ARH working group

Working Group Analytics with Radionuclides and High-performance Radiation Sources (ARH)

The Working Group Analytics with Radionuclides and High-performance Radiation Sources is supported by the Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Division of Analytical Chemistry. The working group aims to promote and use radionuclides for quality assurance of analytical procedures and analysis with large-scale equipment.

goals and tasks


  • Scientific dissemination of methodology, knowledge transfer and exchange of experience
  • Coordination and stimulation of analytical work with radioactive substances
  • Utilizing radioanalytical methods by improving access to irradiation facilities, measuring instruments and isotope laboratories
  • Facilitating access to high-power radiation sources
  • Contributions to quality assurance and Validation in Analytics
  • Maintaining and deepening contacts with other scientific associations
  • holding scientific Conferences and meetings

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last modified: 06.07.2021 16:59 H from N.Bürger