
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox - Communications of the Division -

Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox sorted by years and issues

Year [2025] [ 2024 ] [ 2023 ] [ 2022 ] [ 2021 ] [ 2020 ] [ 2019 ], [ 2018 ], [ 2017 ], [ 2016 ], [ 2015 ], [ 2014 ], [ 2013 ], [ 2012 ], [ 2011 ], [ 2010 ], [ 2009 ], [ 2008 ], [ 2007 ], [ 2006 ]

class of 2024

Notebook Editorial original contributions Briefly introduced


The Light in the Darkness

J. Zweigle et al.: Prioritization and identification of PFAS using automated data analysis in non-target screening by PFΔScreen
KL Hitzfeld et al.: Pesticide residues in small bodies of water in the agricultural landscape – there is still a need for action
K. Wiltschka et al.: Contamination of mine water by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
AR Vogel et al.: Extraction of tire wear from environmental samples by density separation with NaI heavy solution as a possible reference material for environmentally relevant process studies – exemplary tests on a water sample
H. Wiesinger et al.: Safe and sustainable recycling needs controls and more transparency – a case study on PVC floor coverings
KG Steinhäuser et al.: Sewage sludge: from contaminated waste to valuable material

ISEGA Umweltanalytik GmbH, Hanau

2 event program of the Division W. Schröder et al.: 30 years of moss monitoring in Germany: New developments and long-term trends
A. Zenker, S. Tinguely: Organic UV filters in the aquatic environment – ​​where are the hotspots?
G. Proll et al.: Modern bioanalytical methods for the rapid quantification of micropollutants and pathogens in water

Professorship for Chemical Ecology, Institute of Zoology, University of Regensburg
50 Years of Postgraduate Studies “Analytics & Spectroscopy” in Leipzig

3 Perspectives Days 2024

T. Heberer, SE Sander: Inputs of antibiotics into the environment and new measures in veterinary medicine to minimize them
J. Flottmann et al.: Challenges in the development of methods for the analysis of highly polar substances in water using HILIC and ICHRMS coupling
LL Hohrenk-Danzouma: Potentials and Challenges of Data Processing Strategies in Non-Target Analysis of Water Samples
L. Schwab, JG Wiederhold: Mercury environmental monitoring with stable Hg isotopes:
Interpretation of the Hg cycle in contaminated river sediments

VF Saalmann et al.: Behavioral endpoints in model organisms as additional endpoint in ecotoxicological risk assessment – ​​opportunities and limitations using the example of Daphnia magna and Asellus aquaticus

Center for Biodiversity Monitoring and Nature Conservation Research
at the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

EnJust Network for Environmental Justice

4 Editorial A. Ramsperger et al.: Nominally identical microplastic models differ greatly in their particle-cell interactions – a reason for contradictory results in microplastic research?
A. Loll et al.: Short-Term Test for Toxicogenomic Analysis of Ecotoxic Modes of Action in Lemna minor
F. Ungeheuer, AL Vogel: Chemical characterization of ultrafine dust in the exhaust plume of an airport
S. Carl et al.: Aquatic fungi in the risk assessment of plant protection products – unimportant or just ignored?
S. Tisler et. al.: Advanced Chromatographic Approaches for the Comprehensive Analysis of Emerging Contaminants in Wastewater Effluents

Professorship for technical chemistry and environmental chemistry,
Department of Industrial Engineering, Ernst-Abbe-University Jena

Vintage 2023

Notebook Editorial Original posts Briefly introduced


Editorial U. Borchers: PFAS in drinking water - legal regulation, toxicology and overview of findings
M. Maier, T. Opel, M. Letzel: Approaches for the characterization of ultrafine particles from road traffic
J. Kurbelt et al.: The trace substance center of
Federal – goals and tasks

The International Center for Water Resources
and Global Change (ICWRGC)
MSU Center for PFAS Research

2 Editorial  

S. Hauser, K. Leopold: Mercury and its monitoring in the environment
J. Schwaiger et al.: Risk assessment of microplastics in Bavarian rivers and lakes
P. Roesch et al.: Development of PFAS sum parameters using Combustion Ion Chromatography (CIC)
D. Schmiemann et al.: Enz4Water – Enzymatic filtration for the 4th purification stage

Reorientation of the Department of Ecological Chemistry (OEC) at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig

3 Editorial W. Körner: Terrestrial environmental monitoring – Are we measuring the right substances?
A. Kolbe, J. Hölzer: Environmental epidemiological studies on PFAS
S. Tisler et al.: Expanding the scope of wastewater monitoring by SFC-HRMS analysis
C. Schwaferts: Raman microspectroscopy for the determination of micro- and nanoplastics

