sustainable chemistry

Who we are - What we do

We pool and promote the competencies of chemistry that contribute to sustainable development

The German Chemical Society (GDCh) established the Division of Sustainable Chemistry because the contribution of chemistry to sustainable development is becoming increasingly important worldwide. Almost all disciplines of chemistry are relevant in order to meet the key challenges of the future.

Sustainability means developing societies in such a way that today's needs are met while at the same time preserving the development options of future generations. The equal consideration of economic, ecological and social objectives is a fundamental and decisive factor, as is the holistic view of products and processes over the entire life cycle.

sustainable chemistry is the key discipline that will ensure the future viability of industrial society. It is about the sustainable contributions of chemistry to all areas of life (mobility, nutrition, clothing, housing, etc.). It is also essential to incorporate the idea of ​​sustainability into all levels of education, research and production. The further development of current chemistry into sustainable chemistry is also an integral part of the circular economy and the energy transition. sustainable chemistry deals with the following challenges facing society:


  • efficient design of material cycles
  • Developing alternative and better use of established resources
  • Avoidance of critical raw materials (availability, toxicity, etc.)
  • Development of optimized syntheses and innovative catalytic processes to save energy and raw materials
  • Use of reagent-free conversions (photochemistry and electrosynthesis)
  • Research and development work on new energy sources
  • Design of new recycling and upcycling strategies and innovative use of existing waste streams
  • Development of substances and products that are rapidly and completely degraded when released into the environment as a result of their intended use
  • Establishment of new business models

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Jahrestagung 2024

Chair: S. Waldvogel
Mülheim a.d. Ruhr


17:00 Uhr




GDCh Office
Dr. Carina S. Kniep
Phone: +49 69 7917-499

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