Year [2025] [ 2024 ] [ 2023 ] [ 2022 ] [ 2021 ] [ 2020 ] [ 2019 ], [ 2018 ], [ 2017 ], [ 2016 ], [ 2015 ], [ 2014 ], [ 2013 ], [ 2012 ], [ 2011 ], [ 2010 ], [ 2009 ], [ 2008 ], [ 2007 ], [ 2006 ]
Notebook | Editorial | original contributions | Briefly introduced |
Editorial on European environmental policy | A.-S. Heldele et al.: Transport behaviour of PFAS from paper sludge in large lysimeters | Ocean Care: Keeping the Oceans Alive |
notebook | Editorial | Original contributions | Briefly introduced |
Development of a marker-free |
Environmental Geochemistry working group at the Institute for Professorship for Environmental Analysis, Eberhard-Karls-University |
2 |
Human drug residues in sewage sludge Degradability of ionic liquids |
Working group "Epidemiology of the Environmental Impact on Aging Processes" Professorship "Biomarkers in Occupational Medicine" IBACON GmbH |
3 |
Use of an LC-MS Behavior of selected ones |
Chair and research institute for urban water management An institute with a bite - Bauhaus institute for trendsetting GBA laboratory group Institute Alpha - Water and Environmental Analysis |
4th |
Investigations into the chemical load of side structures on the Elbe Perform mass spectrometric in-situ analysis in environmental and food research? Planar SPE and microliter flow injection analysis TOFMS - a fast pesticide screening for fruits and vegetables |
Department of Water Management in the Faculty of Civil Engineering / Ecossa |
notebook | Editorial | Original contributions | Briefly introduced |
Long-Distance Transport Potential of Chemicals - How Can This Be Concerning | Physiological ecology of animals at the Institute for Evolution and Ecology of the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen | ||
2 |
Perfluorinated carboxylic acids - not only perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is of concern (C. Staude and L. Vierke) Hazardous substance properties: PBT assessment of drugs (I. Prutz, J. Schönfeld, A. Wiemann) |
Environmental trace analysis at the Institute for Analytical and Bioanalytical WSC Scientific GmbH |
3 |
Where do long-lived pollutants remain in the ocean? Metabolite screening in environmental samples with LC-Q-TOF and electrochemistry mass spectrometry |
Hydrochemistry working group , University of Göttingen Chair of Hydrochemistry and Hydrobiology at |
4th | Science divides the dispute over endocrine disruptors |
As recyclates, Pd nanoparticles help to break down persistent ones Do cemeteries emit drugs? |
working group residue analysis at the Institute for food chemistry and Food Biotechnology RISK-IDENT project - assessment of so far unidentified anthropogenic trace substances and |
notebook | Editorial | Original contributions | Briefly introduced |
Bioaccumulation in organisms at a transfer point for dredged material in the German Bight (North Sea) Occurrence of selected psychotropic drugs in groundwater influenced by trickle fields in Berlin |
Junior professorship for atmospheric chemistry at the University of Bayreuth
Investigations to evaluate and avoid toxic oxidation by-products in the oxidative wastewater treatment of fluoroquinolones Total dissolution and digestion methods for engineered metal nanoparticles |
Institute for sustainable chemistry and environmental chemistry, University of Lüneburg
3 |
Investigation of the transformation of organic Behavior of nanoparticles in sewage treatment plants Online sensor system for monitoring the water quality for organic compounds |
Analytical research group at the chair for Urban water management at the Technical University of Munich | |
4th |
Floodsearch: flood New antibiotics in the environment - first results on ecotoxic effects in the water cycle |
Düring working group at the Institute for Soil Science and Soil Conservation at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen Fraunhofer Institute for toxicology and Experimental medicine ITEM RLP AgroScience GmbH - Institute for Agroecology Department of environmental chemistry |
notebook | Editorial | Original contributions | Briefly introduced |
New Division Board - outlook on the main areas of work for the next few years |
Sewage treatment plants as a source of polyfluorinated compounds in the atmosphere Bioaccumulation and metabolism studies in fish - current issues in guideline development |
Junior professorship "Applied Environmental Systems Analysis", University of Osnabrück
ECT Ecotoxicology GmbH | |||
3 |
Evaluation of the persistence of selected priority substances in the aquatic environment Screening of the behavior of active pharmaceutical ingredients in a water-sediment test system |
The biocides department in the Federal Environment Agency
4th |
Occurrence of heterocyclic PAHs in rivers in Lower Saxony Non-extractable residues formed during biodegradation of 2,4-D in soil are biogenic Oxidation of the tolylfluanide metabolite N, N-dimethylsulfamide (DMS) |
The Institute for Environmental Research at RWTH Aachen |
notebook | Editorial | Original contributions | Briefly introduced |
Non-target analysis in ecology Antibiotic transfer from the soil into crops Detection of aircraft and operating area de-icing agents in the surface runoff at Hannover-Langenhagen Airport by means of solid-phase micro-extraction |
Junior Professorship for Environmental Geochemistry, University of Bayreuth
Volatile polyfluorinated compounds in indoor air Antibiotic residues in manure and soil |
working group pollutant hydrology at the chair for hydrology at the University of Bayreuth
3 | Pre-print of the greeting from the chairman of the FG, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lammel, at the opening of the "Environment 2010" Conference in Dessau |
Retrospective monitoring of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in archived herring gull eggs Integration of bioavailability in soil protection Assessment of the availability of non-extractable PAH residues in the soil |
analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis in the applied natural sciences department of the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences
4th | position |
Medicines and their metabolites in the water cycle Trend monitoring of pollutants in sediments and suspended matter in the Inner Elbe Long-distance transport of organic substances in water |
