
working group public relations

Energiewendesymposium: Diskussion
Energiewendesymposium: Diskussion

We, the senior members of the public relations Group (AK), communicate the concerns of the Senior Expert Chemists to the outside world and within the GDCh. We improve the public's understanding of fundamental chemical relationships. We make our expertise and experience available on a voluntary basis for this purpose. The speaker of the working group is Dr. Wolfgang Gerhartz.

The public relations Group establishes contacts and expands networks, disseminates information, strengthens the identity of Senior Expert Chemists and encourages new Senior Expert Chemists to work together.

Furthermore, we see our task in strengthening the sense of togetherness of the senior citizens and the community awareness of the SEC as well as communication within the GDCh and the two SEC working groups. For this we offer regional and national Conferences such as the SEC annual meeting, joint excursions or lecture events.

We also activate - in cooperation with the working group education - the seniors at the local association level and establish and deepen contacts with JCF regional sections as well as seniors and active people at all levels. This means that all members organized in the GDCh, even as seniors, can continue to identify with the GDCh and, if possible, persuade colleagues to join or rejoin. We therefore structure our activities as follows:

The AK network, which existed until December 2019, was merged with the AK public relations at that time.

Wolfgang Gerhartz


Spokesman of the AK public relations is Dr. Wolfgang Gerhartz. His representative is Dr. Klaus Dieter Franz

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