UWAT GmbH - engineering office and laboratory for environmental issues

4 Editorial  

A. Grundmann et al.: BayÖkotox project network – “Ecotoxico-logical assessment of substances in the environment”

H. Joerss et al.: Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances along the European west coast - distribution patterns and trends for the substitute HFPO-DA

Institute for Analytical Research (IFAR), Fresenius University, Idstein

Born in 2022

Notebook Editorial original posts Introduced briefly



working group on anthropogenic water cycles, Hof University of Applied Sciences

2 Editorial P. Klatt: Ten years of PFAS contamination in central Baden: A "field experiment" with an unknown outcome?
A. Georgi, K. Mackenzie: PFAS - a challenge for environmental technology
J. Meierdirks, P. Gratewohl: Release of pesticides on agricultural land - comparison of methods for the leaching potential
A. Logemann et al.: Development of the "pollution fingerprint" in the North Sea during the last century

PAN – Pesticide Action Network Germany

3 Editorial  

T. Bierbaum et al.: Experimental methods to study PFAS immobilization

M. Petri et al.: Screening for brominated flame retardants and other persistent organic compounds in filter sludge from drinking water treatment at Lake Constance

Zhe Pan et al.: Imaging MALDI-MS and nanodispensing as tools for effect-related HPTLC analysis - an interim report


Professorship for instrumental analysis and analytical chemistry, technical department, University of Applied Sciences Emden-Leer

working group Microplastic Research at CEN,
University of Hamburg

4 Editorial JS Strehse, E. Maser: Munitions in the sea: effects on the marine ecosphere
S. Breinlinger, THJ Niedermeyer: Hunt for the eagle killer - discovery of a new cyanotoxin
D. Jungmann et al.: Pilot application of an in vitro biotest battery for effect-based monitoring in selected surface waters in Lower Saxony
FT Lange et al.: Significance of using the Total Oxidizable Precursor (TOP) Assay on soil sample extracts and aqueous eluates
M. Wietzoreck et al.: Long-term study on nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil samples from two different sites

Professorship for instrumental analytics and environmental measurement technology, Offenburg University

Born in 2021

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced


Obituary for Paul J. Crutzen


Portrait of the environmental chemistry, Institute for Biology and Chemistry, University of Hildesheim



IPEN - International Pollutants Elimination Network

3 The young environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology (jUCÖT) introduces itself ChemTrust
4th Editorial C. Engelke et al .: Pollutant monitoring in the coastal waters of the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to assess the water quality
H. Wackerbarth et al .: Determination of benzotriazole in water with plasmonic on-site analysis
C. Schlechtriem, V. Kosfeld: The Hyalella azteca bioconcentration test (HYBIT) as an alternative method for bioaccumulation assessment
R. Martin et al .: Substance-specific isotope analysis
to investigate the oxidative degradation of amino (poly) phosphonates on manganese dioxide

A.-K. Kniggendorf, B. Roth: Optical analysis system for drinking water control of microplastics in real time
C. Sommer et al .: What we can learn about microplastics from a plasma

ALAB analysis laboratory in Berlin

Year 2020

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced



CA Brühl and JG Zaller: Decline in biological diversity: to what extent is an inadequate environmental impact assessment of
Partly responsible for pesticides?

Scharmüller, A. et al .: Standartox: Standardized toxicity data

R. Zeumer et al .: Compostability and ecotoxicological assessment of bio-based plastics


Department of hydrology and material balance at the University of Kassel

reconsite GmbH

IfUA Umweltberatung und Gutachten GmbH

2 Editorial  

M. Scheurer et al .: Transfer of perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) from contaminated soils in plants

N. Markert et al .: Mixture Toxicity in the Erft - Toxicity Drivers and Non-Detects

HK Imhof et al .: The entry of microplastics into food and the aquatic environment and its consequences - current questions and answers

K. Waldschläger: Microplastics = Sediment?

K. Altmann et al .: TED-GC / MS: Fast determination of microplastic mass content in different samples


Environmental Biology Section at the Center for Biodiversity Monitoring (zbm)

Intrapore GmbH

3 Teaching in Corona times - the sudden arrival of digital forms of teaching at universities JC Laube, MK Vollmer: Perfluorinated alkanes in the atmosphere: An overview

H. Joerss, R. Ebinghaus: Perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances in the course of the Rhine - occurrence and distribution in water and sediments

V. Hinnenkamp, P. Balsaa: Investigation of drinking water production processes using non-target analysis

J. Küppers, N. Mitschke: About the anaerobic degradation of hydrocarbons in bacteria

F. Weber et al .: Rain drainage of a plastics processing industrial company as a source for microplastics

CIEL - Center for International Environmental Law

4th Virtual members / internal assembly of the environmental chemistry Division and
Ecotoxicology 2020

