
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox - Reports from the Division -

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Mitt Umweltchem Ecotox

Releases the Division Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Klaus Fischer, University of Trier
Tel. And fax: 0651 / 201-3617, secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: ISSN: 1618-3258


The Mitteilungsblatt is intended to provide the specialist group members with as up-to-date and comprehensive information as possible about the activities of the Division (annual meetings, board work, etc.) and its working groups. The work in the Divisions is a figurehead of the GDCh and enables the competent participation and representation of its members vis-à-vis the public and politics in the various problem areas in which chemistry plays a role today. The results of the specialist group work are also documented in a number of GDCh monographs. Current topics should be reported through original articles, news, etc. The PRO and CONTRA rubric should present contradicting positions of authors on a scientific basis in order to liven up discussions and point out further research needs; especially with problems of an interdisciplinary character. PRO and CONTRA are interchangeable. CONTRA is not intended to encourage inaction. There is no conclusive statement in many areas of environmental protection. This does not release us from the precautionary measures and measures to prevent in time. On the other hand, the contrary point of view must not be called a frivolous attitude. The scientific discussion must be conducted independently of external influences. If possible, consensus should be reached. Letters to the editor and suggestions for topics from the members of the Division are still very welcome. We also need your support, e.g. B. through information about honors, appointments and appointments of members to further increase the solidarity within the Division .

Notes for authors

Notes for authors of original articles for the Mitt. Umweltchem. Ecotox. (ISSN: 1618-3258)


  • Text length: max. 5 pages (equivalent to approx. 1500 words)
  • Prepend an abstract of a maximum of 100 words, which is quoted in the GDCh announcement mail
  • Body text without automatic word separation
  • Create quotations without quotation software (e.g. "EndNote")
  • Create images (optionally b / w or color) if possible as a separate file, also already integrated in Word; Adjust the width of the image to the 2-column set (8.75 or 17.5 cm); Illustration labeling in Arial, 10pt font size
  • Complete correspondence address of the first author. Enter the email addresses of all authors
  • Attach a digital photo of the first author or the group of authors
  • Original contributions from earlier editions of the "Mitteilungen" can be viewed atösungen/mitteilungsblatt.html. Authors receive the pdf file of their contribution for free (non-commercial) use after the online publication

Please send your contributions by email to the editor in charge of the communications, Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer, University of Trier (email: )

Main topics and rubrics

Main topics


  • Waste treatment
  • Analytics
  • atmospheric chemistry
  • Bioindication
  • Soil Chemistry and Soil Ecology
  • chemical assessment / chemical safety
  • Chlorine chemistry
  • Endocrine disruptors
  • Division
  • Research and Teaching
  • Genetic engineering
  • Legislation / Directives
  • International cooperation
  • Climate change
  • Microorganisms
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Sample banking




  • Editorial
  • Original contributions
  • From the Division
  • Short prefix
  • information
    (Conference announcements, conference reports and short messages)
  • Personnel

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