The Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Geschichte der Chemie is one of only four journals worldwide specifically devoted to the history of chemistry.
Since 1988, they have been published once a year. Members of the Division receive the journal as part of their membership fee; others can request the issues from the office for a contribution to the costs. Subscriptions are not possible.
The newsletters publish both lectures from the Division 's Conferences and free contributions. The "Documentation and Information" section - summarized in the electronic edition - contains news from the specialist area and points out relevant Conferences, exhibitions and new publications.
Contributions can be submitted in German or English. For further information, please refer to the author guidelines.
The communications are regularly bibliographically reviewed in Chemical Abstracts and in the Isis Current Bibliography on the History of Science.
From 2016 onwards, the journal is also freely accessible electronically. The content of the communications can be accessed via the following menu. A cumulative table of contents exists for volumes 1 (1988) – 20 (2009).
V. Karpenko
Vitriol. Connections between alchemy and chemistry
D. Kunz
Arrhenius and global warming
G. Wormuth
Immigration of German and Austrian chemists to the USSR 1928–1938
A. Faggiano et al.
Hermann Staudinger. A controversial researcher
A. Strength
The chemist Lili Wachenheim (1893–1989). A biographical sketch
EE Wille, M. Barth
“Lives in Chemistry – Lifetime Achievements in Chemistry” (LiC). Autobiographical book series by outstanding chemists
MB Carrier, C. Reinhardt
A. Strength
Chemical Berlin 1876. A virtual city walk in the founding year of the German Chemical Society
M.D. Gordin
Arrange the elements. In its elegance and accessibility, the periodic table hides hard-won discoveries
K. Ruthenberg, H. Chang
Glass and Life: The Biochemical Origins of pH
K.-D. Röker
Guillaume-Francois Rouelle, "fondateur de la chimie en France"
K. Stanzl
The fragrance industry in the 19th century
D. Left
Hans Joachim von Wartenberg (1880-1960). A pioneer of modern inorganic high-temperature chemistry
A. Strength
The affair surrounding the alchemist Georg (von) Welling in Berlin between 1705 and 1715
K.-D. Röker
From the heat material
R. Kießling
The Chemical Society of the GDR, Part 2
G. Boeck
Celebrating DI Mendeleev's Periodic System. A Historical Perspective (conference report)
Content / Imprint G. Görmar
Joachim Tancke (1557-1609) - professor of medicine and surgery, Paracelsist, astronomer, poet and rector of the University of Leipzig T. Moenius
Friedrich I of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (1646-1691) and the Rittmeister Johann Henrich Vierordt (1649-1685) H. Andreas
"Cyan Industry" - Beginnings of a Chemical Industry in Germany in the 18th Century C. Halm
An early conception of agricultural chemistry: Johan Gottschalk Wallerius' Agriculturæ Fundamenta Chemica (1761) K.-D. Röker
Paired connections C. Nawa
The Tübingen Chemical Laboratory from 1846 M. Haustein
The contact process - an innovation from the Saxon steel industry G. Löffler
Carl Auer von Welsbach and his contribution to early radioactivity research S. Niese
The first decade of radium research in Germany W. Reschetilowski
Dresden scholars and entrepreneurs in correspondence with Wilhelm Ostwald D. Braun
On the social history of plastics D. Linke
In memory of the Berlin chemist Wilhelm Traube (1866?1942) JH Wertz, A. Quye, D. France
Taking historical chemistry to the bench: Nineteenth-century Scottish Turkey red dyed textiles R. Anderson
Where has all the chemistry gone? R. Peters, A. Hohmeyer
VerSIErt: Genesis and content of a hitherto unique exhibition project in the German chemical industry From the subject, New publications submitted
Content / Imprint A. Kraft
A contentious chemist: the Berlin doctor Johann Heinrich Pott (1692?1777) HG Struppe
The ?middle? Gellert: For the 300th birthday of Christlieb Ehregott Gellert H. Kluge
"The modern theories of chemistry" - Julius Lothar Meyer P. Hallpap, T. Klupsch
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Knorr (1859-1921): The apartment in Jena W. Scheinert
It all started with aniline: organic intermediates at the chemical factories. Hamlet ter Meer S. Niese
The discovery of Protactinium by Kasimir Fajans and Oswald Göhring in 1913 W. Scheinert
The Messel mine as a mineral oil works: Oil shale mining and processing before the UNESCO World Heritage title E. Gritz
?Mersol? - a detergent made from coal D. Linke
German-German scientific relations: The chemical colloquia of the Berlin branch of the Chemical Society in the GDR during the 1960s Documentation and information
Content / Imprint G. Lattermann
Prehistoric and early historical biopolymer (raw) materials G. Görmar
Jacob Waitz and Basilius Valentinus in Walkenried Monastery: Legend and Reality KD Röker
Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge G. Schwedt's ?Jedermann Chemistry?