M. Klein, K. Blümlein, S. Hahn: Results of an exposure analysis for the health risk assessment of sediment pollution in the Rummelsburger See

E. Brandes: The role of agriculture in (micro) plastic pollution in soils and surface waters

P. Bellanova et al .: The organic-geochemical trace of tsunamis


Professorship for water supply at the Hof University of Applied Sciences

Junior research group for environmental chemistry, Eberhard
Karls University of Tübingen

Year 2019

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced


I. Bantz, I. Valentin: Status of the collection and remediation of PFC contamination in Düsseldorf
L. Gehrmann et al .: Activity of estrogen and androgen active substances during and after ozonation of hospital wastewater
M. Riegel et al .: Entry paths of hexavalent chromium in raw water from drinking water suppliers
I. Mulder et al .: Quaternary ammonium compounds in soil - implications for that
Development of antibiotic resistance


Junior professorship for environmental systems analysis, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen

working group "Organic Environmental Geochemistry", RWTH Aachen


The new Division Board introduces itself

M. Lesch et al .: In situ monitoring of freshly applied pesticides
C. Teuner et al .: A challenge for the approval authorities of plant protection products: The occurrence of the metabolite 1,2,4-triazole in groundwater
A. Focks: Use of mechanistic effect models in the prospective environmental risk assessment of plant protection products
T. Frisch et al .: ?Risk Profiler? in action - a comparison of the environmental risk profiles of insecticides
S. Knoll et al .: Relevance of ionic micropollutants - quantification of metformin and its transformation product guanylurea in biota


Institute for water chemistry at the Technical University of Dresden

Laboratory for biochemistry and sustainable chemistry at the Münster University of Applied Sciences


(Micro) plastic in the environment

H. Rahm et al .: New life without mine water?
W. Seitz et al .: Systematic recording of the trace substance pollution of a river water in the inflow for drinking water production
J. Funke et al .: Amidosulfonic acid - quantification of a small, highly polar molecule with reversed-phase LC-MS-MS
O. Happel et al .: KOLa - Continuous ozonation with slow sand filtration for oxidative and microbiological investigations on organic compounds
T. Bader: Data mining of LC-HRMS data for the evaluation of water treatment processes


Department of Marine Bioanalytical Chemistry of the Department of Biogeochemistry in the Territorial Sea,
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

Professorship for Instrumental Analysis, Department of Chemistry, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences

working group "Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology"
at the iES Landau

4th Review of the environmental conference in Landau

V. Hierlmeier et al .: ProtectAlps: Alps, persistent pollutants and insects

L. Zimmermann et al .: In vitro toxicity and chemical composition of plastic products

S. Tisler and C. Zwiener: Transformation Products of Fluoxetine Formed by Photodegradation in Water and Biodegradation in Zebrafish Embryos


Common Forum on Contaminated Land in Europe


Vintage 2018

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced


Welcome to Münster, welcome to "Environment 2018"

A. Simon, E. Dopp: Biotest battery: full broadside in the proof of toxicological effects

F. Metzelder et al .: Investigation of the sorption on carbon nanomaterials by means of inverse liquid chromatography

T. Vockenberg et al .: Influence of aging processes on the sorption behavior of micropollutants on microplastics

Institute Dr. Lörcher in Ludwigsburg


G. Nürenberg et al .: Detection of polyfluorinated alkyl phosphate esters (PAP) and perfluorooctanesulfonamido-ethanol-based phosphate esters (SAmPAP) in soils

L. Richters, F. Vietoris: Trifluoroacetate in bodies of water and drinking water in North Rhine-Westphalia

N. Ulrich, K.-U. Goss: UFZ-LSER database - a useful tool for many physico-chemical problems in analysis


Professorship for analytical chemistry at the Technical University of Nuremberg

GreenFacts - Facts on Health and the

3 S. Bieber et al .: International management strategies for organic trace substances in waters and supporting further analytical techniques

F. Sacher et al .: Analysis of priority substances in wastewater samples - an important prerequisite for an inventory in German sewage treatment plants

S. Johann, A. Schmohl: Detection and purification of amines in drinking water and complex aqueous matrices

Institute for Water Resources and Water Supply at the Technical University of Hamburg
(TUHH) and DVGW research center TUHH
Professorship for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Department of Applied Natural Sciences,
Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Rheinbach Campus
Analytical Research Institute for Non-Target Screening GmbH (AFIN-TS)


