Young Environmental Forum of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry & Ecotoxicology

After the great success of the first forum in 2013, the Board of the Division decided to make the meeting a regular event. The event offers young environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology researchers (doctoral students, younger professionals and master's students) the opportunity to present their own results (as part of their doctoral or master's thesis), to exchange professional information, to get to know each other and to have interdisciplinary discussions in the circle of around 20-40 participants.

JUF 2024 (#6; Gießen)

Banner JUF 2024

Are you a doctoral student, master's graduate or bachelor's graduate in environmental chemistry, ecotoxicology or related fields? At the Young Environmental Forum (JUF) on September 8, 2024 in Gießen, you can meet others, exchange ideas and present your work! Contributions in German and English are welcome. Registration is possible until July 26, 2024. Further information about the JUF and possible travel grants can be found at https://eveeno.com/183730388. We look forward to seeing you!

JUF 2023 (#5; Muttenz/Switzerland)

On September 11, 2023, in the run-up to Environment 2023, the “Young Environmental Forum - JUF”, redesigned by the young environmental chemistry & ecotoxicology (jUCÖT) with the participation of SETAC-GLB (Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry Europe, German-Language Branch eV), took place in Muttenz (Switzerland) for the first time in person. The young researchers' conference, which emerged from the “Young environmental chemistry Forum” and “Forum of Young Environmental Scientists”, offers students and doctoral candidates from environmental science disciplines the opportunity to present their research at an early stage in the form of a lecture, to exchange ideas with other young scientists and to make new contacts. Almost 30 students and doctoral candidates from all over Germany and Switzerland came together for this. The JUF was introduced by Janet Hering, a retired professor at ETH Zurich and EPFL and former director of Eawag, who gave a varied and interactive lecture on the topic of career opportunities in the natural sciences. This was followed by the presentations by the participants. From endocrine disruptors, cytotoxicity and alternative test methods, to geochemical indicators, hydrodechlorination and trace element accumulation to multi-element monitoring, a wide range of topics from ecotoxicology, environmental chemistry, geosciences to analytical method development were represented. Participants without their own contribution were also actively involved in the discussion and the many different expertise and technical perspectives of the participants often provided exciting new aspects of the topics presented. Stefan Höger's lecture on possible career prospects and entry opportunities at IES Ltd. provided further variety in the program of this year's JUF. We look forward to the next JUF and thank our sponsors this year, ibacon GmbH, IES Ltd and Carbolution Chemicals GmbH!

JUF 2022 (cancelled)

The Young environmental chemistry Forum ( JUF ) was scheduled to take place on September 5, 2022 in Emden in the run-up to “Umwelt 2022” - and thus again in person - but unfortunately had to be cancelled at short notice.

JUF 2021 (#4; online)

On September 6, 2021, the Young environmental chemistry Forum (JUF) took place online for the first time and under the leadership of the youth organization of the Division, the young environmental chemistry & ecotoxicology (jUCÖT), which was founded in April of this year. The JUF was introduced by an exciting lecture on the topic of "Biocides in bream, hardware stores and authorities - interaction between research, policy advice and enforcement" by Stefanie Wieck from the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau-Roßlau. Afterwards, seven young scientists and young professionals presented their research on the topics of transformation processes, instrumental and effect-related analytics and nanotechnology/nanoparticles. The virtual audience also included curious young scientists and students without their own lecture who took the opportunity to get a taste of the conference atmosphere and ask questions. After each lecture there was a lively discussion and question session among the 15 participants.

JUF 2017 (#3; Münster)

The third edition of the Forum of Young Environmental Scientists took place from June 19th to 21st, 2017 in Münster and was organized by the Division together with the Young Chemists Forum Münster. Presentations and posters on all topics in the field of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology were welcome, from analysis to effects, from soil to water to air, from measurement to modeling, from evaluation to regulation.

Flyers 2017

JUF 2015 (#2; Blomberg Castle)

After the great success of the premiere in 2013, the Division invited from 22.-24. June 2015 to the second forum of young environmental scientists at Blomberg Castle - again under the direction of Prof. Dr. Christina Eighth. Lectures and posters on all topics in the field of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology such as environmental analysis & tools for impact assessment, problematic substances in the environment, environmental monitoring of chemicals, chemodynamics in water & sediment, bioavailability, transformation processes, air pollution & aerosol, environmental compartment distribution, effects of Individual substances & mixtures, effects on communities, biodiversity, aquatic & terrestrial ecosystems, ecotoxicological modelling, risk assessment & QSAR, material flow management & environmental legislation, technical solutions and socio-ecological approaches were welcome.

program and abstracts
Flyers 2015

JUF 2013 (#1; Blomberg Castle)

For improved networking of young environmental scientists in Germany, from 27.-29. May 2013 for the first time the forum of young environmental scientists took place in the Burghotel Blomberg. 23 participants from Germany and Austria from various areas of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology were given the opportunity to present their work to an interested specialist audience and to discuss it together. The event, organized by the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry & Ecotoxicology , covered the subject areas of analysis, distribution of pollutants in the environment, transformation of pollutants, effects of pollutants on organisms, chemical assessment, etc., and was headed by Prof. Dr. Christine Achten (University of Munster).

Detailed report: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 3/2013.
Flyers: Flyers 2013

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last modified: 08.07.2024 09:29 H from N/A