To download the issue 1/2013
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Long-distance transport potential of chemicals - How can this worrying property be taken into account in the PBT assessment under REACH?
J. Ackermann et al.
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 19th year 2013 No. 1, pp. 2 - 4
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Geography / Geosciences -
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: Cover picture ?Borderline? PBT substances are those for which at least one of the PBT criteria was just missed (falling below up to 10%, Matthies et al., Submitted). Due to the additional consideration of the long-distance transport potential (LRTP), these substances can be assessed as PBT substances despite a numerical criterion not met (see article by J. Ackermann et al.)
To download the issue 2/2013
as an e-paper in PDF format 5.0 MB Note: Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and not the PDF viewer preset in Firefox (from version 19.0).
Perfluorinated carboxylic acids - not just perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is
C. Staude and L. Vierke
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 19th year 2013 No. 2, pp. 30 - 33
Hazardous substance properties: PBT assessment of drugs
I. Prutz et al.
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 19th year 2013 No. 2, pp. 34 - 37
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Geography / Geosciences -
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: Cover picture Friedhelm Korte (1923-2013)
To download the issue 3/2013
as an e-paper in PDF format 2.4 MB Note: Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and not the PDF viewer preset in Firefox (from version 19.0).
Where do long-lived pollutants remain in the ocean? Indications of local recurrence of previous exposure maxima
I. Stemmler and G. Lammel
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 19th year 2013 No. 3, pp. 60 - 62
Metabolite screening in environmental samples with LC-Q-TOF and electrochemistry-
Mass spectrometry
M. Zedda and C. Zwiener
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 19th year 2013 No. 3, pp. 62 - 67
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Spatial and Environmental Sciences -
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: Cover picture Participant in the first Young Environmental Scientists Forum
at the Blomberg Castle (Source: C.HENBERG)
To download the issue 4/2013
as an e-paper in PDF format 3.3 MB Note: Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and not the PDF viewer preset in Firefox (from version 19.0).
"RISK-IDENT" project - assessment of so far not identified
of anthropogenic trace substances in the aquatic system
R. Asner
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 19th year 2013 No. 4, pp. 89 - 91
As recyclates, Pd nanoparticles help to break down persistent ones
organic pollutants?
R.-A. Düring and L. Böhm
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 19th year 2013 No. 4, pp. 92 - 95 Do cemeteries emit drugs?
R.-A. Düring and L. Böhm
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 19th year 2013 No. 4, pp. 96 - 98
EEA Press Release: Air pollution still harming health across Europe
New limit value for lead in drinking water
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 19th year 2013 No. 4, pp. 117 - 123
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Spatial and Environmental Sciences -
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: Cover picture Presentation of the Paul Crutzen Prize 2013 to Christoph Moschet
by Prof. A. Schäffer as part of this year's SETAC-GLB /
GDCh-FG Conference in Essen
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