M. Jarosch, M. Brunke: Pollutant monitoring in fish and mussels in Schleswig-
Holstein waters

J. Regnery et al .: Rodenticide residues in fish - causal research and risk reduction measures

R. Söhlmann et al .: The application of the sum parameters EOF and AOF in the
Investigation of the depth displacement of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl compounds
(PFAS) in polluted soils in central Baden

L. Böhm et al .: Solid phase microextraction (SPME) for the determination of hydrophobic
organic chemicals in bioconcentration studies

G. Lammel et al .: POP cycling in India - influenced by the monsoon

Department of wastewater management of the technical
University of Darmstadt

Vintage 2017

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced



K. Kümmerer et al .: MUTReWa - Measures for a more sustainable use of pesticides and their transformation products in regional water management

JB Thiäner, C. Acht: Analysis of high-molecular, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (6-8 ring PAHs) in various environmental matrices using liquid chromatography - atmospheric pressure laser ionization - mass spectrometry (LC-APLI-MS)

JT Andersson: Adieu 16 EPA-PAH? Time to consider 40 years of PAH research


Professorship for Instrumental Analysis, Faculty of biotechnology, University of Mannheim

Department ?Sustainability in Chemistry? at the University of Bremen

The NABU Federal Committee for environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology introduces itself

2 Amendment of the Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV):
Invitation to relaunch the "soil" working group

S. Gonser et all .: Biomonitoring of PCB and PCDD / F in Bavaria: Results from 18 years of continuous observation

P. Weller and J. Neitsch: Does the use of modern pesticides lead to mobilization?
old DDT residues in agricultural land?

S. Merel et all .: Wastewater ozonation and related formation of N-oxides

S. Riehm, P. Guhl: Use of modeled data in the application of substance prioritization procedures

3 It's that time again. Our annual doctoral day is coming up again soon.  

T. Stahl et al .: Anthropogenic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment - a "Never-Ending Story"?

D. Thomas et al .: Aging of synthetic polymers in the marine environment using the example of HDPE, LDPE, PP and PLA

M. Weidt et al .: Effects of synthetic and natural microparticles on blue mussels ( Mytilus edulis ) and rock shrimp ( Palaemon varians )

J. Müller et al .: Sequential biofiltration to remove anthropogenic trace substances from municipal sewage treatment plants

D. Wicke et al .: Biocides in Berlin's rainwater runoff


Chemical and microbiological institute UEG GmbH

ROHA Diox Consult - Dr. Roland Haag

4th Annual review of the section board  

L.-K. Beuter, KP Ebke: Mesocosms as aquatic model ecosystems for the risk assessment of plant protection products

F. Junginger et al .: Effect-related analysis based on luminescent bacteria, coupled with flow injection analysis and ion chromatography

AF Herbort, K. Shoes: Two viewing angles:
Plastics - the everyday helpers or microplastics - the environmental problem?


Research group "Water Technology -
Cavitation - Renewable Resources ?, University of Jena

Professorship for Environmental Mineralogy, Institute for Applied Geosciences of the Technical
University of Darmstadt

Vintage 2016

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced


Invitation to Tübingen  

S. Gabbert et al .:
To record the long-term effects of PBT and vPvB substances in the context of the socio-economic analyzes in REACH

S. Hasenbein et al .:
Risk assessment of pesticide mixtures - from standardized individual species tests to model ecosystems


Chair for Aquatic Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich

Isodetect GmbH

2 Viewpoints: pesticides
from the point of view of the industry and
of nature conservation

D. Claßen et al .: Assessment of persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic properties of ionic and ionizable substances

H. Ulrich et al .: Decrease in PFC pollution in municipal sewage sludge in Bavaria

M. Rusch et al .: Effective reduction of the antibacterial activity of the fluoroquinolone danofloxacin through biotransformation with the Ascomycetes
Xylaria longipes

V. Stark-Rogel et al .: In-depth chemical analysis and assessment of a broad range of liquid waste from in-vitro diagnostic instruments

SENSATEC sensor and special system construction
3 From dependent and independent experts  

C. Apel et al .: Occurrence and distribution of organic UV stabilizers and UV filters in sediments
European estuaries

M. Schaffer et al .: Characterization of the sorption of organic bases from aqueous solutions: Current results and limitations in the
Prediction of environmental behavior

D. Kühnel and S. Böhme: Mixture toxicity of
nanomaterials and chemicals


Chair of Applied Geology, Friedrich-Alexander
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Hydroisotop GmbH

