Membership fee

Membership fee

On the basis of Section 10, Section 2 of the statutes of the German Chemical Society, the General Assembly on September 5, 2023 decided on the contribution regulations for the 2024 contribution year. The amount of the membership fee depends on the type of membership and the respective performance of individual member groups.

contribution classes

Ordinary members

Annual fee € 140.00

Full members are: those working in chemistry and related areas as well as other people at home and abroad interested in chemical and molecular sciences.

GDCh/VAA dual membership agreement
Application only possible in the first 5 years after starting working life.

Annual contribution GDCh € 100.00

Ordinary double members

Annual fee € 110.00

This contribution category applies to people who belong to both the German Chemical Society and one of the following associations:


  • German Bunsen Society for physical chemistry eV (DBG)
  • Society for Chemical Engineering and biotechnology eV (DECHEMA)
  • German Society for Electroplating and Surface Technology eV (DGO)
  • Society for Toxicological and forensic chemistry (GTFCh)
  • German Glass Technology Society eV (DGG)
  • German Physical Society eV (DPG)
  • Nuclear Technology Society eV (KTG)
  • German Gas and Water Association (DVGW)
  • Steel Institute (VDEh)
  • German Association for Water Management, Sewage and Waste (DWA) eV
  • Association of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology (VDE)
  • German Scientific Society for Sustainable Energy Sources, Mobility and Carbon Cycles (DGMK)
  • Association of German Foundry Specialists (VDG)
  • Society for Metallurgists and Miners (GDMB)
  • Association of German Engineers (VDI)
  • Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM)

Members International

Annual fee € 90.00

Persons who live abroad and have only been members of another chemical society abroad with which the GDCh maintains friendly relations can apply for the status of an international member. The same applies to foreigners who are temporarily living in Germany as part of a worker posting.

Ordinary double members GÖCH

Annual fee € 70.00 (resident in Austria)

retired members

Annual fee € 70.00

(upon application; from the age of 58 in the case of early retirement)

Lifetime membership

Persons who have been a member of the GDCh for at least 25 years can apply for lifelong membership in the GDCh by paying a one-time fee. The amount of the one-off amount depends on various parameters such as B. the age at the time of application. The individual calculation takes place via the following link:

Unemployed ordinary members

Annual fee € 30.00

(upon application) Please enclose a certificate from the Employment Agency.
The first year of unemployment is free of contributions.

Young members

Annual fee €70.00

The following are listed as young members: full GDCh members up to three years after completing their doctorate or, for colleagues who do not have a doctorate, up to three years after entering professional life. Applications for leadership as a young member should be sent to the GDCh Office, stating the date of the doctorate or the start of professional activity

GDCh/VAA dual membership agreement
Application only possible in the first 5 years after starting working life.
Annual fee GDCh € 50.00

The following are listed as young members of the GDCh/VAA: full GDCh members up to two years after completing their doctorate or, for colleagues who do not have a doctorate, up to two years after entering professional life. Applications for leadership as a young member should be sent to the GDCh Office, stating the date of the doctorate or the start of professional activity

Student members

Annual fee € 30.00 (first calendar year free of charge*)

However, student status can only be used until you have completed your doctorate until you reach the age of 31. In justified individual cases, status can be granted beyond the age of 31 upon application. The status is only granted until you start working life or complete your doctorate. A part-time course of study or a second, professionally qualifying course of study does not justify the right to student membership. The student ID card must be enclosed with the application for student membership.

GDCh/VAA dual membership agreement (upon application)

Student GDCh/VAA dual membership does not involve any additional costs. VAA membership for students is included in the GDCh membership fee of €30.00. This will only change when I finish my studies - at the latest when I turn 31 - and transition to becoming a GDCh/VAA young member.

*Student members and other members in training are free of charge in the first calendar year. This means that if you join before June 30th, the first annual fee of 30 euros will not be charged and if you join after July 1st, the current and the following calendar year will remain free of charge.

members in training

Annual fee € 30.00 (first calendar year free of charge*)

This status applies to other persons interested in the chemical and molecular sciences who are in professional or academic training, ie not enrolled as a student in a university. Proof of education must be attached to the application.

Associate Members

Annual contribution € 40.00 can be paid by people from Germany and abroad whose training does not come from the field of chemistry and related areas and/or who do not work in this field and who are only interested in working in one of the Divisions and/or the sections of society are interested.

special contribution

Annual fee € 70.00

The discounted special contribution applies to ordinary members who have to accept a temporary reduction in income upon application. Furthermore, the special status for partnerships applies, whereby both persons must be GDCh members, but only one copy of the membership magazine ' Nachrichten aus der Chemie (NCh) is obtained. One of the two persons must be a full paying GDCh member.

Supporting Members

Basic contribution companies
on request

Basic contribution institutes and libraries
€ 152.00

Attention students and trainees!

Trainees and student members remain free of charge in the first calendar year and can thus easily get to know the GDCh.

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last modified: 11.04.2024 12:29 H from Translator