In September, the GDCh published a statement on its homepage on the ECHA's PFAS restriction proposal, which it submitted to the ECHA's public consultation that was ongoing at the time. Not all GDCh members agreed with the content of this statement; there was clear criticism, particularly from our Division . For this reason, the Board of the Division has written down the points that it believes were neglected in the original statement. Many aspects were taken into account that Divisions members expressed in their critical feedback to us and the GDCh. These additions are supported by the Young environmental chemistry & Ecotoxicology, by our Divisions representative at the EuChemS Division on Chemistry and the Environment, the boards of the Divisions for Chemists in Civil Service and the Society of Water Chemistry and by the federal board of the JungChemikerForum.
The GDCh has documented all critical feedback on this topic here: pfas.html.
Full text: PDF document
Fish deaths (due to acute pollution, e.g. as a direct aftermath of the Sandoz accident on the Rhine), mountains of foam on rivers (due to the use of surfactants that are difficult to biodegrade), as well as dead parts of the forest (due to acid rain and remobilized heavy metals): in the past, environmental problems were obvious to everyone. Today's problems with chemicals are often hidden from view. For example, it is not immediately apparent in water bodies if there are pesticide or pharmaceutical residues there, if there are traces of foreign chemicals or nanomaterials in food. Complete text (Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 2/2013)
An evaluation of an Online survey by the professional associations Setac GLB and GDCh Division, in which more than 70 scientists have participated since November 2010, showed that ecotoxicological or environmental chemical applications were submitted to the German Research Foundation for various papers and so the DFG did not Has an overview of the total number of applications from this area. In the future, DFG proposals relating to pollutant-related environmental sciences should therefore be given the label "Ecotoxicology / environmental chemistry" so that the DFG can clearly identify proposals from this subject. More Full Article (Environ Sci Europe)
In a position paper, the environmental monitoring proposes standards for the design and implementation of substance-related monitoring. Full text ( PDF download )
The Division points to the increasing importance and use of biomass as a renewable raw material for the chemical industry, which is also an important principle of "Green Chemistry". Full text ( PDF download )
Future lines of development for pure and innovation-oriented basic research in the chemical sciences, by Wolfram Koch, GDCH Frankfurt, February 2003. Complete text ( PDF download )
on the position of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology in the context of chemist training from January 1998. Complete article ( PDF download )
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last modified: 21.12.2023 14:29 H from N/A