M. Scheringer: environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology
need better perspectives

M. Baumann et al .: On the special position of antibiotics in the case of water pollution by drugs

LAWA-AG: LAWA report "Micropollutants in waters "



ecotox consult

2015 vintage

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced


Initiates file download Microplastics - a challenge for environmental sciences  

S. Schubert et al .: Antibiotics in different stages and media in the urban sewage system

S. Eberhard et al .: HMMM in selected surface waters in southern Hesse

S. Bieber and T. Letzel: Simultaneous SFC-MS investigation methods in water samples

K. Weiß et al .: Mixtures of substances in wastewater treatment


Sustainability in chemistry in chemical engineering
of the Münster University of Applied Sciences

Society for Chemical Hazard Communication

2 Environmental research in Germany as guest - ICCE 2015 in Leipzig  

M. Gallus et al .: LIFE Project PhotoPAQ

I. Bischof et al .: In vitro biotransformation tests

B. Becker et al .: Passive collector
for monitoring


Quantitative Landscape Ecology University of Koblenz-Landau

The Task Force on Systemic Pesticides

The International POPs Elimination Network

undefined 3 Initiates file download Doctoral day and forum for young environmental scientists  

A. Bayer: Impacts of maize cultivation on water management (pesticides and nutrients) - Monitoring in Bavaria

C. Weidauer et al .: Photochemical degradation of benzotriazole under environmentally relevant conditions

W. Körner and S. Kastenhofer:
Determination of the urban background concentrations of brominated flame retardants in outside air


Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical
Weapons (OPCW)

The Journal "Environmental Chemistry"

undefined 4th Initiates file download Chemical persistence - a complex one

F. Heydebreck et al .: Occurrence and distribution of perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in
European and Chinese river estuaries

S. Schmidt et al .: Development of monoclonal antibodies against diclofenac

S. Hafermann: HPLC method development for
Detection of H 2 O 2 and organic hydroperoxides in the troposphere

C. Koch: HBCD's environmental behavior and the resulting legal consequences

Self-portrait of the OECOS GmbH

Born in 2014

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced



Development of a marker-free
Biosensors for the detection of diclofenac in surface waters contaminated with wastewater

(S. Rau et. Al)

Determination of priority organic substances in surface water containing suspended matter using solid phase extraction disks
and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

(C. Erger)


Environmental Geochemistry working group at the Institute for
Geoecology from the Technical University of Braunschweig

Professorship for Environmental Analysis, Eberhard-Karls-University


Human drug residues in sewage sludge
(Sabine Konradi et. Al.)

Degradability of ionic liquids
(J. Neumann and S. Stolte)


Working group "Epidemiology of the Environmental Impact on Aging Processes"

Professorship "Biomarkers in Occupational Medicine"



Use of an LC-MS
Screening method for identifying historical
and current trace substances in ground and surface water
of a former sewage field
(F. Wode et al.)

Behavior of selected ones
pesticides in the water- soil plants system in the lysimeters of the Wagna research station

(A. Fuhrmann et al.)


Chair and research institute for urban water management
of the Technical University of Munich

An institute with a bite - Bauhaus institute for trendsetting
Infrastructure system

GBA laboratory group

Institute Alpha - Water and Environmental Analysis


Investigations into the chemical load of side structures on the Elbe
(Susanne Heise)

What can modern

Perform mass spectrometric in-situ analysis in environmental and food research?
(S. Schulz et all)

Planar SPE and microliter flow injection analysis TOFMS - a fast pesticide screening for fruits and vegetables
(C. Oellig, W. Schwack)


Department of Water Management in the Faculty of Civil Engineering /
Architecture at the Dresden University of Technology and Economics



2013 vintage

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced


Long-Distance Transport Potential of Chemicals - How Can This Be Concerning
Substance properties are taken into account in the PBT assessment under REACH?

(J. Ackermann et all)

Physiological ecology of animals at the Institute for Evolution and Ecology of the Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen


Perfluorinated carboxylic acids - not only perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is of concern

(C. Staude and L. Vierke)

Hazardous substance properties: PBT assessment of drugs

(I. Prutz, J. Schönfeld, A. Wiemann)


Environmental trace analysis at the Institute for Analytical and Bioanalytical
Chemistry from Ulm University

WSC Scientific GmbH


Where do long-lived pollutants remain in the ocean?
(I. Stemmler and G. Lammel)

Metabolite screening in environmental samples with LC-Q-TOF and electrochemistry mass spectrometry
(M. Zedda and C. Zwiener)


Hydrochemistry working group , University of Göttingen

Chair of Hydrochemistry and Hydrobiology at
ISWA, University of Stuttgart

4th Science divides the dispute over endocrine disruptors  

"RISK-IDENT" project - assessment of so far not identified
of anthropogenic trace substances in the aquatic system
(R. Asner)

As recyclates, Pd nanoparticles help to break down persistent ones
organic pollutants?