The National Reference Laboratory for Dioxins and PCBs at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in Berlin |
notebook | Editorial | Original contributions | Briefly introduced |
Reconstruction of the pollution of the German Bight with polyfluorinated organic substances using seal tissue samples Corrosion inhibitors in the aquatic environment: Benzotriazoles in Main, Hengstbach and Hegbach The use of (P450-transgenic) plant cell suspension cultures as model systems to investigate the metabolisability of environmental pollutants |
Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG), Koblenz - Department "Qualitative Hydrology
Current overview of the status and activities of our Division |
Emission inventories as the basis for determining the causes and recording air pollution Arsenic species and plant transfer |
Journal of environmental medicine in research and practice |
3 | Mille viae ducunt hominem per Augustam Treverorum |
Urban air pollution using the example of a large African city A brief insight into the chemistry of secondary organic aerosols |
"Analytics in consumer health protection"
4th |
Evaluation of chemicals relevant to drinking water within the framework of the REACH Regulation Sampling by LHKW in groundwater: comparison of active and passive sampling |
Chemistry and environmental analysis department at the Faculty of Environmental Protection at the Weihenstephan- Troisdorf University of Applied Sciences
notebook | Editorial | Original contributions | Briefly introduced |
Editorial: Greetings from the Board of Management |
Data problems and data needs in the environmental risk assessment of chemicals Background values and heavy metal pollution of sediments in the area of flowing waters using the example of the Oderhaffes Composition of soil organic matter and its effect on the hydrophobicity of three forest soil samples |
Research Center for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Brno working group on organic environmental pollutants at the Department of Environmental Geosciences at the University of Vienna The International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP) |
Consumer exposure to PFOS and PFOA Multimedia modeling for the identification of persistent substances with long-distance transport potential Toxicity modeling with commercial (Q) SAR systems: practical aspects for regulatory application |
Analytical laboratory Luhnstedt
3 | Greetings to the 3rd joint Conference of the GDCh Division environmental chemistry, Ecotoxicology and SETAC-GLB |
The inner-city "nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) problem" QSAR approaches for the toxicological assessment of industrial chemicals |
Chair of Landscape Ecology at Vechta University |
4th |
The transport of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in the soil: what is the effect of the liquid manure? Determination of methyl mercury in fish samples from the federal environmental specimen bank |
Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology IUTA eV, Duisburg |
notebook | Editorial | Original contributions | Briefly introduced |
environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology - sub-areas of inter- and transdisciplinary environmental science |
Data problems and data needs in the environmental risk assessment of chemicals Background values and heavy metal pollution of sediments in the area of flowing waters using the example of the Oderhaffes The photolysis of nitrous acid (HONO) - an important source of OH radicals in the atmosphere |
Soil science in Faculty VI of the University of Trier
Annual meeting of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 2007 in Osnabrück |
Modeling of the spread of pollutants during extreme floods in the Bitterfeld area Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring (part 1 of 2) |
FoBiG - Research and Consulting Institute Hazardous Materials GmbH |
3 | On the debate on controversial positions |
The Arctic: Environmental chemistry field laboratory of global importance Influence of lipophilicity and molecular size on the bioconcentration potential of environmental chemicals Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring (part 2 of 2) Global environmental protection - is it feasible? |
4th |
Gen- Dar T- a chronic toxicity prediction model by analyzing altered gene expression in zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio)? Accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the polar regions - model studies Selection and use of reference matrices to determine the properties of substances and the environmental behavior of substances |
Institute for Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen
notebook | Editorial | Original contributions | Briefly introduced |
Everything flows |
Decline in river pearl mussels - analysis of possible ecotoxicological causes The federal environmental specimen bank as an instrument for investigating the relevance of "new pollutants" in water |
EU Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (JRC Ispra)
Editorial - The Working Group Soil Chemistry and Soil Ecology is back | THE MANURE PROJECT - Elaboration of a catalog of methods to investigate the residue behavior of veterinary drugs in manure and manure-fertilized soils |
Institute for Environmental Studies - Vrije University Amsterdam
3 | Editorial - Change in the Editorial staff for "Mitteilungen" |
Persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic substances in the EU - aspiration and reality Risk assessment of PBT substances Beyond Oil and Gas: Proposals for a Future Energy Industry |
4th | Annual conference on environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology 2006 in Halle |
Multiple sources of pollutants in the groundwater - a challenge for risk assessment and remediation Consumer Exposure to Phthalates in Europe: Identification of Major Sources The umu genotoxicity test - application potential and automation |
organic chemistry and environmental chemistry at the Institute for Integrated Natural Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau
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