Environment 2025 - Chemical Universe Meets Planetary Boundaries
The joint annual conference of our GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology with the SETAC GLB will take place from September 22 to September 24, 2025 at the headquarters of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in Dessau-Roßlau. Under the motto "Chemical universe meets planetary boundaries", the annual conference focuses on the problem that our modern life is inconceivable without chemical substances and their diverse applications - but their release into the environment has far-reaching consequences. From the increase in the concentrations of long-lasting pollutants in soils and water to the pollution of the atmosphere, chemical substances contribute to disrupting the earth's natural balance with potentially irreversible consequences for people and the environment. The Conference is dedicated to these challenges and discusses how we can develop sustainable solutions together. Further information and - from mid-March - the opportunity to register and subsequently submit abstracts can be found here: www.setac-glb.de/umwelt-2025.
The Environment 2024 will take place from September 8th to September 11th, 2024 in Gießen and Homberg (Ohm). The Conference is our joint annual conference with the SETAC GLB, non-members are also cordially invited.
In addition to the classic sessions in the lecture hall, a field day is planned, as was the case 10 years ago, where methods can be demonstrated and discussed in practice. It is also possible to demonstrate your own methods. We look forward to a lively participation from the Division and hope to meet you in Gießen and Homberg (Ohm). Registration and subsequent abstract submission is possible here: https://www.setac-glb.de/tagung-2024/registrierung.
Environment 2023 - Together against global pollution: education and research for clean solutions
What effects do different chemicals have on people, organisms and entire ecosystems? To answer this question, suitable methods must be developed, optimised and applied with which we can achieve reliable results at various levels. Risk assessments are carried out and communicated on the basis of this data - with the aim of preventing or remedying damage. However, a sober look at the past and the current global situation raises doubts as to whether our current approaches will be sufficient in the future to prevent further negative effects and enable action that is adequate across the globe. To make this possible, applied solutions must be developed in cooperation with all those involved. As the degree of global networking and complexity increases, the need for networked thinking and inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation also increases in order to be able to offer suitable solutions.
In this sense, the joint annual meeting of SETAC GLB and the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology in 2023 in Muttenz will be all about unity: We want to promote the networking and training of experts so that sustainable solutions to global environmental pollution are our future.
After two years without personal meetings of the Division, the annual conference "Environment 2022" took place from September 5 to 7, 2022 at the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences in Emden under the motto "Buten and Binnen - Material cycles in the air / in the sea / on land". The scientific program was again jointly designed by the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry & Ecotoxicology and the SETAC GLB. The Conference was dedicated to material cycles, "Buten and Binnen" means something like "outside and inside".
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Annual Conference Flyer
Under the motto " Anthropogenic substances in a changing world - assessment under the test of reality ", the Conference "Environment 2021" took place virtually on September 7th and 8th, 2021. The scientific program was jointly designed by the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry & Ecotoxicology and the SETAC GLB.
Due to the Corona pandemic, the 2020 Environment Conference unfortunately had to be cancelled or postponed to 2021.
The "Environment 2018" was organized with the support of the Division and the SETAC GLB at the University of Münster. The topics of the Conference included new analysis techniques and methods and their applications in the environmental chemical and ecotoxicological context, the occurrence and behavior of pollutants and trace substances in surface water, groundwater, soil, sediments and air, their accumulation, transformation and effect on terrestrial and aquatic organisms taking into account various mechanisms of action and test procedures as well as concepts of assessment and regulation (e.g. reassessment of PAHs in the amendment of the BBodSchG).
Annual Conference 2016 with SETAC GLB: "Many substances – big risk?"
How relevant are trace substances for humans and the environment? This question was the focus of the interesting specialist event. The Division specifically organized the session: "Coal and carbonaceous substrates - behavior in the environment and pollutant binding"
15th EuChemS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment
The most important Conference on environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology, the ICCE (2013 in Barcelona, 2011 in Zurich and 2009 in Stockholm) took place in Leipzig in 2015 with the participation of the Division and replaced the separate annual conference.
"Research the basics, apply findings, impart knowledge"
"Courage to take risks" must have been the guiding principle of the hosts of this year's annual environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology conference in Gießen, Prof. Rolf-Alexander Düring and Prof. Klaus Peter Ebke, when they decided to deviate from the previous conference concept, which was based exclusively on lectures and posters, and to set aside a day for practical demonstrations in the form of outdoor sessions. This courage was rewarded with a lot of positive feedback from the almost 300 registered conference participants.
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The planned annual meeting of the GDCh Division in Wuppertal had to be cancelled at short notice due to insufficient registration numbers. The Board of the Division was therefore very grateful that the colleagues in Essen spontaneously offered to accept the GDCh colleagues who had registered their contributions for Wuppertal. This meant that the number of registrations, which had also fallen slightly at the SETAC GLB, could be supplemented by the additional GDCh contributions.