(R.-Al. Düring and L. Böhm)

Do cemeteries emit drugs?
(S. Fiedler, T. Dame and M. Graw)


working group residue analysis at the Institute for food chemistry and Food Biotechnology
at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen

RISK-IDENT project - assessment of so far unidentified anthropogenic trace substances and
Action strategies for risk management in the aquatic system


Born in 2012

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced



Bioaccumulation in organisms at a transfer point for dredged material in the German Bight (North Sea)
S. Schafer et al.

Occurrence of selected psychotropic drugs in groundwater influenced by trickle fields in Berlin
U. Hass et al.


Junior professorship for atmospheric chemistry at the University of Bayreuth

Westfälische Wasser- und Umweltanalytik GmbH



Investigations to evaluate and avoid toxic oxidation by-products in the oxidative wastewater treatment of fluoroquinolones
J. Türk et al.

Total dissolution and digestion methods for engineered metal nanoparticles
T. Klawonn et al.


Institute for sustainable chemistry and environmental chemistry, University of Lüneburg

working group hydrogeology and landscape water balance at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Institute for Water Research GmbH, Schwerte


Investigation of the transformation of organic
A. Wick, TA Ternes

Behavior of nanoparticles in sewage treatment plants
M. Maier et al.

Online sensor system for monitoring the water quality for organic compounds
O. Happel et al.

Analytical research group at the chair for
Urban water management at the Technical University of Munich

Floodsearch: flood
on a laboratory scale

M. Brinkmann et al.

New antibiotics in the environment - first results on ecotoxic effects in the water cycle
J. Brünsing et al.


Düring working group at the Institute for Soil Science and Soil Conservation at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen

Fraunhofer Institute for toxicology and Experimental medicine ITEM

RLP AgroScience GmbH - Institute for Agroecology Department of environmental chemistry


Born in 2011

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced



New Division Board - outlook on the main areas of work for the next few years


Sewage treatment plants as a source of polyfluorinated compounds in the atmosphere
L. Vierke, L. Ahrens, M. Shoeib, T. Harner, W.-U. Palm, R. Ebinghaus

Bioaccumulation and metabolism studies in fish - current issues in guideline development
C. Schlechtriem, K. Hohgardt, C. Rauert


Junior professorship "Applied Environmental Systems Analysis", University of Osnabrück

Chair for air chemistry and air pollution control at the Brandenburg Technical University (BTU) Cottbus


ECT Ecotoxicology GmbH


Evaluation of the persistence of selected priority substances in the aquatic environment
M. Peschka

Screening of the behavior of active pharmaceutical ingredients in a water-sediment test system
M. Radke, M. Maier


The biocides department in the Federal Environment Agency

Chair for Instrumental analytical chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen and IWW Center Water, Mülheim an der Ruhr

Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health (Springer) An International Journal


Occurrence of heterocyclic PAHs in rivers in Lower Saxony
A.-K. Siemers, JS Mänz, W.-U. Palm, D. Steffen, WKL Ruck

Non-extractable residues formed during biodegradation of 2,4-D in soil are biogenic
KM Nowaka; A. Miltnera, M. Gehreb, A. Schäffer, M. Kästnera

Oxidation of the tolylfluanide metabolite N, N-dimethylsulfamide (DMS)
N. Schatz, O. Happel, D. Richter


The Institute for Environmental Research at RWTH Aachen


Born in 2010

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced



Non-target analysis in ecology
TLH Pham in cooperation with H. Weisshoff, C. Mügge, E. Krause, W. Rotard, A. Preiss and I. Zaspel

Antibiotic transfer from the soil into crops
M. Grote, DH Meric

Detection of aircraft and operating area de-icing agents in the surface runoff at Hannover-Langenhagen Airport by means of solid-phase micro-extraction
E. Fries, S. Ernesti, J. Klasmeier, H. Fletemeyer


Junior Professorship for Environmental Geochemistry, University of Bayreuth

Master's degree in environmental protection in the Angewandte Chemie Faculty at Reutlingen University



Volatile polyfluorinated compounds in indoor air
V. Langer, A. Dreyer, R. Ebinghaus

Antibiotic residues in manure and soil
M. Lamshöft, S. Zühlke, P. Sukul, S. Kusari, M. Spiteller


working group pollutant hydrology at the chair for hydrology at the University of Bayreuth

Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technologies (UFT) at the University of Bremen


Pre-print of the greeting from the chairman of the FG, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lammel, at the opening of the "Environment 2010" Conference in Dessau
G. Lammel


