Roland Bitsch

Water – source of life

online lecture by Roland Bitsch on 28 Nov 2023, 3 p.m.

Moderation: Eberhard Ehlers

The focus of the topic is the importance of the human water balance. The physiological function of water, distribution to the tissues, guideline values ​​for the intake of water and fluids and the water balance are explained. The consequences of water loss and dehydration are also addressed. The drinking recommendations for increased physical exertion are discussed in more detail.

Did you like the lecture ? Or are you unable to attend the lecture ? Then write to Prof. Bitsch; he will be happy to provide you with the slides from his lecture.

Critical vitamins and vulnerable population groups in Germany

online lecture by Roland Bitsch on 24 May 2022, 3 p.m.

Moderation: Klaus-Dieter Jany

A total of 13 different vitamins are known, 4 lipid-soluble and 9 water-soluble, each with a specific target function in metabolism. Uniform biosynthesis pathways only result for lipid-soluble vitamins with acetyl coenzyme A as the starting point. The different storage capacity of the organism is important for the level of coverage of requirements or the detection of vitamin deficiency stages. The limited stability against external influences can sometimes lead to considerable losses during food preparation.

Recommendations on the level of intake required to meet requirements in the context of consumption studies can be validated by biochemical functional parameters. In contrast to water-soluble vitamins, very high supplementation, particularly with the lipophilic vitamins A and D, can lead to intoxication, but not in the context of a normal diet.

Preventive aspects of diseases are related to the physiological function of this group of nutrients, such as the prophylaxis of osteoporosis through vitamins D and K and the prophylaxis of neural tube damage through folic acid.

Critical vitamins with insufficient intake in local population groups are vitamins D, folic acid and B12. The problem of insufficient coverage of individual vitamin requirements is discussed based on risk groups such as pregnant and breastfeeding women, people with extreme or one-sided eating habits, gastrointestinal absorption disorders and senior citizens.

Did you like the lecture ? Or are you unable to attend the lecture ? Then write to Prof. Bitsch; he will be happy to provide you with the slides from his lecture.

Roland Bitsch

Access to the lecture

Petra Schultheiss-Reimann will be happy to send you the link to the meeting. No further registration is required.

last modified: 20.06.2024 15:59 H from N/A