The Division of Sustainable Chemistry awards a prize every two years for the best doctoral thesis in the field of sustainable chemistry. The award comes with a certificate of award and prize money of 2,000 euros. The prize is usually awarded in even years during the Division conference . An expert committee appointed by the Division Board decides on the awarding of the prize. The price can be shared.
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The 2022 PhD Award of the GDCh Division of Sustainable Chemistry, sponsored by Evonik, was awarded to Dr. Joel B. Mensah and Dr. Ruth D. Rittinghaus on December 1, 2022, on the occasion of the "Sustainable Chemistry Online Symposium 2022".
Dr. Joel B. Mensah: awarded in recognition of his dissertation entitled "Chemo-Catalytic and Electrochemical Deoxygenation of Bio-Derivable 3-Hydroxydecanoic Acid - Production of Drop-In Fuels and Fine Chemicals". " Dr. Mensah's doctorate demonstrates in a special way the interdisciplinary development of new value chains for sustainable fuels and fine chemicals based on biomass. The focus was on the conversion of biotechnologically efficiently accessible 3-hydroxy fatty acid esters (HAAs). Mr. Mensah succeeded in demonstrating both an efficient chemocatalytic and a direct electrochemical process to selectively produce either pure hydrocarbons, secondary alcohols or an oxygenate mixture starting from 3-HDS. The work impressively builds a bridge from biotechnology via chemo- and electrocatalysis to internal combustion engines along the entire value chain."
Dr. Ruth Rittinghaus: awarded in recognition of her dissertation entitled "Iron Guanidine Complexes as Polymerization Catalysts for ROP and ATRP". " Dr. Rittinghaus's dissertation focused on biocompatible catalysts for the ring-opening polymerization of renewable lactones to produce bioplastics. She not only succeeded in beating the previous industrial, toxic standard in terms of polymerization speed. Dr. Rittinghaus also demonstrated very successfully through copolymerization experiments that her iron-guanidine catalysts both catalyze multimechanistic polymerizations and precisely control the microarchitecture of the resulting copolymers. She thus shows that intelligent catalyst design opens up completely new avenues for sustainable polymer chemistry and will enable new fields of application for tailor-made bioplastics. She has already published four publications in high-ranking journals as first author."
The 2020 PhD Award from the GDCh Division of Sustainable Chemistry, donated by Evonik, was awarded to Dr. Kelechukwu N. Onwukamike and Dr. Steffen Tröger-Müller awarded.
Dr. Kelechukwu N. Onwukamike: "In appreciation of his dissertation entitled “Sustainable Cellulose Solubilization, Regeneration and Derivatization in a DBU-CO2 Switchable Solvent System”. Dr. Onwukamike investigated the modification of renewable raw materials in his thesis. By using switchable ionic liquids , he achieved a homogeneous modification of cellulose for the first time. He was able to render solubilization of the cellulose much more sustainable, and he obtained novel materials with promising properties. Dr. Onwukamike's thesis is characterized by excellent science and convinces due to high degrees of diversity and interdisciplinarity. His work is clearly oriented towards sustainable chemistry. Dr. Onwukamike also succeeded in publishing five articles in high-ranking journals as the first author during his doctoral period. The thesis work was conducted in the framework of a European Horizon 2020 project, mainly in the working group of Prof. Dr. MAR Meier at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, but also at the University of Bordeaux."
Dr. Steffen Tröger-Müller: "In recognition of his dissertation entitled "Truly Sustainable Imidazolium Ionics". As part of his dissertation, Dr. Tröger-Müller dealt with the development of sustainable energy storage. He succeeded in producing imidazolium compounds from environmentally friendly starting materials to synthesize and test their applicability, for example in membranes. Dr. Tröger-Müller not only dealt with the scientific, scientific and technical facets of sustainability, but also includes the social dimension and builds a bridge between them Chemistry as a science towards the great task for society as a whole of bringing our lifestyle into harmony with the planetary boundaries. Within the surprisingly short doctorate period of two and a half years, he has already published four articles in high-ranking journals as the first author. The dissertation was carried out in the working group of Dr. Clemens Liedel made at the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Golm."
2022 |
dr Joel B. Mensah, Aachen dr Ruth D.Rittinghaus, Aachen |
2020 |
dr Kelechukwu N. Onwukamike, Karlsruhe/Bordeaux dr Steffen Tröger-Müller, Golm |
2018 | dr Thomas Seidensticker, Dortmund |
2016 | dr Johannes Huwer, Saarbrucken |
2014 | dr Josef C. Meier, Dusseldorf |
2012 | dr Hatice Mutlu, Karlsruhe |
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