On January 24, 2025, the Board of the Division met for the first meeting of the year at the GDCh Office in Frankfurt/Main. An important topic in the discussions was the question of how the Division can be made better known among students and doctoral candidates. The suggestions revolved around how the FG can be more present at local universities in order to present the work of the FG and its working groups. The GDCh local sections could play an important role here. The Board also discussed the Fresenius Lectureship of the FG Analytical Chemistry and will examine to what extent a similar concept would be possible in our FG. Other topics that were discussed were the many events that will be (co-)organized by the FG in 2025. Next on the agenda is the German PharmTox Summit (25.-28.3.25; Hannover), followed in June by the ICCE in Belgrade (8.-12.6.25) and in September the annual conference Environment 2025 in Dessau (22.-24.9.25). The jUCÖT is currently planning the next Perspectives Day and the JUF, which will again take place on the first Environment Day 2025.
On October 17, 2024, the extended Board of the Division met via video conference, so that this meeting placed a special focus on the exchange between the FG board members and the heads of the working groups. In this context, the further development of the FG's communication and public relations formats and the recruitment of new and, above all, young members were also discussed in detail. The outlook for the events in the coming year in which the FG is involved is again promising, e.g. with the German PharmTox Summit in Hanover (March), the ICCE in Belgrade (June) or the Environment 2025 in Dessau (September), to name just a few examples. Further information will follow on our websites, in the announcements and on LinkedIn. We look forward to a lively exchange and many personal reunions!
On July 3, 2024, just before the upcoming summer break, the Board of the Division met for the third time in 2024 via video conference. The focus was in particular on the selection of the winners for the Paul Crutzen Prize, the summary of the events of the first half of the year, and the planning for the second half of the year. The recent PAK workshop of the Working Group Soil was a great success with almost 70 participants from all parts of Germany. The joint meeting of our working groups in Schmallenberg with over 30 participants was in no way inferior. This resulted in further contacts and the cooperation within our Division was strengthened. In addition, our LinkedIn group is growing and thriving - so if you are not yet following the group, you should register quickly to receive further information about or from our Division . In the second half of the year, our "Environment 2024" Conference, organized jointly with SETAC GLB, will take place in Gießen . In addition, an Online General Assembly is being planned (probably in November).
On April 19, 2024, the Board of the Division met via video conference. In particular, the further development of the FG publications, the homepage and the LinkedIn group were discussed. It was decided to convert the closed LinkedIn group into a public presence in the near future. We expect this to give us a greater reach and presence internally and externally. In addition, announcements can also reach non-members of the group and be shared more easily. A detailed discussion on the further design of the website and the integration of the FG communications will take place at this year's annual meeting in September. In addition, possible participation in future discussions of the PFAS think tank, the FG finances and the organization of the upcoming FG events were discussed (jUCÖT Perspective Days, Joint Workshop of all AKs, JUF / Environment 2024).
On February 16, 2024, the Division Board met for its first meeting of the year in Frankfurt. New specialist group members will be welcomed by email in the future; this means that the previous postal delivery will be dispensed with in a sustainable and future-oriented manner. The four working groups of the Division will meet for a joint meeting on June 17-19, 2024 to discuss future cooperation and current topics. The jUCÖT junior specialist group has elected a new Board . Viviane Bayer did not stand for re-election - we would like to thank her very much for her outstanding work over the past few years. Luka Hitzendegen is a new member. Angus Rocha-Vogel (jUCÖT Chair) and Dominik Nerlich (Deputy Chair) will represent the jUCÖT on the Division Board in 2024. The Division 's statement on the PFAS issue will appear in the March issue of "Nachrichten aus der Chemie". At the end of the meeting, the events were discussed, with two perspective days taking place this year: in May at the Max Planck Institutes in Mainz and in June at Currenta in Leverkusen. The "Environment 2024" conference will take place from September 8th to 11th in Gießen and Homberg (Ohm). In this context, the Young Environmental Forum (JUF) will be held again. Registration is open for the PAH workshop of the Working Group Soil in June - the registration deadline is May 17th, 2024 ( https://eveeno.com/pak-workshop-2024 ).
On July 4, 2023, the Board of the Division met again via video conference, already with a view to the next extended meeting with the AK leaders on August 30, 2023. In addition to the final vote on the selection of the contributions that will receive the Paul-Crutzen Award this year - more on this at the environmental Conference in Muttenz, where the awardees will present their work and receive their prize - the Board also discussed the future organization of the FG publications. The search for a venue for the environment 2024 is also already in full swing. But until then, we are looking forward to the Conference and the Young Environmental Forum (JUF) in Muttenz. In the editorial of the communications this time there will be a brief look at the past ICCE Conference in Venice - on the way to a society without environmental pollution.
On March 24, 2023, the Division Board met for its second meeting of the year. Topics discussed included the newly elected boards of the individual working groups and the resulting opportunity to get to know each other in a workshop. The Paul-Crutzen Award for 2023 was also discussed. In the publication area, two waivers have been granted for the special volume of the ESEU and at the same time preparations for an article have begun. With regard to the upcoming events, activities for the ICCE 2023, Environment 2023 and the affiliated JUF are in full swing.
On January 27, 2023, the newly elected Board of the Division met for the constitutive meeting at the GDCh Office in Frankfurt/Main. Martin Brüggemann, Patrick Riefer and Wolfgang Schrader were newly elected to the Board , Stefan Hahn, Jan Schwarzbauer, Stefanie Wieck and Christiane Zarfl began their second term of office. Stefan Hahn was re-elected as the proven chairman, Jan Schwarzbauer and Stefanie Wieck are the deputy chairmen. The two newly elected chairmen of jUCÖT, Viviane Bayer and Dominik Nerlich, were also present. It's nice that we were able to meet in person in a large group on this occasion, after the majority of meetings took place via video conference in the last term of office. A lot of time was spent on presenting the organization of the Division and its activities to the newly elected members, but planning for the next events was also a priority. The environment 2023 from 11.-13.9.23 in Muttenz is currently being prepared together with the SETAC GLB and JUF and perspective day were also discussed.
Further reports from the Board can be found in the communications of the Division.
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last modified: 16.02.2025 12:59 H from N/A