CR Fresenius' mineral water analysis using the example of the historical "Mineralquelle zu Niederselters" H. Andreas
Reinhold Hoffmann and his fellow student August Kekulé D. Braun
Marcelin Berthelot as the first polymer researcher of the nineteenth century A. Martin
Döbereiner and the platinum S. Niese
The discovery of the actinium R. Kießling
The Chemical Society of the GDR: Part I P. Hallpap
The transition to chemistry at the University of Jena Documentation and information
Content / Imprint A. Kraft
Paths of Knowledge: Berliner Blau, 1706-1726 KD Schwenke
Lavoisier and the beginnings of agricultural chemistry W. Huebner
Achard's Alloy Lore: A Missed Opportunity S. Niese
The meteorite Erxleben and the early cosmochemistry KD Röker
The search for the structure of organic compounds: Laurent's core hypothesis and its adaptation by Gmelin P. Kurzmann
August Kekulé in Switzerland R. Salzer et al
The young chemist Clemens Winkler and the blue paint factory Niederpfannenstiel R. Mierzecki
Polish chemical associations before 1919 A. Martin
Beginnings of the chemical university institute in Jena S. Niese
Integration of science and production in the Central Institute for Nuclear Research Rossendorf (1958-1991) Documentation and information
Content / Imprint G. Dörfel
The race for white gold - On the reinvention of European porcelain in the small states of Thuringia K. Volke
300 years of Meissen porcelain manufactory - the history of the porcelain invention P. Hallpap
history of chemistry at the University of Jena J. Hollweg
Gottfried August Hoffmann and his "Guide to Chemistry for Artists and Manufacturers" - The First Textbook of Chemical Technology? P. Bohley
Johann Christian Reil and the origin of biochemistry K. Urban
The development of duralumin by Alfred Wilm 100 years ago W. Huebner
Corrosion and Corrosion Protection - Historically H. Maier
?Rescue metals?, plastic pioneers and ?economic miracles? On the joint work of the scientific-technical associations in the field of materials research in the 20th century G. Collin
History of Carbon Materials Documentation and Information
Content / Imprint H.-W. Schütt
Another 'pre-discoverer' of oxygen: Abraham Eleazar H. Andreas
Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge: pioneer of tar paint chemistry? M. Haustein, J. Zaun
The collection of chemical preparations of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg - Clemens Winkler's material traces W. Scheinert
Triphenylmethane dyes at the chemical factories vorm. Weiler-ter Meer and their predecessor companies K.-D. Röker
Vulcanization - chemical reaction or absorption process? A controversy at the beginning of the 20th century R. Aust
The difficult path to synthetic rubber - a path with coincidences and research impulses H. Gilch
The inventors of nylon and perlon: Wallace H. Carothers and Paul Schlack S. Niese
Mothballs for the detection of nuclear radiation: Hartmut Kallmann (1896-1978) and the organic scintillators P. Löhnert
Richard May, Theodor Mariam, Oskar Falek: Fates of Jewish chemists in the Wolfen paint factory after 1933 Documentation and information
Content / Imprint I. Keil
Manufacturer of scientific instruments in the early modern period in Augsburg J. Büttner
Oeconomia animalis: On the prehistory of the concept of metabolism H.-H. Walter
The history of brine therapy in the German spas KD Schwenke
From Eyweiß to Protein: On the History of a Concept Ch. Bigg
The Career of Quantitative Spectral Analysis: Experimental Cultures Between physics, Chemistry, and Industry AS Travis
150th Anniversary of Mauve and Coal-Tar Dyes R. Zott
?Live in a time of the most general educational interest? E. Roussanova
KF Beilstein's election to the Petersburg Academy of Sciences G. Boeck
Four unpublished letters from Dmitrij I. Mendeleev to Wilhelm Ostwald R. Zott
Epigrams and (?Karlsbader?) study verses Wilhelm Ostwalds G. Boeck
Julius Wagner - Germany's first professor for chemistry education W. Wetzel
History of German Chemistry in the First Half of the 20th Century, approx. 1910-1945 K.-D. Röker
The first attempts to use synthetic rubber S. Niese
The discovery of X-ray fluorescence analysis H. Teichmann
'Chemical reports' - once different B. Bächi
History of chemistry as cultural history: ascorbic acid and the 'defensive position' of the 'economic body', 1933-1953 documentation and information
Content / Imprint K. Herrmann
For the description of chemical processes in the old Chinese technology encyclopedia "Tian gong kai wu" from 1637 J. Büttner
The ?chemical life process? comes into the focus of chemists: The beginnings of physiological chemistry U. Klein
