chemistry in medical education

Who we are - What we do

The aim of the Working Group Chemistry in Medical Education, founded in September 2010, is to further develop and modernize chemical and scientific training in medical courses (human and dental medicine, but also veterinary medicine, molecular medicine , etc.). In human medicine, this training takes place within the framework of the subject "Chemistry for Medical Professionals".

The Working Group represents the interests of these subjects and their representatives externally. This includes, above all, participation in the creation of training standards and representation in cross-university and non-university committees. The aim is to permanently anchor chemistry as a basic scientific subject in a modern medical degree program that does justice to the opportunities and challenges of rapidly growing molecular knowledge.

The working group also provides a platform for the exchange of experiences at every level. Inquiries, requests and suggestions are always welcome!

Shortlink to this page:

Board 2021-2023

Prof. Dr. Gerald Steiner (Chair)
Technical University Dresden

Prof. Dr. Richard Göttlich (Deputy Chair)
Justus-Liebig university of Giessen

Dr. Rudolf Hutterer
University of Regensburg

Prof. Dr. Michael Lalk
University of Greifswald

On the founding

"Chemistry in medical studies"

Prof. Dr. W. Hoffmann
Founding Chairman

Nachrichten aus der Chemie (12/2010)


Working Guidelines


GDCh Office
Dr. Carina S. Kniep
Phone: +49 69 7917-499

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