Retrospective monitoring of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in archived herring gull eggs
H. Rüdel, J. Müller, H. Jürling, M. Paulus and C. Schröter-Kermani

Integration of bioavailability in soil protection
K. Terytze, I. Vogel and R. Wagner

Assessment of the availability of non-extractable PAH residues in the soil
A. Eschenbach, B. Mahro, B. and R. Wienberg


analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis in the applied natural sciences department of the Lübeck University of Applied Sciences

Research focus on environmental analysis and ecotoxicology at the Faculty of Life Sciences at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences


How can the connection between research in environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology and decision-making processes in authorities and industry be strengthened?
M. Scheringer


Medicines and their metabolites in the water cycle
M. Letzel, K. Weiß, W. Schüßler, M. Sengl

Trend monitoring of pollutants in sediments and suspended matter in the Inner Elbe
E. Claus, J. Pelzer, J, P. Heininger

Long-distance transport of organic substances in water
C. Zarfl, M. Scheringer, M. Matthies


The National Reference Laboratory for Dioxins and PCBs at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in Berlin


Born in 2009

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced



Reconstruction of the pollution of the German Bight with polyfluorinated organic substances using seal tissue samples
L. Ahrens, U. Siebert and R. Ebinghaus

Corrosion inhibitors in the aquatic environment: Benzotriazoles in Main, Hengstbach and Hegbach
E. Fries, A. Kiss

The use of (P450-transgenic) plant cell suspension cultures as model systems to investigate the metabolisability of environmental pollutants
MA Breuer, A. Schäffer, I. Schuphan, B. Schmidt


Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG), Koblenz - Department "Qualitative Hydrology

Institute for Water Protection MESOCOSM GmbH


Current overview of the status and activities of our Division
G. Lammel


Emission inventories as the basis for determining the causes and recording air pollution
J. Theloke et al.

Arsenic species and plant transfer
Arsenite exchange through plant roots: comparison of plants grown in hydroponics and in the soil

D. Vetterlein and J. Mattusch


Journal of environmental medicine in research and practice


Mille viae ducunt hominem per Augustam Treverorum
K. Fischer


Urban air pollution using the example of a large African city
S. Henninger

A brief insight into the chemistry of secondary organic aerosols
L. Muller, M.-C. Reinnig and Th. Hoffmann


"Analytics in consumer health protection"

working group Prof. Dr. Manfred Grote: analytical chemistry Department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Paderborn University

Professorship for waste and resource management at the Institute for Landscape Ecology and Resource Management at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen


Evaluation of chemicals relevant to drinking water within the framework of the REACH Regulation
A. Klein, M. Neumann

Sampling by LHKW in groundwater: comparison of active and passive sampling
U. Dogerloh, H. Theißen, R. Becker, I. Nehls


Chemistry and environmental analysis department at the Faculty of Environmental Protection at the Weihenstephan- Troisdorf University of Applied Sciences

Regional Environmental Change magazine


Born in 2008

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced


Editorial: Greetings from the Board of Management
G. Lammel, RV Battersby, W. Lorenz, A. Schäffer, M. Scheringer, B. Schwarz-Schulz, J. Tolls


Data problems and data needs in the environmental risk assessment of chemicals
M. Scheringer, K. Hungerbühler

Background values and heavy metal pollution of sediments in the area of flowing waters using the example of the Oderhaffes
DW Zachmann, C. Tripke, S. Müller

Composition of soil organic matter and its effect on the hydrophobicity of three forest soil samples
RH Ellerbrock, HH Gerke, J. Bachmann, M.-O. Goebel


Research Center for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Brno

working group on organic environmental pollutants at the Department of Environmental Geosciences at the University of Vienna

The International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP)



Consumer exposure to PFOS and PFOA
M. Scheringer, D. Trudel, L. Horowitz, M. Wormuth, IT Cousins, K. Hungerbühler

Multimedia modeling for the identification of persistent substances with long-distance transport potential
M. Matthies, J. Klasmeier

Toxicity modeling with commercial (Q) SAR systems: practical aspects for regulatory application
B. Simon-Hettich


Analytical laboratory Luhnstedt

Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE), Frankfurt am Main


Greetings to the 3rd joint Conference of the GDCh Division environmental chemistry, Ecotoxicology and SETAC-GLB


The inner-city "nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) problem"
What influence do direct traffic emissions have?
R. Kurtenbach, KH. Becker, P. Bruckmann, J. Kleffmann, A. Niedojadlo, P. Wiesen

QSAR approaches for the toxicological assessment of industrial chemicals
E. Jacob


Chair of Landscape Ecology at Vechta University


The transport of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in the soil: what is the effect of the liquid manure?
M. Unold, R. Kasteel, J. Groeneweg, H. Vereecken