Chemical formulas and the development of modern organic chemistry W. Wetzel
History and importance of the by-products of the Leblanc soda process H.-H. Walter
From flat pan to vacuum crystallizer: Evaporated salt production in the 19th and 20th centuries R. Zott
Justus Liebig (1803-1873): Striving for, Achievement and Various Effects V. Hierholzer
"Food gendarmes": Regulation of food quality in the German Empire K. Riewerts
"If you want to be beautiful, you have to suffer" Freckle remedy under the aspect of consumer protection around 1900 C. Simon
Four ?ordinary? and one extraordinary chemist: microhistory of a department at ETH Zurich 1933-1945 M. Schüring
Continuity in ?Reconstruction?: The role of Ernst Telschow in the transition from the Kaiser Wilhelm to the Max Planck Society H. Bode
About an innovation and its abuse: Zyklon B D. Demus: Hans Zocher (1893 - 1969): chemist and emigrant H. Schönemann
What does the atom have to do with the individual? The language (in) chemistry Documentation and information
Content / Imprint H. Teichmann
175 years of Wöhler's urea synthesis J. Büttner
"I attach great importance to these discoveries ...": Friedrich Wöhler and the hippuric acid J. Büttner
Justus von Liebig's "Chemical Physiology": Steps to a Chemistry of Life KD Schwenke
Liebig's plant casein G. Boeck
Liebig's footsteps in Mecklenburg V. Ziegler
Does Fehling's solution rightly bear its name? K. Volke
Clemens Winkler and environmental protection: On the 100th anniversary of the death of Freiberg chemist E. Roussanova
On the history of women's studies in chemistry: Julia Lermontowa - the first chemist with a doctorate S. Börtitz, O. Wienhaus
Professor Hans Wislicenus, chemist and amateur musician: An unusual portrait of D. Stoltzenberg
Emil Fischer, Fritz Haber and the promotion of science S. Niese
Georg Karl von Hevesy as full professor of physical chemistry in Freiburg, 1926?1934 M. Engel
The chemical laboratory of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, 1887?1945 Documentation and information
Content / Imprint G. Görmar
Johann Thölde, editor of the writings of "Basilius Valentinus" and author of the Haliographia - a biographical sketch by G. Boeck
August Michaelis: Is his scientific achievement exhausted in the Michaelis-Arbusow reaction? KD swivel
Heinrich Einhof: A pioneer of agricultural chemistry R. Zott
Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff: His career and his way to Berlin D. Wagner
The chemical factory Griesheim: pioneer of technical electrochemistry M. Kaji
Ogawa's Discovery of the ?Nipponium? - Modern Japanese Chemistry in a Historical Context H. Andreas
Prof. Dr. Hermann Römpp - his life and work M. Gill / P. Löhnert: Jewish forced laborers in the Aceta factory in Berlin-Lichtenberg Chr. Simon
Industrial research rewarded: The Nobel Prize for Physiology / medicine 1948 H. Teichmann
Chemistry in Berlin-Adlershof H. Bode
Development of synthetic fibers at Phrix AG Documentation and information
Contents / Imprint V. Karpenko, P. Widzová
The bohemian alchemist Hynek von Pod?brad U. Gantenbein
The relationships between alchemy and metallurgy in the early 16th century, particularly in Paracelsus and Georgius Agricola U. Gantenbein
Michael Cochem's art book (Ms. Vadiana 407) from 1522. Its importance for medical alchemy H.-H. Walter
Paints, metals and chemicals from 'Bergfabriken' K. Volke
The discovery of the chemical element indium in Freiberg. For the 200th anniversary of the birthday of the physicist Ferdinand Reich AJ Rocke
organic chemistry in Transition: The Entry of Liebig's Apparatus in French Laboratories W. Botsch
Justus von Liebig and the concept of life force R. Zott
Klio and Kalliope - Science and Technology of the 19th Century in the German-Speaking Fine-Spiritual Literature of that Time HJ Bittrich
On the time dependence of the affinity H. Bode
Walter Voss. Early Ways of Obtaining Chemicals from Wood E. Finger
A life for photography: Prof. Hermann Wilhelm Vogel on the 100th anniversary of E. Finger's death
Franz Oppenheim. Co-founder of the chemical site Bitterfeld / Wolfen Documentation and Information
Content / Imprint Editorial: C. Meinel
The history of chemistry before the challenges of internationalization C.-V. Grewe
Naphtha and asphalt, widely used products in antiquity J. Berger
Affinity and Response Time in 18th Century Chemistry E. Zaitseva
Under the influence of German scientific traditions: IS Plotnikow and the first photochemical laboratory in Russia D. Stoltzenberg
As a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard in 1905: A report by Arthur Stähler F. Litten
