juniors support seniors

Workshop "juniors support seniors"

Facebook-Workshop am 19 Jun 2013
Facebook-Workshop am 19 Jun 2013

Senior chemists sometimes struggle with PC applications. Why not get help from younger people who, unlike the older ones, have already grown up with these programs? Holger Bengs took the initiative for this as early as 2007 in the early stages of the Senior Expert Chemists (SEC) and organized the 1st computer course "juniors support seniors ", which dealt with the Microsoft Office package.

Students of the Goethe University Frankfurt play a central role in all courses: They sacrifice their time - sometimes on a Saturday - and have the patience to familiarize the members of the SEC with the routine and special tricks of software applications. There have now been four such computer courses.

Computer course "All about the MS Office package", 21 Jul 2007

Nachr. Chem. 2007, 55, 459

Computer course "Presentations with Powerpoint", 19 Jul 2008

Message Chem. 2008, 56, 70

Facebook workshop, 19 Jun 2013

Under the guidance of Denise Schütz and Julian Scherr, 15 senior chemists learned which pitfalls to consider when opening a Facebook account and how to move safely and without revealing more about yourself than desired in this social medium.

Nachr. Chem. 2013, 61, 965

Formatting in Word and Powerpoint, 3 Jun 2017

Although every member of the SEC can create texts and presentations with MS Office, many do not have a profound knowledge of the principles of format templates. Templates are extremely efficient tools for creating attractive texts and presentations.

The workshop "Formatting in Word and Powerpoint" took place on June 3, 2017 in the Beilstein Computer Center of the Goethe University Frankfurt on the Riedberg campus. The chemistry students Sebastian Balser and Julian Scherr were the lecturers. Mr. Balser concentrated on Word, and Mr. Scherr on Powerpoint. Both sections were structured in the same way: A short lecture demonstrated the essential functions, and then the course participants had more than an hour to create a Word document and a Powerpoint presentation themselves based on perfectly worked out exercise scenarios. Messrs. Balser and Scherr were always on hand to help.

On behalf of the course participants, the organizer of the workshop, Wolfgang Gerhartz, thanked the two lecturers. Each participant was able to take plenty of practice material home with them to put what they had learned into practice at home. This could achieve the goal of the course: to achieve appealing results in everyday work with Word and Powerpoint.

A short series of pictures gives an impression of the course on Whit Saturday 2017, see below.

Photo gallery "Jung Hilft Alt" from 3 Jun 2017

Workshop "Jung Hilft Alt" am 3 Jun 2017
Workshop "Jung Hilft Alt" am 3 Jun 2017
Workshop "Jung Hilft Alt" am 3 Jun 2017
Workshop "Jung Hilft Alt" am 3 Jun 2017
Workshop "Jung Hilft Alt" am 3 Jun 2017

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last modified: 06.07.2021 17:29 H from W.Gerhartz