, Offenbach a. M |
1953 | Georg Wittig, Tubingen |
1952 | Gustav Ehrhart, Frankfurt a. M |
1951 | Otto Bayer, Leverkusen |
1949 | Walter Reppe, Ludwigshafen |
1934 | Richard Kuhn, Heidelberg |
1931 | Otto Diels, Kiel |
1929 | Adolf Gruen, Grenzach |
1927 | Adolf Windaus, Goettingen |
1925 | Otto Heinrich Warburg, Berlin |
1924 | Oscar Dressel, Bonn |
1921 | Max von Laue, Berlin |
1919 | Wilhelm Connstein, Berlin |
1914 | Richard Willstatter, Munich |
1911 | Paul Friedlaender, Darmstadt |
Prof. Dr. Frank Würthner, Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg (lead)
Prof. Dr. Lutz Ackermann, Georg August University of Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Anke Krüger, University of Stuttgart
Dr. Carl Friedrich Nising, Bayer AG
Prof. Dr. Bart Jan Ravoo, Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster
Prof. Dr. Tanja Weil, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
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