?He helped because, as a person and as an opponent of National Socialism, he felt motivated to do so? - Rudolf Hüttel (1912-1993) P. Löhnert, M. Gill
A contribution to the fate of Jewish chemists in the Wolfen film factory after 1993 FL Holmes
The historical origin of the Krebs cycle HG Schröter
Economic history and chemical industry - chemical industry and historical science L.Marschall
Biotechnological research in the pharmaceutical industry: problems and solution strategies using the example of the company Boehringer Ingelheim H. Bode
History of the chemical fiber industry in the GDR RW Soukup
Chemical history in Austria
Content / Imprint B. Engel
The Berlin academy laboratory at the time of Marggraf and Achards M. Seils
Chemistry instead of mathematics - an alternative program to establish chemistry as a natural science J. Büttner
Apparatus for Chemical Analysis in the First Clinical Laboratories, 1790-1850 B. Orland
Chemistry for everyday life. Popular German Chemistry Books, 1780-1930 E. Homburg
The Teaching of Chemistry at the German Polytechnic Schools, 1803-1860 W. Caesar
Charles Caldwell, an American opponent of Liebig's 'Thierchemie' B. Görs
Chemistry and atomism in the German-speaking area J. Berger
Chemical mechanics and kinetics. The importance of mechanical heat theory for the theory of chemical reactions C. Reiners
From the material principle to the material principle to the mathematical formalism D. Stoltzenberg
Emil Fischer and the H. Bode Science Fund
History of the Wolfen film factory, 1909-1994 A. Karachalios
The origin and development of quantum chemistry in Germany Documentation and information
Content / Imprint M. Engel
Enzymology and fermentation chemistry: Alfred Wohls and Carl Neubergs reaction schemes of alcoholic fermentation H. Teichmann
The Scheibler-Limpricht correspondence: a newly developed source of chemical-historical information H.-J. Bittrich, M. Wobst
Wilhelm Dittmar - Life and Work of EK Vámos
The importance of German chemical literature for Hungarian experts as reflected in the presentations in the Hungarian chemical journal F. Baumann
The history of gasoline synthesis in the Leunawerke and its ecological consequences Documentation and information
Content / Imprint P. Munday
Storm and dung: Justus von Liebig and the Chemistry of Agriculture M. Teller
Chemical trade and chemical industry of Mecklenburg in the exhibition sector in the 19th and 20th centuries. Century A. Kipnis
August Horstmann, 1842-1929: A transitional figure in the history of physical chemistry U. Deichmann
The Expulsion of Jewish Chemists and Research Funding in National Socialist Germany and Austria C. Reiners
Usanovic versus Bronsted: On the Reception of a Concept P.Löhnert
25 years ago the "Journal for Scientific Photography ..." had to stop its publication. Documentation and information
Content / Imprint A. Kernbauer
Relations between the chemists at Austrian universities and those at German universities in the 19th century K. Ruthenberg, N. Psarros
Frantisek Wald and the phenomenological chemistry H. Teichmann
Choline - Neurin - Betaine: A chapter in natural product chemistry from the early days of the German Chemical Society M. Engel
"Sans vouloir diminuer le mérite." The chemistry of carbohydrates and Emil Fischer from the point of view of a French chemist D. Stoltzenberg
Fritz Haber (1868-1934) - His thoughts on the task and his commitment to the advancement of science R. Gelius
Lost correspondence from Prof. Heinrich Limpricht found again A. Wankmüller
The founding of the Münzing sulfuric acid factory near Heilbronn in 1930 - an early example of state commercial support H.-H. Walter
Historical production processes for inorganic salts Documentation and information
Content / Imprint R. Opferkuch
Chemical and Metallurgical Aspects of Alchemy H. Andreas
On the chemistry of Johann Conrad Dippel K. Ballschmitter
What is a substance made of? Past and present of a question I. Possehl
The development of analytics in pharmaceutical chemistry D. Wagner
Ernst Sell, the founder of tar distillation in Germany C. Reiners
Alfred Werner as a pioneer of modern acid-base concepts E. Uhlig
The aromatic complexes of chromium: From the first synthesis to the elucidation of the structure Documentation and information
Content / Imprint Editorial
Perspectives in the history of chemistry U. Neumann
Michael Maier (1569-1622), doctor, alchemist, writer and Rosicrucian P. Jungmayr
Margrave Karl Wilhelm (1679-1738) and alchemy at the Karlsruhe court C. Meinel
Analysis and Quantification in 18th Century Chemical Research Programs H. Meinert
