Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox - Reports from the Division -

Online journal (e-paper) ISSN: 1618-3258

Archive 2010

[ Issue 1/2010 ] [ Issue 2/2010 ] [ Issue 3/2010 ] [ Issue 4/2010 ]

Issue 1/2010

Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 1/ 2010


  • Non-target analysis in ecology
  • Antibiotic transfer from the soil into crops
  • Deicing agent in the surface runoff at Hannover-Langenhagen Airport
  • Division Award
  • Gay Lussac Humboldt Research Prize for Prof. Hartmut Herrmann
  • Conference announcements, conference reports, short messages and personalities

To download the issue 1/2010
as an e-paper in PDF format 1.5 MB Note: The pages in the Personalia section have been removed for data protection reasons.


Original contributions

Non-target analysis in ecology
TLH Pham in cooperation with H. Weisshoff, C. Mügge, E. Krause, W. Rotard, A. Preiss and I. Zaspel
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 1, pp. 2 - 8
Antibiotic transfer from the soil into crops
M. Grote, DH Meric
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 1, pp. 9-12 Detection of aircraft and operating area de-icing agents in the surface runoff at Hannover-Langenhagen Airport by means of solid-phase micro-extraction
E. Fries, S. Ernesti, J. Klasmeier, H. Fletemeyer
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 1, pp. 13-15

From the Division

Award of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 1, p. 16

Briefly introduced

Junior Professorship for Environmental Geochemistry, University of Bayreuth
Master's degree in environmental protection in the Angewandte Chemie Faculty at Reutlingen University
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 1, pp. 16-18


Conference announcements Int. PCB workshop, Visby, Sweden
Int. Polar Year - Oslo Science Conference, Oslo
M3 (Modeling, Monitoring, Management) - Workshop
2nd Int. Workshop Fluorinated Substances
14th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference
Conf. Urban Environmental Pollution, Boston, USA
Atmospheric Chemistry Symposium and Conference, Halifax, Canada
5th Int. Conf. on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, Münster
Gordon Research Conference: Water & Aqueous Solutions, Holderness, NH, USA
3rd European Chemistry Congress (EuCheMS)
International Aerosol Conference, Helsinki
15th Int. Conf. Heavy Metals in the Environment
2nd Int. Symp. Green Chem for Environment and Health, September 27-29, 2010, Mykonos, Greece Conference report Environmental specimen bank workshop on the monitoring of priority substances and "emerging pollutants" in sewage sludge (June 24/25, 2009 in Schmallenberg) Short news UBA texts 04 / 2009: Consideration of current concepts for bioavailability in the environmental risk assessment of metals
UBA texts 06/09: Environmental risk assessment of cytostatics
CVUA report dated November 23, 2009 on the levels of perfluorinated surfactants in fish at Lake Constance
AGÖF starts new research project on indoor air quality
New BfR brochure on cadmium in food
Evaluation of the air pollution situation in 2009 - UBA background information from January 19, 2010
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 1, pp. 19 - 34


Birthday list 2nd quarter 2011
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 17th year 2011 No. 1, p. 26


Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258

Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Geography / Geosciences -
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Email: fischerk@uni-trier.de
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: kudra@uni-leipzig.de cover photo
Workflow scheme of the process network for non-target analysis (source: Pham, TLH et al.):

Issue 2/2010

Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/ 2010


  • Volatile polyfluorinated compounds in indoor air
  • Antibiotic residues in manure and soil
  • New election of the specialist group board
  • working group pollutant hydrology at the chair for hydrology at the University of Bayreuth
  • Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technologies (UFT) at the University of Bremen
  • Conference announcements, short messages and personalities

To download the issue 2/2010
as an e-paper in PDF format 1.15 MB Note: For reasons of data protection law, the pages in the Personalia section have been removed.


Original contributions

Volatile polyfluorinated compounds in indoor air
V. Langer, A. Dreyer, R. Ebinghaus
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 2, pp. 38 - 40
Antibiotic residues in manure and soil
M. Lamshöft, S. Zühlke, P. Sukul, S. Kusari, M. Spiteller
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 2, pp. 41 - 44

From the Division

New election of the specialist group board for the term of office January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2014
Division Award - application deadline extended
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 2, p. 45

Briefly introduced

working group pollutant hydrology at the chair for hydrology at the University of Bayreuth
Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technologies (UFT) at the University of Bremen
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 2, pp. 45 - 47


Conference announcements 3rd Int. IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, August 15-18, 2010, Ottawa, Canada
Environment 2010, September 6-9, 2010, Dessau
9th Int. AeroCom Workshop, September 27-30, 2010, Oxford, UK
4th Environmental Monitoring Conference, 23-24 September 2010, Essen
26th annual meeting of the German Ges. F. Limnology, 27.09.-01.10.2010, Bayreuth
36th Int. Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry - ISEAC - October 5-9, 2010, Rome
EMEC 11-11th European Meeting on Environ. Chemistry, December 8-11, 2010, Portoroz, Slovenia
ICENV 2010 - Int. Conference on Environment, 13.-15.12.2010, Penang, malaysia short messages New DIN standard for heavy metal measurement
Press release: Hormonal diseases caused by plasticizers
UBA texts 12/2010: Dioxins and dl-PCB in the environment
UBA-TEXTE 14/2010: Mathematical simulation of the entry of drugs
New web applications for the environmental specimen bank
LUBW Guideline Contaminated Sites Assessment
BMU-VCI cooperation on human biomonitoring
BfR draft for an assessment concept for plant protection products
Transfer of mineral oil from packaging materials to food
River fish pollution with dioxins and PCBs
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 2, pp. 48 - 57


Birthday list 3rd quarter 2011
New section members
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 2, pp. 57 - 60


Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258

Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Geography / Geosciences -
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Email: fischerk@uni-trier.de
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: kudra@uni-leipzig.de cover photo
Passive collector for PFC determination in indoor air (source: Vera Langer)

Issue 3/2010

Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/ 2010


  • Greetings from the chairman of the FG for the annual conference "Environment 2010"
  • Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in herring gull eggs
  • Bioavailability and soil protection
  • PAH residues in the soil
  • From the Division: minutes of board and retreat meetings
  • Conference announcements, short messages and personalities

To download the issue 3/2010
as an e-paper in PDF format 2 MB Note: For reasons of data protection law, the pages in the Personalia section have been removed.