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From 10 to 13 September 2012, more than 200 scientists met for the 5th joint annual conference of the SETAC GLB and the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig, which was held under the motto “Recognizing, Investigating, Modeling – The Benefits of Understanding”.
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Participation in the 13th European Environmental Chemistry Conference of EuChemS, ICCE
Instead of a conventional annual conference or a joint Conference with SETAC, the Division took part in the 13th European environmental chemistry Conference of EuChemS, ICCE, in 2011. The main organizer of the ICCE is the Division of Chemistry and the Environment of EuChemS. Thomas Knacker and Gerhard Lammel were members of the Organizing Committee on behalf of the Division . In 2011, this conference was the European version of the annual conference.
4th Joint Annual Conference with SETAC-GLB: Environment 2010 − From Knowledge to Decision
The Federal Environment Agency is the first authority to take on the task of organizing the conference and has proven that it is just as capable of this task as the previous academic organizers. The Division 's publication prize was also awarded at the Conference . To put it bluntly: the local organizing committee provided this proof, which cannot have been easy considering the approximately 350 participants and around 100 presentations. This was not only due to the exemplary organization and the diverse supporting program, but also to the inspiring atmosphere of the conference building - the UBA headquarters in Dessau.
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In line with the broad focus of the conference, around 70 lectures and over 60 posters addressed many aspects of the entry, behaviour and effects of chemicals in water, soil and air. The main topics were "monitoring and measurement networks", "environmental sample banks", "atmospheric chemistry, tropospheric aerosol", "soil contamination" and "environmental analysis".
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3rd Joint Annual Conference of SETAC-GLB and GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry & Ecotoxicology: "New Problem Substances in the Environment – Detection, Effects, Solutions"
The overarching motto of this year's Conference was "New problem substances in the environment - identification, effects and possible solutions". The focus was on pharmaceuticals, perfluorinated chemicals, pesticides and nanoparticles. "New problem substances" are substances that have either only recently been released into the environment or have been present in the environment for decades and have only recently been perceived as problematic. The 300 participants from both societies demonstrated in an impressive way how important this topic is. Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/2008
"From chemodynamics in ecosystems to substance evaluation. Methods, concepts and evaluations in the service of sustainable development"
The annual conference covered everything from material transformations in individual environmental compartments to material assessment and from local to global problems. In around 60 lectures and almost 70 poster contributions, the 180 participants presented and discussed methods, concepts and assessments. The scientific committee Chair by Prof. Dr. Michael Matthies, Institute for Environmental Systems Research at the University of Osnabrück, was responsible for the program. Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/2007
The Division conference took place in the rooms of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Unlike in previous years, this was not a meeting of several Divisions or a block of lectures within the GDCh annual conference, but rather an independent event. The range of topics was broad in order to be able to take into account as many current developments in the field of environmental and pollutant research as possible, as well as sustainable chemistry and consumer protection. The motto "Modern man in the ecosphere and technosphere" continued the tradition of earlier events. More Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/2006
2nd Joint Annual Conference with SETAC-GLB: "Finding Boundaries, Overcoming Boundaries - Molecular Mechanisms and Ecosystem Processes"
The varied and interdisciplinary program with 85 posters and 75 lectures offered a comprehensive overview of current environmental pollutant research and attracted 280 participants to the imperial city of Aachen. It was pleasing that the Dutch scientific organizations KNCV-MC (Royal Dutch Chemistry Society - Environmental Chemistry Section), VVM (Netherlands Association of Environmental Professionals), NVT-MT (Dutch Toxicology Society - Environmental Toxicology) and the European association FECS (Federation of European Chemical Societies and Professional Institutions) also participated in the design of the conference program. 30 scientists from other European countries also took part in the mixed English and German language Conference .
Chemistry, toxicology and Environment
Under the umbrella of the GDCh Annual Conference 2003 in Munich, the Division was involved in the content design of three half-days (Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning and afternoon). The event was held under the motto "Chemistry, toxicology and the Environment" in order to include current developments in the field of molecular toxicology and at the same time to take into account the current discussion within the Division on a stronger integration of toxicological issues and their connection to environmental chemistry .
1st joint annual conference with the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC, German Language Branch): "Research and development in the service of environmental and consumer protection"
In addition to overview lectures, a large number of lectures and posters on the following topics were presented at the annual meeting: ecosystem and material flow analysis/modeling, consumer protection/ toxicology, aquatic and terrestrial systems (environmental monitoring, biocidal chemicals, ecotoxicological test systems), atmosphere/climate, risk assessment/risk minimization as well as sustainable chemistry, technology and education.
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