On the history of fluorine chemistry and halogens R. Piosik, W. Jansen
The glass electrode and its co-inventor Zygmunt Klemensiewicz M. Osietzki
The National Socialist Reception Julius Robert Mayer - Alwin Mittasch and the concept of the dissolution of documentation and information
Content / Imprint J. Weyer
An exchange of letters between Duke Friedrich I von Württemberg and Count Wolfgang II von Hohenlohe on alchemical issues, 1597-1598 RW Soukup, S. v. east
The alchemist laboratory of Oberstockstall: A preliminary report by E. Höxtermann
Berlin Botanist in the History of biochemistry G. Beer
The establishment of the chair and institute for inorganic chemistry at the University of Göttingen in 1903 B. Löser
The contribution of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Fiber Chemistry to the Development of Macromolecular Chemistry I. Possehl
Tape interviews: A field report on the collection of historical sources, documentation and information
Content / Imprint M. Ullmann
Current Problems in Researching Arabic Alchemy H.-W. Schütt, C. Reinhardt
Christian Friedrich Schönbein and the early history of catalysis research F. Schmieding
Energy-historical aspects of sulfuric acid production: From the Vitrol distillery to the M. Engel thermal power station
On the 100th anniversary of the determination of the constitution of glucose by Emil Fischer: Notes on a paradigm shift Documentation and information
Content / Imprint Editorial J. Weyer
Existence and Change of the Division, 1979-1990: A Review by Former Chairman E. Elliott
IG Farbenindustrie: A topic for science historians? F. Bechtoldt
IG Farben and Hitler's PJT Morris politics
IG Farben and the Third Reich: for example synthetic rubber RG Stokes
The successors of IG Farben and the State of JJ Beer
The relations between the chemical industry and the German government in the judgment of the research T. Hapke
Wilhelm Ostwald on information and documentation B. Löser
Life and work of Wilhelm Ostwald in the Großbothen Memorial Documentation and Information
Content / Imprint H. Bauer
On the history of chemistry classes in general schools in the German-speaking area N. Just
Professionalization or professional construction? The Development of the Chemistry Teaching Class in the 19th Century K. Gölz, W. Jansen
chemical education in the Nazi State: A Contribution to the History of Chemistry Didactics C. Meinel
Döbereiner and the chemistry of his time H. Noeske
Chemistry in the German magic books of the 17th and 18th centuries Documentation and information
Contents / Imprint Lectures at the Nuremberg Conference (March 16-18, 1989) J. Weyer
Margrave Georg Friedrich von Brandenburg-Ansbach and the alchemy M. Engel
From the early history of biochemistry in Berlin B. Engel
Martin Heinrich Klaproth
Chemistry, based on the transcripts by SF Barez and A. Schopenhauer GP Schiemenz
New wine in old bottles? The hexagon, the tetrahedron and legends about August Kekulé B. Hoppe
Chemical and biochemical knowledge in early photosynthesis research
The contributions of Oscar Loew W. Walter
Otto Stern, Achievement and Fate Documentation and Information
Contents / Imprint Lectures at the Aachen Conference (March 26-27, 1987) F. Rex
Chemistry, history and history of chemistry - reflections on the occasion of the group anniversary of C. Meinel
The Center for History of Chemistry - a model for our subject? A. Nordwig
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for biochemistry in Berlin-Dahlem Further contributions KD Oberdieck
On the shoulders of dwarves? Biochemical research in the 19th century - from work with the Braunschweig database on the history of biochemistry S. ?trba?ová
Symposium on the history of biochemistry B. Wöbke
Leopold Gmelin - Looking back on an anniversary W. Götz
On the correspondence of JB Trommsdorff R. Zott
Wilhelm Ostwald and his written estate Documentation and information
Content / Imprint Editorial J. Weyer
Report by the chairman G. Beer
The chemical history lectures of the Division of History of Chemistry H.-G. cutter
The parallelism of the revolutions in chemistry and politics around 1790 M. Liefländer
Philipp Carl Sprengel and the beginnings of agricultural chemistry GP Schiemenz
Albert Ladenburg and the "Kekulé formula" of benzene N. Just
Rudolf Arendt (1828-1902) chemist and teacher - his methodical teaching work in the mirror of his contemporaries K. Götz, W. Jansen
Rudolf Winderlich. An Oldenburg chemist and historian Documentation and information
Dr. Marcus Carrier
Technical University of Berlin
Prof. Dr. Carsten Reinhardt
Bielefeld University
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