Determination of methyl mercury in fish samples from the federal environmental specimen bank
J. Kösters, H. Rüdel, Chr. Schröter-Kermani

Concentration and distribution of anthropogenic platinum metal emissions (Pt, Pd and Rh) in the soil and air dust
F. Zereini


Institute for Energy and Environmental Technology IUTA eV, Duisburg


2007 vintage

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced


environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology - sub-areas of inter- and transdisciplinary environmental science
G. Lammel, RV Battersby, W. Lorenz, A. Schäffer, M. Scheringer, B. Schwarz-Schulz, J. Tolls


Data problems and data needs in the environmental risk assessment of chemicals
M. Scheringer, K. Hungerbühler

Background values and heavy metal pollution of sediments in the area of flowing waters using the example of the Oderhaffes
DW Zachmann, C. Tripke, S. Müll

The photolysis of nitrous acid (HONO) - an important source of OH radicals in the atmosphere
J. Kleffmann, P. Wiesen


Soil science in Faculty VI of the University of Trier

environmental chemistry Department of the Water Research Institute of the ETH Domain in Switzerland (Eawag)

CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water: New magazine at Wiley-VCH

New Journal: Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining


Annual meeting of the GDCh Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 2007 in Osnabrück
M. Matthies


Modeling of the spread of pollutants during extreme floods in the Bitterfeld area
M. Schulz, O. Büttner, M. Matthies, M. Böhme, W. von Tümpling

Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring (part 1 of 2)
H. Rudel et al.


FoBiG - Research and Consulting Institute Hazardous Materials GmbH


On the debate on controversial positions
M. Scheringer, A. Schäffer, B. Schwarz-Schulz


The Arctic: Environmental chemistry field laboratory of global importance
R. Kallenborn

Influence of lipophilicity and molecular size on the bioconcentration potential of environmental chemicals
M. Nendza, M. Muller

Position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring (part 2 of 2)
H. Rudel et al.

Global environmental protection - is it feasible?
R. Kallenborn


Gen- Dar T- a chronic toxicity prediction model by analyzing altered gene expression in zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio)?
D. Völker, Ch. Veß, K. Schirmer, St. Scholz

Accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the polar regions - model studies
G. Lammel, AM Sehili, Semeena VS

Selection and use of reference matrices to determine the properties of substances and the environmental behavior of substances
W. Kördel, KH Weinfurtner


Institute for Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen

Department of Environmental Process Engineering, Institute for Technical Environmental Protection, TU Berlin


Born in 2006

notebook Editorial Original contributions Briefly introduced


Everything flows
H. Frank


Decline in river pearl mussels - analysis of possible ecotoxicological causes
S. Gerstmann, K. Poxleitner, H. Frank

The federal environmental specimen bank as an instrument for investigating the relevance of "new pollutants" in water
H. Rüdel, C. Schröter-Kermani


EU Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (JRC Ispra)

Ökometric GmbH - Bayreuth Institute for Environmental Research

BBK - Federal Association of Biogenic and Regenerative Fuels and Fuels

Elsevier Book Series: Developments in Environmental Science

Our young people in environmental chemistry


Editorial - The Working Group Soil Chemistry and Soil Ecology is back
R. Kreuzig

THE MANURE PROJECT - Elaboration of a catalog of methods to investigate the residue behavior of veterinary drugs in manure and manure-fertilized soils
R. Kreuzig, J. Heise, S. Höltge


Institute for Environmental Studies - Vrije University Amsterdam

UNEP Chemicals Branch, DTIE, in Geneva, Switzerland

Environment International

Our young people in environmental chemistry


Editorial - Change in the Editorial staff for "Mitteilungen"
K. Fischer


Persistent, bioaccumulating and toxic substances in the EU - aspiration and reality
Ch. Schulte

Risk assessment of PBT substances
J. Tolls, M. Holt, Ian Malcomber, Dan Salvito, P. Thomas

Beyond Oil and Gas: Proposals for a Future Energy Industry
JO Metzger, A. Hüttermann


Annual conference on environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology 2006 in Halle
W. Lorenz


Multiple sources of pollutants in the groundwater - a challenge for risk assessment and remediation
S. Russold, K. Schirmer

Consumer Exposure to Phthalates in Europe: Identification of Major Sources
M. Wormuth, M. Scheringer, K. Hungerbühler

The umu genotoxicity test - application potential and automation
A. Eisträger, C. Brinkmann


organic chemistry and environmental chemistry at the Institute for Integrated Natural Sciences at the University of Koblenz-Landau

Ecotoxicology and toxicology at the University of Trier


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