
Annual Meetings of the GDCh Division of Magnetic Resonance

The annual FGMR Annual Discussion Meetings are the focal point of the Division's activities. The entire spectrum of magnetic resonance is presented in lectures and posters over two and a half days at different locations. These are usually preceded by half-day tutorials with a topic tailored to the conference location. Every two years, the conferences are organized jointly with partners from one or more neighboring European countries.

46th FGMR Annual Discussion Meeting (Bonn)

September 16-18, 2025
University of Bonn
Chair: Prof. Dr. Olav Schiemann
event page

45th FGMR Annual Discussion Meeting (Rostock)

September 9-12, 2024
University of Rostock
Chair: Prof. Dr. Björn Corzilius
Partner countries: Denmark, Poland, Sweden

44th FGMR Annual Discussion Meeting (Konstanz)

September 18-21, 2023
University of Konstanz
Chair: Prof. Dr. Malte Drescher

43rd FGMR Annual Discussion Meeting (Karlsruhe)

Karlsruher Schloss - Schlosslichtspiele (© B. Luy)

12.-15. September 2022
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Chair: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Luy
Partner countries: Austria, Switzerland, Hungary

42nd FGMR Annual Discussion Meeting 2021 (online)

September 27th - October 1st, 2021

41st FGMR Annual Discussion Meeting 2019 (Berlin; EUROISMAR)

25th-30th August 2019 in Berlin

40th FGMR Annual Discussion Meeting 2018 (Leipzig)

10th-13th September 2018 in Leipzig

v.l.n.r. Dr. J. Liermann, Dr. M. Etzkorn, M. Schwab, P. Nitschke, K. Barth, Prof. Dr. B. Luy
Prof. Dr. J. Matysik

Posterpreis: Prof. Dr. A. Pöppl, Tobias Hett, Prof. Dr. B. Luy

Fotos: Christian Hüller

FGMR Annual Discussion Meetings 1979ff

Founding of the Division of Magnetic Resonance: September 12, 1978 in Ettal Monastery

No. Year Location (Joint Meetings)
44 2023 Konstanz
43 2022 Karlsruhe (Austria, Switzerland, Hungary)
42 2021 on-line
41 2019 Berlin (EUROISMAR)
40 2018 Leipzig
39 2017 Bayreuth (France)
38 2016 Dusseldorf
37 2015 Darmstadt (UK)
36 2014 Berlin book
35 2013 Frauenchiemsee (Italy, Slovenia)
34 2012 Hall
33 2011 Frankfurt (EUROMAR)
32 2010 Münster (Benelux)
31 2009 Dresden
30 2008 Regensburg (Austria, Switzerland)
29 2007 Göttingen
28 2006 Tübingen (Spain, Portugal)
27 2005 Mainz
26 2004 Aachen (UK)
25 2003 Leipzig
24 2002 Bremen (Scandinavia)
23 2001 Würzburg (GDCh annual conference)
22 2000 Regensburg (Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia)
21 1999 Würzburg
20 1998 Obernai (France)
19 1997 Friedrichroda
18 1996 Eichstätt
17 1995 Goshen
16 1994 Witzenhausen
15 1993 Friedrichroda
14 1992 Witzenhausen
13 1991 Todtmoos
12 1990 Todtmoos
11 1989 Schliersee
10 1988 Eat
09 1987 Hünfeld
08 1986 May chamber
07 1985 Heidelberg
06 1984 Berlin
05 1983 Walberberg Monastery Bornheim/Brühl
04b 1982 Reisensburg Günzburg Castle
04a 1982 Pont a Mousson (France)
03 1981 Bad Nauheim
02 1980 Königstein
01 1979 Steinhagen

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last modified: 27.02.2025 13:44 H from M.Fries