Pre-print of the greeting from the chairman of the FG, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lammel, at the opening of the "Environment 2010" Conference in Dessau
G. Lammel
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 3, p. 62

Original contributions

Retrospective monitoring of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in archived herring gull eggs
H. Rüdel, J. Müller, H. Jürling, M. Paulus and C. Schröter-Kermani
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 3, pp. 64 - 66 Integration of bioavailability in soil protection
K. Terytze, I. Vogel and R. Wagner
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 3, pp. 67 - 69 Assessment of the availability of non-extractable PAH residues in the soil
A. Eschenbach, B. Mahro, B. and R. Wienberg R.
Mit Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 3, pp. 70 - 72

From the Division

Minutes of the board meeting on April 8th, 2010
Minutes of the closed meeting of the extended board on June 24th, 2010
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 3, pp. 73 - 78

Briefly introduced

analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis in the applied natural sciences department of the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences
Research focus on environmental analysis and ecotoxicology at the Faculty of Life Sciences at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 3, pp. 79 - 81


Conference announcements Environment 2010 - joint annual meeting of the GDCh Division for environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology and SETAC-GLB, September 6-9, 2010, Dessau
DFG-SPP1315: Biogeocgemicak Interfaces in Soil, October 4-6, 2010, Jena
26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Minerals and Trace Elements, October 7-9, 2010, Leipzig
BfG workshop "Screening methods for recording endocrine effects in the aquatic environment", 11.11.2010, Koblenz
ANAKON 2011, March 22-25, 2011, Zurich Short messages

Environmental chemistry work wins "Jugend forscht" awards
UBA information sheet on bisphenol A published
UBA -tex 38/2010: Guideline: Degradation of biocides in liquid manure
BfR statement on the restriction of PAHs in consumer products
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 3, pp. 82 - 88



Annette Barthelt Prize to Dr. Lutz Ahrens forgive
Birthday list 4th quarter 2010
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 3, pp. 88 - 91


Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258

Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Geography / Geosciences -
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Email: fischerk@uni-trier.de
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: kudra@uni-leipzig.de cover photo
Herring gulls (Larus argentatus) on a sampling area (Baltic peninsula Darß) of the environmental specimen bank (source: UPB)

Issue 4/2010

Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 4/ 2010


  • Point of view: connection of research and decision-making processes
  • Medicines and their metabolites in the water cycle
  • Trend monitoring of pollutants
  • Long-distance transport of organic substances in water
  • From the Division: Minutes of the board and general meeting
  • Notes from the annual conference "Environment 2010"
  • Conference announcements, short messages and personalities

To download the issue 4/2010
as an e-paper in PDF format 5.28 MB Note: For reasons of data protection law, the pages in the Personalia section have been removed.



How can the connection between research in environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology and decision-making processes in authorities and industry be strengthened?
M. Scheringer
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 4, pp. 93 - 94

Original contributions

Medicines and their metabolites in the water cycle
M. Letzel, K. Weiß, W. Schüßler, M. Sengl
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 4, pp. 95 - 99
Trend monitoring of pollutants in sediments and suspended matter in the Inner Elbe
E. Claus, J. Pelzer, J, P. Heininger
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 4, pp. 100 - 102 Long-distance transport of organic substances in water
C. Zarfl, M. Scheringer, M. Matthies
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 4, pp. 103-105

From the Division

Report on the election of the board of directors of the Division for the period of office January 01, 2011 to December 31, 2014
Minutes of the meeting of the executive committee of the Division
Minutes of the general assembly 2010 of the Division
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 4, pp. 106-108

Briefly introduced

The National Reference Laboratory for Dioxins and PCBs at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in Berlin
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 4, pp. 109 - 110


Conference announcements Dioxin 2011 August 21-25, Brussels (Belgium)
23rd International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC 23), September 4-8, 2011, Münster
EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, 11-15 September 2011, Zurich, Switzerland
Air Pollution 2011, 19-21 September 2011, Malta
Non-CO 2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGG-6), November 2-4, 2011, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Conference Reports

Notes from the "Environment 2010"Conference in Dessau, September 6-9, 2010
Workshop report "Screening procedures for the detection of endocrine effects in the aquatic environment" Short messages Regulating fluorinated greenhouse gases internationally (press release of the UBA)
UBA report "Development of criteria and methods for sustainable chemicals (FKZ 3708 65 402)" published
PhD positions at RECETOX - Research Center of Masaryk University Brno
German Student Award from the Körber Foundation for environmental lawyer from Leipzig
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 4, pp. 111 - 119



Our new members
Birthday list 1st quarter 2011
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 16th year 2010 No. 4, pp. 120 - 121


Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258

Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Geography / Geosciences -
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Email: fischerk@uni-trier.de
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: kudra@uni-leipzig.de cover photo
Presentation of the publication prize 2010 from the Division to Dr. Annekatrin Dreyer by the FG chairman, Prof. G. Lammel, during the evening event of the annual conference in the technology museum "Hugo Junkers" (source: K. Fischer)

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last modified: 06.07.2021 18:59 H from M.Kudra