To download the issue 1/2015
as an e-paper in PDF format 5.5 MB Note: Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and not the PDF viewer preset in Firefox (from version 19.0).
Microplastics - a challenge for environmental sciences
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 21st year 2015 No. 1, p. 2
S. Schubert et al .: Determination of frequently prescribed antibiotics in different stages and media in the urban sewage system using ultrasonic extraction (USE) and SPE as well as LC-MS / MS
S. Eberhard et al .: High concentrations of hexamethoxymethylmelamine (HMMM) in selected surface waters in southern Hesse
S. Bieber and T. Letzel: Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometric Detection (SFC-MS): Simultaneous investigation method for polar and non-polar organic molecules in water samples
K. Weiß et al .: Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometric Detection (SFC-MS): Simultaneous investigation method for polar and non-polar organic molecules in water samples Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 21. Year 2015 No. 1, pp. 3 - 18
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Spatial and Environmental Sciences?
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: Cover picture lecture by the chairman of the FG, Prof. Dr. Andreas Schäffer, on the occasion
the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Institute for Environmental Research
of RWTH Aachen on December 5, 2014
To download the issue 2/2015
as an e-paper in PDF format 5.7 MB Note: Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and not the PDF viewer preset in Firefox (from version 19.0).
European environmental research visits Germany - the ICCE 2015 in Leipzig in September
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 21st year 2015 No. 2, p. 39
M. Gallus et al .: Can photocatalysis help to improve urban air quality? Results from the LIFE + - project PhotoPAQ
I. Bischof et al .: In vitro biotransformation tests to predict the bioaccumulation of chemicals in fish
B. Becker et al .: Use of passive collectors for the monitoring of hydrophobic organic pollutants in rivers Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox 21. Year 2015 No. 2, pp. 40 - 51
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Spatial and Environmental Sciences?
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: Cover picture ICCE 2015 in September in Leipzig
To download the issue 3/2015
as an e-paper in PDF format 5.7 MB Note: Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and not the PDF viewer preset in Firefox (from version 19.0).
Doctoral day and forum for young environmental scientists - offers by the Division for young scientists
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 21st year 2015 No. 3, p. 73
A. Bayer: Impacts of maize cultivation on water management (pesticides and nutrients) - Monitoring in Bavaria
C. Weidauer et al .: Photochemical degradation of benzotriazole under environmentally relevant conditions
W. Körner and S. Kastenhofer: Determination of the urban background concentrations of brominated flame retardants in outside air
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 21st year 2015 No. 3, pp. 75 - 86
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Spatial and Environmental Sciences?
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: Cover picture
The participants of the Forum for Young Environmental Scientists 2015 in Blomberg
To download the issue 4/2015
as an e-paper in PDF format 5.9 MB Note: Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and not the PDF viewer preset in Firefox (from version 19.0).
A. Schäffer: Chemical persistence - a complex term
Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 21st year 2015 No. 4, p. 102
F. Heydebreck et al .: Occurrence and distribution of perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in
European and Chinese river-estuary systems S. Schmidt et al .: Development of monoclonal antibodies against diclofenac
S. Hafermann: HPLC method development for the detection of H2O2 and organic hydroperoxides in the troposphere
C. Koch: The environmental behavior of HBCD and the resulting legal consequences Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox, 21st year 2015 No. 4, pp. 103-115
Published by the Division of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society
ISSN: 1618-3258
Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Fischer
Analytical and Ecological Chemistry FB VI - Spatial and Environmental Sciences?
University of Trier Campus II, Behringstr. 21, D-54296 Trier
Tel. And Fax: 0651 / 201-3617 Secretariat: 0651 / 201-2243
Abbreviation: Mitt Umweltchem Ökotox
Design / technical implementation:
Dr. Matthias Kudra, University of Leipzig
Email: Cover picture The chairman of the FG, Prof. Reemtsma, presents Dr. Sebastian Scheinhardt from the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) received the 2015 Paul-Crutzen Award .
Photo: Tilo Arnhold / TROPOS
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