Online lectures

Senior chemists share their knowledge

Bringing current scientific topics closer to its members in understandable language is a trademark of the Division of Senior Expert Chemists. With the Online lecture series "Senior Chemists Share Their Knowledge" we are bringing this trademark to life. To do this we draw on a treasure trove of over 100 generally understandable lectures from 36 speakers. The " School Education Career " working group offers these lectures to schools and other educational institutions as part of the " School Partnerships " project.

Online lectures 2024

The lectures will take place every Tuesday at 3 p.m. in 2024.


Klaus-Dieter Jany

From stem cell to structured piece of meat


Helmut Ritter

Functional polymers in research and practice: What would we be without them?


Andreas Wolf

Chemistry of silicone sealants – more complex than you think


Günther Kempe

Food scandals – residue analysis


Vladimir Reshetilovsky

Multifunctionality in heterogeneous catalysis


Hendrik Emons

Analytical chemistry for the design and monitoring of European legislation

23.07.2024 Eberhard Ehlers

Drugs and addiction – a problem for all societies


Ekkehard Schwab

Magnetic tape – what happened to it?

08.10.2024 Gerhard Kreysa

Strategies for decarbonising the atmosphere


Renate Kießling

The chemical society of the GDR and its actors

06.12.2024 Bernhard Fritz

Contact with food – laws, physics, chemistry

Online lectures 2023

In 2022, the lectures will take place on Tuesdays at 3 p.m.


Klaus-Dieter Franz

Let there be light – LEDs, LCDs and OLEDs

February 14, 2023

Gerhard Heywang

The chemistry between 6:30 and 7:30

March 21, 2023

Ekkehard Schwab

Raw material changes in the chemical industry

April 18, 2023

Klaus Roth

Dieter Oesterhelt (1940-2022) and his bacteriorhodopsin

May 16, 2023

Michael Röper

Homogeneous catalysis in the chemical industry

June 20, 2023

Petra Schultheiss-Reimann

Lithium: the white gold of the Andes

July 18, 2023 Dieter Kunz

Pyrolysis of used tires to recover soot

September 19, 2023

Ludwig Kuhlmann

Variability of analysis methods – the crux of the individual values

10/10/2023 Gisela Boeck

Ferdinand Runge (1794-1867) – and the educational drive of materials

November 7, 2023

Vladimir Reshetilovsky

Microstructure reactors for process optimization

November 28, 2023 Roland Bitsch

Water – source of life

Online lectures 2022

Opus poeticus: Senior chemists share their knowledge


What would the world be without chemistry
it would be dreary and empty.
There would be no seniors that
could explain once more
what atoms and molecules are
and how they react
and what is fast in nature
so anything can happen.
You know it in chemistry
not always stinks and cracks,
because mostly happens somehow
assembly and dismantling quietly and gently.

The number of SEC experts is large,
the undaunted and without complaint
in universities, schools, kindergartens
bring their knowledge to market there,
thus explain what the world
holds together at heart.

Also comes in the company of colleagues


especially in corona times
the offer is not inconvenient
to disseminate their knowledge ad hoc.
From genetic engineering to the climate crisis
of trace gases, paint selection
our wide expertise is enough,
completely virtual and digital.
With Crispr / Cas biochemistry
comes up, and then at the end
the elixir of energy
Cyclodextrins, color pigments.

Once you were a chemist
mostly male, but from now on
one sees more or less:
The eternal feminine draws us on high.
Is known and not entirely unimportant:
Who only knows something about chemistry,
does not understand this subject quite correctly either
and easily get on the wrong track.

Roland Bitsch

Next SEC online lecture: September 19, 2024, 3 p.m.

Ekkehard Schwab: Magnetic tape – what has become of it?

Access to the lecture

For the Online lectures we use Senfcall. Just click on the link above. The session usually opens about 30 minutes before the lecture .

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last modified: 27.08.2024 11:59 H from W.Gerhartz